diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
4 files changed, 8 insertions, 442 deletions
diff --git a/genmap.py b/genmap.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a60509403..000000000
--- a/genmap.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-# This is an example script that generates some valid map data.
-import struct
-import random
-import os
-import sys
-import zlib
-import array
-from pnoise import pnoise
-# Old directory format:
-# world/sectors/XXXXZZZZ/YYYY
-# XXXX,YYYY,ZZZZ = coordinates in hexadecimal
-# fffe = -2
-# ffff = -1
-# 0000 = 0
-# 0001 = 1
-# New directory format:
-# world/sectors2/XXX/ZZZ/YYYY
-# XXX,YYYY,ZZZ = coordinates in hexadecimal
-# fffe = -2
-# ffff = -1
-# 0000 = 0
-# 0001 = 1
-# ffe = -2
-# fff = -1
-# 000 = 0
-# 001 = 1
-# For more proper file format documentation, refer to mapformat.txt
-# For node type documentation, refer to mapnode.h
-# NodeMetadata documentation is not complete, refer to nodemeta.cpp
-# Seed for generating terrain
-SEED = 0
-# 0=old, 1=new
-mapdir = "world"
-def to4h(i):
- s = "";
- s += '{0:1x}'.format((i>>12) & 0x000f)
- s += '{0:1x}'.format((i>>8) & 0x000f)
- s += '{0:1x}'.format((i>>4) & 0x000f)
- s += '{0:1x}'.format((i>>0) & 0x000f)
- return s
-def to3h(i):
- s = "";
- s += '{0:1x}'.format((i>>8) & 0x000f)
- s += '{0:1x}'.format((i>>4) & 0x000f)
- s += '{0:1x}'.format((i>>0) & 0x000f)
- return s
-def get_sector_dir(px, pz):
- return "/sectors/"+to4h(px)+to4h(pz)
- elif SECTOR_DIR_FORMAT == 1:
- return "/sectors2/"+to3h(px)+"/"+to3h(pz)
- else:
- assert(0)
-def getrand_air_stone():
- i = random.randrange(0,2)
- if i==0:
- return 0
- return 254
-# 3-dimensional vector (position)
-class v3:
- def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, z=0):
- self.X = x
- self.Y = y
- self.Z = z
-class NodeMeta:
- def __init__(self, type_id, data):
- self.type_id = type_id
- self.data = data
-class StaticObject:
- def __init__(self):
- self.type_id = 0
- self.data = ""
-def ser_u16(i):
- return chr((i>>8)&0xff) + chr((i>>0)&0xff)
-def ser_u32(i):
- return (chr((i>>24)&0xff) + chr((i>>16)&0xff)
- + chr((i>>8)&0xff) + chr((i>>0)&0xff))
-# A 16x16x16 chunk of map
-class MapBlock:
- def __init__(self):
- self.content = array.array('B')
- self.param1 = array.array('B')
- self.param2 = array.array('B')
- for i in range(16*16*16):
- # Initialize to air
- self.content.append(254)
- # Full light on sunlight, none when no sunlight
- self.param1.append(15)
- # No additional parameters
- self.param2.append(0)
- # key = v3 pos
- # value = NodeMeta
- self.nodemeta = {}
- # key = v3 pos
- # value = StaticObject
- self.static_objects = {}
- def set_content(self, v3, b):
- self.content[v3.Z*16*16+v3.Y*16+v3.X] = b
- def set_param1(self, v3, b):
- self.param1[v3.Z*16*16+v3.Y*16+v3.X] = b
- def set_param2(self, v3, b):
- self.param2[v3.Z*16*16+v3.Y*16+v3.X] = b
- # Get data for serialization. Returns a string.
- def serialize_data(self):
- s = ""
- for i in range(16*16*16):
- s += chr(self.content[i])
- for i in range(16*16*16):
- s += chr(self.param1[i])
- for i in range(16*16*16):
- s += chr(self.param2[i])
- return s
- def serialize_nodemeta(self):
- s = ""
- s += ser_u16(1)
- s += ser_u16(len(self.nodemeta))
- for pos, meta in self.nodemeta.items():
- pos_i = pos.Z*16*16 + pos.Y*16 + pos.X
- s += ser_u16(pos_i)
- s += ser_u16(meta.type_id)
- s += ser_u16(len(meta.data))
- s += meta.data
- return s
- def serialize_staticobj(self):
- s = ""
- s += chr(0)
- s += ser_u16(len(self.static_objects))
- for pos, obj in self.static_objects.items():
- pos_i = pos.Z*16*16 + pos.Y*16 + pos.X
- s += ser_s32(pos.X*1000)
- s += ser_s32(pos.Y*1000)
- s += ser_s32(pos.Z*1000)
- s += ser_u16(obj.type_id)
- s += ser_u16(len(obj.data))
- s += obj.data
- return s
-def writeblock(mapdir, px,py,pz, block):
- sectordir = mapdir + get_sector_dir(px, pz);
- try:
- os.makedirs(sectordir)
- except OSError:
- pass
- path = sectordir+"/"+to4h(py)
- print("writing block file "+path)
- f = open(sectordir+"/"+to4h(py), "wb")
- if f == None:
- return
- # version
- version = 17
- f.write(struct.pack('B', version))
- # flags
- # 0x01=is_undg, 0x02=dn_diff, 0x04=lighting_expired
- flags = 0 + 0x02 + 0x04
- f.write(struct.pack('B', flags))
- # data
- c_obj = zlib.compressobj()
- c_obj.compress(block.serialize_data())
- f.write(struct.pack('BB', 0x78, 0x9c)) # zlib magic number
- f.write(c_obj.flush())
- # node metadata
- c_obj = zlib.compressobj()
- c_obj.compress(block.serialize_nodemeta())
- f.write(struct.pack('BB', 0x78, 0x9c)) # zlib magic number
- f.write(c_obj.flush())
- # mapblockobject count
- f.write(ser_u16(0))
- # static objects
- f.write(block.serialize_staticobj())
- # timestamp
- f.write(ser_u32(0xffffffff))
- f.close()
-for z0 in range(-1,3):
- for x0 in range(-1,3):
- for y0 in range(-1,3):
- print("generating block "+str(x0)+","+str(y0)+","+str(z0))
- #v3 blockp = v3(x0,y0,z0)
- # Create a MapBlock
- block = MapBlock()
- # Generate stuff in it
- for z in range(0,16):
- for x in range(0,16):
- h = 20.0*pnoise((x0*16+x)/100.,(z0*16+z)/100.,SEED+0)
- h += 5.0*pnoise((x0*16+x)/25.,(z0*16+z)/25.,SEED+0)
- if pnoise((x0*16+x)/25.,(z0*16+z)/25.,SEED+92412) > 0.05:
- h += 10
- #print("r="+str(r))
- # This enables comparison by ==
- h = int(h)
- for y in range(0,16):
- p = v3(x,y,z)
- b = 254
- y1 = y0*16+y
- if y1 <= h-3:
- b = 0 #stone
- elif y1 <= h and y1 <= 0:
- b = 8 #mud
- elif y1 == h:
- b = 1 #grass
- elif y1 < h:
- b = 8 #mud
- elif y1 <= 1:
- b = 9 #water
- # Material content
- block.set_content(p, b)
- # Place a sign at the center at surface level.
- # Placing a sign means placing the sign node and
- # adding node metadata to the mapblock.
- if x == 8 and z == 8 and y0*16 <= h-1 and (y0+1)*16-1 > h:
- p = v3(8,h+1-y0*16,8)
- # 14 = Sign
- content_type = 14
- block.set_content(p, content_type)
- # This places the sign to the bottom of the cube.
- # Working values: 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20
- block.set_param2(p, 0x08)
- # Then add metadata to hold the text of the sign
- s = "Hello at sector ("+str(x0)+","+str(z0)+")"
- meta = NodeMeta(content_type, ser_u16(len(s))+s)
- block.nodemeta[p] = meta
- # Write it on disk
- writeblock(mapdir, x0,y0,z0, block)
diff --git a/makepackage_binary.sh b/makepackage_binary.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index fac3a0374..000000000
--- a/makepackage_binary.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-PACKAGENAME=$PROJECT_NAME-binary-`date +%y%m%d%H%M%S`
-mkdir -p $PACKAGEPATH
-mkdir -p $PACKAGEPATH/bin
-mkdir -p $PACKAGEPATH/data
-mkdir -p $PACKAGEPATH/doc
-mkdir -p $PACKAGEPATH/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
-cp minetest.conf.example $PACKAGEPATH/
-cp bin/Irrlicht.dll $PACKAGEPATH/bin/
-cp bin/zlibwapi.dll $PACKAGEPATH/bin/
-#cp bin/test $PACKAGEPATH/bin/
-#cp bin/fasttest $PACKAGEPATH/bin/
-#cp bin/server $PACKAGEPATH/bin/
-#cp ../irrlicht/irrlicht-1.7.1/lib/Linux/libIrrlicht.a $PACKAGEPATH/bin/
-#cp ../jthread/jthread-1.2.1/src/.libs/libjthread-1.2.1.so $PACKAGEPATH/bin/
-cp -r data/fontlucida.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/player.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/player_back.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/stone.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/grass.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/grass_footsteps.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/water.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/tree.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/leaves.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/mese.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/cloud.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/sign.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/sign_back.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/rat.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/mud.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/torch.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/torch_on_floor.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/torch_on_ceiling.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/tree_top.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/coalstone.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/crack.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/wood.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/stick.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/tool_wpick.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/tool_stpick.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/tool_mesepick.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/grass_side.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/lump_of_coal.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/lump_of_iron.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/mineral_coal.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/mineral_iron.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r data/sand.png $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-#cp -r data/pauseMenu.gui $PACKAGEPATH/data/
-cp -r doc/README.txt $PACKAGEPATH/doc/README.txt
diff --git a/pnoise.py b/pnoise.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fcab5ac15..000000000
--- a/pnoise.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# A python perlin noise implementation, from
-# http://www.fundza.com/c4serious/noise/perlin/perlin.html
-# This is used for testing how to create maps with a python script.
-import math
-p = (
-def lerp(t, a, b):
- return a + t * (b - a)
-def fade(t):
- return t * t * t * (t * (t * 6 - 15) + 10)
-def grad(hash, x, y, z):
- h = hash & 15
- if h < 8:
- u = x
- else:
- u = y
- if h < 4:
- v = y
- elif h == 12 or h == 14:
- v = x
- else:
- v = z
- if h & 1 != 0:
- u = -u
- if h & 2 != 0:
- v = -v
- return u + v
-def pnoise(x, y, z):
- global p
- X = int(math.floor(x)) & 255
- Y = int(math.floor(y)) & 255
- Z = int(math.floor(z)) & 255
- x -= math.floor(x)
- y -= math.floor(y)
- z -= math.floor(z)
- u = fade(x)
- v = fade(y)
- w = fade(z)
- A = p[X] + Y
- AA = p[A] + Z
- AB = p[A + 1] + Z
- B = p[X + 1] + Y
- BA = p[B] + Z
- BB = p[B + 1] + Z
- pAA = p[AA]
- pAB = p[AB]
- pBA = p[BA]
- pBB = p[BB]
- pAA1 = p[AA + 1]
- pBA1 = p[BA + 1]
- pAB1 = p[AB + 1]
- pBB1 = p[BB + 1]
- gradAA = grad(pAA, x, y, z)
- gradBA = grad(pBA, x-1, y, z)
- gradAB = grad(pAB, x, y-1, z)
- gradBB = grad(pBB, x-1, y-1, z)
- gradAA1 = grad(pAA1,x, y, z-1)
- gradBA1 = grad(pBA1,x-1, y, z-1)
- gradAB1 = grad(pAB1,x, y-1, z-1)
- gradBB1 = grad(pBB1,x-1, y-1, z-1)
- return lerp(w,
- lerp(v, lerp(u, gradAA, gradBA), lerp(u, gradAB, gradBB)),
- lerp(v, lerp(u, gradAA1,gradBA1),lerp(u, gradAB1,gradBB1)))
diff --git a/src/server.cpp b/src/server.cpp
index 383381c9f..5b657bc2e 100644
--- a/src/server.cpp
+++ b/src/server.cpp
@@ -1732,9 +1732,15 @@ void Server::AsyncRunStep()
else if(event->type == MEET_OTHER)
+ dstream<<"Server: MEET_OTHER"<<std::endl;
prof.add("MEET_OTHER", 1);
- dstream<<"WARNING: Server: MEET_OTHER not implemented"
- <<std::endl;
+ for(core::map<v3s16, bool>::Iterator
+ i = event->modified_blocks.getIterator();
+ i.atEnd()==false; i++)
+ {
+ v3s16 p = i.getNode()->getKey();
+ setBlockNotSent(p);
+ }