diff options
3 files changed, 10 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/builtin/locale/__builtin.de.tr b/builtin/locale/__builtin.de.tr
index aa40ffc8d..ee0b47a7e 100644
--- a/builtin/locale/__builtin.de.tr
+++ b/builtin/locale/__builtin.de.tr
@@ -193,7 +193,6 @@ Available commands:=Verfügbare Befehle:
Command not available: @1=Befehl nicht verfügbar: @1
[all | privs | <cmd>]=[all | privs | <Befehl>]
Get help for commands or list privileges=Hilfe für Befehle erhalten oder Privilegien auflisten
-Available privileges:=Verfügbare Privilegien:
For more information, click on any entry in the list.=Für mehr Informationen klicken Sie auf einen beliebigen Eintrag in der Liste.
@@ -203,6 +202,7 @@ Available commands: (see also: /help <cmd>)=Verfügbare Befehle: (siehe auch: /h
+Available privileges:=Verfügbare Privilegien:
print [<filter>] | dump [<filter>] | save [<format> [<filter>]] | reset=print [<Filter>] | dump [<Filter>] | save [<Format> [<Filter>]]
Handle the profiler and profiling data=Den Profiler und Profilingdaten verwalten
Statistics written to action log.=Statistiken zum Aktionsprotokoll geschrieben.
@@ -230,7 +230,8 @@ Can use fly mode=Kann den Flugmodus benutzen
Can use fast mode=Kann den Schnellmodus benutzen
Can fly through solid nodes using noclip mode=Kann durch feste Blöcke mit dem Geistmodus fliegen
Can use the rollback functionality=Kann die Rollback-Funktionalität benutzen
-Allows enabling various debug options that may affect gameplay=Erlaubt die Aktivierung diverser Debugoptionen, die das Spielgeschehen beeinflussen könnten
+Can view more debug info that might give a gameplay advantage=Kann zusätzliche Debuginformationen betrachten, welche einen spielerischen Vorteil geben könnten
+Can enable wireframe=Kann Drahtmodell aktivieren
Unknown Item=Unbekannter Gegenstand
diff --git a/builtin/locale/__builtin.it.tr b/builtin/locale/__builtin.it.tr
index 449c2b85e..6e137db71 100644
--- a/builtin/locale/__builtin.it.tr
+++ b/builtin/locale/__builtin.it.tr
@@ -193,7 +193,6 @@ Available commands:=Comandi disponibili:
Command not available: @1=Comando non disponibile: @1
[all | privs | <cmd>]=[all | privs | <comando>]
Get help for commands or list privileges=Richiama la finestra d'aiuto dei comandi o dei privilegi
-Available privileges:=Privilegi disponibili:
For more information, click on any entry in the list.=Per più informazioni, clicca su una qualsiasi voce dell'elenco.
@@ -203,6 +202,7 @@ Available commands: (see also: /help <cmd>)=Comandi disponibili: (vedi anche /he
+Available privileges:=Privilegi disponibili:
print [<filter>] | dump [<filter>] | save [<format> [<filter>]] | reset=print [<filtro>] | dump [<filtro>] | save [<formato> [<filtro>]] | reset
Handle the profiler and profiling data=Gestisce il profiler e i dati da esso elaborati
Statistics written to action log.=Statistiche scritte nel log delle azioni.
@@ -230,7 +230,8 @@ Can use fly mode=Si può usare la modalità volo
Can use fast mode=Si può usare la modalità rapida
Can fly through solid nodes using noclip mode=Si può volare attraverso i nodi solidi con la modalità incorporea
Can use the rollback functionality=Si può usare la funzione di rollback
-Allows enabling various debug options that may affect gameplay=Permette di abilitare varie opzioni di debug che potrebbero influenzare l'esperienza di gioco
+Can view more debug info that might give a gameplay advantage=
+Can enable wireframe=
Unknown Item=Oggetto sconosciuto
@@ -244,6 +245,7 @@ Profile saved to @1=
##### not used anymore #####
+Allows enabling various debug options that may affect gameplay=Permette di abilitare varie opzioni di debug che potrebbero influenzare l'esperienza di gioco
[<delay_in_seconds> | -1] [reconnect] [<message>]=[<ritardo_in_secondi> | -1] [reconnect] [<messaggio>]
Shutdown server (-1 cancels a delayed shutdown)=Arresta il server (-1 annulla un arresto programmato)
<name> (<privilege> | all)=<nome> (<privilegio> | all)
diff --git a/builtin/locale/template.txt b/builtin/locale/template.txt
index 7049dde36..7e40d0a2b 100644
--- a/builtin/locale/template.txt
+++ b/builtin/locale/template.txt
@@ -193,7 +193,6 @@ Available commands:=
Command not available: @1=
[all | privs | <cmd>]=
Get help for commands or list privileges=
-Available privileges:=
For more information, click on any entry in the list.=
@@ -203,6 +202,7 @@ Available commands: (see also: /help <cmd>)=
+Available privileges:=
print [<filter>] | dump [<filter>] | save [<format> [<filter>]] | reset=
Handle the profiler and profiling data=
Statistics written to action log.=
@@ -230,7 +230,8 @@ Can use fly mode=
Can use fast mode=
Can fly through solid nodes using noclip mode=
Can use the rollback functionality=
-Allows enabling various debug options that may affect gameplay=
+Can view more debug info that might give a gameplay advantage=
+Can enable wireframe=
Unknown Item=