path: root/src/environment.cpp
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1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/environment.cpp b/src/environment.cpp
index 081079a79..6da376a15 100644
--- a/src/environment.cpp
+++ b/src/environment.cpp
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#define PP(x) "("<<(x).X<<","<<(x).Y<<","<<(x).Z<<")"
+#define LBM_NAME_ALLOWED_CHARS "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_:"
@@ -271,6 +273,223 @@ ABMWithState::ABMWithState(ActiveBlockModifier *abm_):
+ LBMManager
+void LBMContentMapping::deleteContents()
+ for (std::vector<LoadingBlockModifierDef *>::iterator it = lbm_list.begin();
+ it != lbm_list.end(); ++it) {
+ delete *it;
+ }
+void LBMContentMapping::addLBM(LoadingBlockModifierDef *lbm_def, IGameDef *gamedef)
+ // Add the lbm_def to the LBMContentMapping.
+ // Unknown names get added to the global NameIdMapping.
+ INodeDefManager *nodedef = gamedef->ndef();
+ lbm_list.push_back(lbm_def);
+ for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = lbm_def->trigger_contents.begin();
+ it != lbm_def->trigger_contents.end(); ++it) {
+ std::set<content_t> c_ids;
+ bool found = nodedef->getIds(*it, c_ids);
+ if (!found) {
+ content_t c_id = gamedef->allocateUnknownNodeId(*it);
+ if (c_id == CONTENT_IGNORE) {
+ // Seems it can't be allocated.
+ warningstream << "Could not internalize node name \"" << *it
+ << "\" while loading LBM \"" << lbm_def->name << "\"." << std::endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ c_ids.insert(c_id);
+ }
+ for (std::set<content_t>::const_iterator iit =
+ c_ids.begin(); iit != c_ids.end(); ++iit) {
+ content_t c_id = *iit;
+ map[c_id].push_back(lbm_def);
+ }
+ }
+const std::vector<LoadingBlockModifierDef *> *
+ LBMContentMapping::lookup(content_t c) const
+ container_map::const_iterator it = map.find(c);
+ if (it == map.end())
+ return NULL;
+ // This first dereferences the iterator, returning
+ // a std::vector<LoadingBlockModifierDef *>
+ // reference, then we convert it to a pointer.
+ return &(it->second);
+ for (std::map<std::string, LoadingBlockModifierDef *>::iterator it =
+ m_lbm_defs.begin(); it != m_lbm_defs.end(); ++it) {
+ delete it->second;
+ }
+ for (lbm_lookup_map::iterator it = m_lbm_lookup.begin();
+ it != m_lbm_lookup.end(); ++it) {
+ (it->second).deleteContents();
+ }
+void LBMManager::addLBMDef(LoadingBlockModifierDef *lbm_def)
+ // Precondition, in query mode the map isn't used anymore
+ FATAL_ERROR_IF(m_query_mode == true,
+ "attempted to modify LBMManager in query mode");
+ if (!string_allowed(lbm_def->name, LBM_NAME_ALLOWED_CHARS)) {
+ throw ModError("Error adding LBM \"" + lbm_def->name +
+ "\": Does not follow naming conventions: "
+ "Only chararacters [a-z0-9_:] are allowed.");
+ }
+ m_lbm_defs[lbm_def->name] = lbm_def;
+void LBMManager::loadIntroductionTimes(const std::string &times,
+ IGameDef *gamedef, u32 now)
+ m_query_mode = true;
+ // name -> time map.
+ // Storing it in a map first instead of
+ // handling the stuff directly in the loop
+ // removes all duplicate entries.
+ // TODO make this std::unordered_map
+ std::map<std::string, u32> introduction_times;
+ /*
+ The introduction times string consists of name~time entries,
+ with each entry terminated by a semicolon. The time is decimal.
+ */
+ size_t idx = 0;
+ size_t idx_new;
+ while ((idx_new = times.find(";", idx)) != std::string::npos) {
+ std::string entry = times.substr(idx, idx_new - idx);
+ std::vector<std::string> components = str_split(entry, '~');
+ if (components.size() != 2)
+ throw SerializationError("Introduction times entry \""
+ + entry + "\" requires exactly one '~'!");
+ const std::string &name = components[0];
+ u32 time = from_string<u32>(components[1]);
+ introduction_times[name] = time;
+ idx = idx_new + 1;
+ }
+ // Put stuff from introduction_times into m_lbm_lookup
+ for (std::map<std::string, u32>::const_iterator it = introduction_times.begin();
+ it != introduction_times.end(); ++it) {
+ const std::string &name = it->first;
+ u32 time = it->second;
+ std::map<std::string, LoadingBlockModifierDef *>::iterator def_it =
+ m_lbm_defs.find(name);
+ if (def_it == m_lbm_defs.end()) {
+ // This seems to be an LBM entry for
+ // an LBM we haven't loaded. Discard it.
+ continue;
+ }
+ LoadingBlockModifierDef *lbm_def = def_it->second;
+ if (lbm_def->run_at_every_load) {
+ // This seems to be an LBM entry for
+ // an LBM that runs at every load.
+ // Don't add it just yet.
+ continue;
+ }
+ m_lbm_lookup[time].addLBM(lbm_def, gamedef);
+ // Erase the entry so that we know later
+ // what elements didn't get put into m_lbm_lookup
+ m_lbm_defs.erase(name);
+ }
+ // Now also add the elements from m_lbm_defs to m_lbm_lookup
+ // that weren't added in the previous step.
+ // They are introduced first time to this world,
+ // or are run at every load (introducement time hardcoded to U32_MAX).
+ LBMContentMapping &lbms_we_introduce_now = m_lbm_lookup[now];
+ LBMContentMapping &lbms_running_always = m_lbm_lookup[U32_MAX];
+ for (std::map<std::string, LoadingBlockModifierDef *>::iterator it =
+ m_lbm_defs.begin(); it != m_lbm_defs.end(); ++it) {
+ if (it->second->run_at_every_load) {
+ lbms_running_always.addLBM(it->second, gamedef);
+ } else {
+ lbms_we_introduce_now.addLBM(it->second, gamedef);
+ }
+ }
+ // Clear the list, so that we don't delete remaining elements
+ // twice in the destructor
+ m_lbm_defs.clear();
+std::string LBMManager::createIntroductionTimesString()
+ // Precondition, we must be in query mode
+ FATAL_ERROR_IF(m_query_mode == false,
+ "attempted to query on non fully set up LBMManager");
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ for (lbm_lookup_map::iterator it = m_lbm_lookup.begin();
+ it != m_lbm_lookup.end(); ++it) {
+ u32 time = it->first;
+ std::vector<LoadingBlockModifierDef *> &lbm_list = it->second.lbm_list;
+ for (std::vector<LoadingBlockModifierDef *>::iterator iit = lbm_list.begin();
+ iit != lbm_list.end(); ++iit) {
+ // Don't add if the LBM runs at every load,
+ // then introducement time is hardcoded
+ // and doesn't need to be stored
+ if ((*iit)->run_at_every_load)
+ continue;
+ oss << (*iit)->name << "~" << time << ";";
+ }
+ }
+ return oss.str();
+void LBMManager::applyLBMs(ServerEnvironment *env, MapBlock *block, u32 stamp)
+ // Precondition, we need m_lbm_lookup to be initialized
+ FATAL_ERROR_IF(m_query_mode == false,
+ "attempted to query on non fully set up LBMManager");
+ v3s16 pos_of_block = block->getPosRelative();
+ v3s16 pos;
+ MapNode n;
+ content_t c;
+ lbm_lookup_map::const_iterator it = getLBMsIntroducedAfter(stamp);
+ for (pos.X = 0; pos.X < MAP_BLOCKSIZE; pos.X++)
+ for (pos.Y = 0; pos.Y < MAP_BLOCKSIZE; pos.Y++)
+ for (pos.Z = 0; pos.Z < MAP_BLOCKSIZE; pos.Z++)
+ {
+ n = block->getNodeNoEx(pos);
+ c = n.getContent();
+ for (LBMManager::lbm_lookup_map::const_iterator iit = it;
+ iit != m_lbm_lookup.end(); ++iit) {
+ const std::vector<LoadingBlockModifierDef *> *lbm_list =
+ iit->second.lookup(c);
+ if (!lbm_list)
+ continue;
+ for (std::vector<LoadingBlockModifierDef *>::const_iterator iit =
+ lbm_list->begin(); iit != lbm_list->end(); ++iit) {
+ (*iit)->trigger(env, pos + pos_of_block, n);
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -505,6 +724,9 @@ void ServerEnvironment::saveMeta()
args.setU64("game_time", m_game_time);
args.setU64("time_of_day", getTimeOfDay());
args.setU64("last_clear_objects_time", m_last_clear_objects_time);
+ args.setU64("lbm_introduction_times_version", 1);
+ args.set("lbm_introduction_times",
+ m_lbm_mgr.createIntroductionTimesString());
@@ -555,6 +777,26 @@ void ServerEnvironment::loadMeta()
// If missing, do as if clearObjects was never called
m_last_clear_objects_time = 0;
+ std::string lbm_introduction_times = "";
+ try {
+ u64 ver = args.getU64("lbm_introduction_times_version");
+ if (ver == 1) {
+ lbm_introduction_times = args.get("lbm_introduction_times");
+ } else {
+ infostream << "ServerEnvironment::loadMeta(): Non-supported"
+ << " introduction time version " << ver << std::endl;
+ }
+ } catch (SettingNotFoundException &e) {
+ // No problem, this is expected. Just continue with an empty string
+ }
+ m_lbm_mgr.loadIntroductionTimes(lbm_introduction_times, m_gamedef, m_game_time);
+void ServerEnvironment::loadDefaultMeta()
+ m_lbm_mgr.loadIntroductionTimes("", m_gamedef, m_game_time);
struct ActiveABM
@@ -770,6 +1012,9 @@ void ServerEnvironment::activateBlock(MapBlock *block, u32 additional_dtime)
// Activate stored objects
activateObjects(block, dtime_s);
+ /* Handle LoadingBlockModifiers */
+ m_lbm_mgr.applyLBMs(this, block, stamp);
// Run node timers
std::map<v3s16, NodeTimer> elapsed_timers =
@@ -795,6 +1040,11 @@ void ServerEnvironment::addActiveBlockModifier(ActiveBlockModifier *abm)
+void ServerEnvironment::addLoadingBlockModifierDef(LoadingBlockModifierDef *lbm)
+ m_lbm_mgr.addLBMDef(lbm);
bool ServerEnvironment::setNode(v3s16 p, const MapNode &n)
INodeDefManager *ndef = m_gamedef->ndef();