path: root/src/script/common/c_content.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/script/common/c_content.cpp')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/script/common/c_content.cpp b/src/script/common/c_content.cpp
index cf9f28d30..8eb57ba41 100644
--- a/src/script/common/c_content.cpp
+++ b/src/script/common/c_content.cpp
@@ -1081,3 +1081,52 @@ bool push_json_value(lua_State *L, const Json::Value &value, int nullindex)
return false;
+// Converts Lua table --> JSON
+void get_json_value(lua_State *L, Json::Value &root, int index)
+ int type = lua_type(L, index);
+ if (type == LUA_TBOOLEAN) {
+ root = (bool) lua_toboolean(L, index);
+ } else if (type == LUA_TNUMBER) {
+ root = lua_tonumber(L, index);
+ } else if (type == LUA_TSTRING) {
+ size_t len;
+ const char *str = lua_tolstring(L, index, &len);
+ root = std::string(str, len);
+ } else if (type == LUA_TTABLE) {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ while (lua_next(L, index)) {
+ // Key is at -2 and value is at -1
+ Json::Value value;
+ get_json_value(L, value, lua_gettop(L));
+ Json::ValueType roottype = root.type();
+ int keytype = lua_type(L, -1);
+ if (keytype == LUA_TNUMBER) {
+ lua_Number key = lua_tonumber(L, -1);
+ if (roottype != Json::nullValue && roottype != Json::arrayValue) {
+ throw LuaError(NULL, "Can't mix array and object values in JSON");
+ } else if (key < 1) {
+ throw LuaError(NULL, "Can't use zero-based or negative indexes in JSON");
+ } else if (floor(key) != key) {
+ throw LuaError(NULL, "Can't use indexes with a fractional part in JSON");
+ }
+ root[(Json::ArrayIndex) key - 1] = value;
+ } else if (keytype == LUA_TSTRING) {
+ if (roottype != Json::nullValue && roottype != Json::objectValue) {
+ throw LuaError(NULL, "Can't mix array and object values in JSON");
+ }
+ root[lua_tostring(L, -1)] = value;
+ } else {
+ throw LuaError(NULL, "Lua key to convert to JSON is not a string or number");
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (type == LUA_TNIL) {
+ root = Json::nullValue;
+ } else {
+ throw LuaError(NULL, "Can only store booleans, numbers, strings, objects, arrays, and null in JSON");
+ }
+ lua_pop(L, 1); // Pop value