albert/2048.git2048 game. Albert Tan12 monthssummarylogtree
albert/cardy.gitTardy Varty's Cardy, a Python program to simulate Mr. Varty's tutor time card ga...Albert Tan12 monthssummarylogtree
albert/ctxt.gitSimple insecure cryptography implementation (Don't use for anything serious) rootsummarylogtree
albert/generate_words.gitGenerate random silly words for tutor time. Albert Tan12 monthssummarylogtree
albert/review_it.gitCLI utility to help with reviewing memorization-based Q&A questions. Albert Tan12 monthssummarylogtree
albert/search_past_papers.gitSearch IGCSE Past Papers from a PDF collection. Albert Tan12 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/archive/fcm.gitFree Computing Movement Website ( (deprecated) Runxi Yu23 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/archive/old-www.gitAndrew's OLD Personal Website ( Runxi Yu19 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/chat/idc/v1/cidcs.gitC implementation of Internet Delay Chat [incomplete,inactive] Runxi Yu21 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/chat/idc/v1/pyidcd.gitPython Implementation of IDC Server. [incomplete,inactive] Runxi Yu19 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/chat/idc/v2/idc.gitInternet Delay Chat Protocol [incomplete,inactive] Runxi Yu19 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/chat/old-irc-bots.gitOld, potentially broken IRC bots for fun. Runxi Yu8 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/contrib/emailwiz.gitA fork of that supports Debian 12 bookw...Runxi Yu9 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/contrib/ffwww.gitFork of to make contributions. Runxi Yu10 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/contrib/ for contributions Runxi Yu9 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/contrib/ of to add Chinese translations. Runxi Yu9 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/dotfiles.gitConfiguration files in my home directory Runxi Yu9 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/forks/mcmthesis.gitHiMCM thesis documentclass Runxi Yu9 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/ima/ememo.gitElectronic memo protocol. Runxi Yu16 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/ima/ima.gitInternet Mail Architecture specification and implementations. Runxi Yu18 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/mirrors/Nvim-R.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Runxi Yu8 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/mirrors/aerc.gitFork of the Aerc email client by ddevault/rjarry Runxi Yu8 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/mirrors/asahi-gentoosupport.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Runxi Yu9 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/mirrors/atheme.gitAtheme IRC services Runxi Yu8 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/mirrors/compose.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Runxi Yu8 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/mirrors/ repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Runxi Yu7 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/mirrors/ghidra.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Runxi Yu8 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/mirrors/gtk-vector-screenshot.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Runxi Yu9 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/mirrors/mmark.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Runxi Yu9 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/mirrors/opendrop.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Runxi Yu9 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/mirrors/owl.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Runxi Yu9 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/mirrors/profanity.gitProfanity XMPP client Runxi Yu8 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/mirrors/serenity.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Runxi Yu9 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/mirrors/vim-plug.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Runxi Yu9 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/names.gitRandomly generated names for projects. Runxi Yu9 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/phil93.gitThe Philosophy 93 Archive Runxi Yu8 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/piwg.gitPao Inclusiveness Working Group Runxi Yu7 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/qbox.gitWeb question board (``提问箱'' in Chinese Internet culture). Runxi Yu9 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/rivendell.gitStatic site generator Runxi Yu9 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/school/ccc.gitCCC Summer 2023 presentation Runxi Yu8 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/school/chinese-memorize.gitCLI (fake TUI) utility to help memorize classical Chinese poetry and prose. Runxi Yu13 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/school/himcm-dragon.gitHiMCM Dragon project Runxi Yusummarylogtree
andrew/school/history-ira.gitHistory International Relations Assessment Runxi Yu5 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/school/igcse-physics-speedrun.gitIGCSE Physics Speedrun Runxi Yu3 dayssummarylogtree
andrew/school/meowschool.gitVarious YKPS utilities Runxi Yu8 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/school/ykps-math.gitUtilities for YK Pao School math. Runxi Yu15 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/scripts.gitRandom scripts! Runxi Yu8 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/smlmp.gitSimple mailing list management program. Runxi Yu8 monthssummarylogtree
andrew/www.gitAndrew's Personal Website ( Runxi Yu3 weekssummarylogtree
evosaur/development.gitThe Evosaur Project's development scratchpad/buffer area. Test_User9 monthssummarylogtree