#!/usr/bin/env lua --[[ Main program for HaxServ, a pseudoserver for inspircd3. Written by: Test_User This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means. In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this software under copyright law. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] path = arg[0]:sub(1, -arg[0]:reverse():find('/')) socket = require("socket") json = require("json") ssl = require("ssl") servlist = {} userlist = {} chanlist = {} function has_permission(user, privs) if not user or type(user) ~= "table" then return false end privs = privs or {} for _, v in pairs(privs) do if v == "Admin" then if user.opertype ~= config.opertypes.admin then return false end elseif v == "Owner" then -- not dealing with this yet, so just always return false for now return false else -- unknown priv, naturally no one has it return false end end return true end config_file = io.open(path.."CoupServConfig.json", "r+") config = json.decode(config_file:read("*a")) for file, _ in pairs(config.files) do dofile(path..file) end stdin = socket.tcp() stdin:close() stdin:setfd(0) --clearly a hack but it works while true do servlist = {} userlist = {} chanlist = {} ::continue:: local s = socket.tcp4() s:connect(config.address, config.port) local con = ssl.wrap(s, {mode = "client", protocol = "tlsv1_3"}) if not con:dohandshake() then socket.select(nil, nil, 5) con:close() goto continue end local time = tostring(os.time()) con:send("SERVER lua.hax.irc.andrewyu.org "..config.send_password.." 0 "..config.sid.." :HaxServ\n") con:send("BURST "..time.."\n") con:send("UID "..config.sid.."000000 "..time.." "..config.nick.." "..config.hostmask.." "..config.hostmask.." HaxServ "..time.." +k :HaxServ\n") con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 OPERTYPE NetAdmin\n") userlist[config.sid.."000000"] = { server = config.sid, nick_ts = time, nick = config.nick, hostname = config.hostmask, vhost = config.hostmask, ident = "HaxServ", ip = "", user_ts = time, modes = { ["k"] = true, }, realname = "HaxServ", metadata = {}, } for channel, _ in pairs(config.channels) do con:send("FJOIN "..channel.." "..time.." + :,"..config.sid.."000000\n") con:send("MODE "..channel.." +o "..config.sid.."000000\n") end con:send("ENDBURST\n") local proceed = true while proceed do ready, _, err = socket.select({con, stdin}, {}, 120) if err then con:send("") -- hack to make it properly timeout due to annoying bugs end for _, sock in ipairs(ready) do if sock == con then local msg, err = con:receive() local original = msg if err then proceed = false break end local source = nil if msg:sub(1, 1) == ":" then source = msg:sub(2):match("^[^ ]*") msg = msg:sub(string.len(source) + 3) -- 1 for the leading ':', 1 for the trailing ' ', and 1 for the offset end local lastarg = msg:match(" :.*") if lastarg ~= nil then msg = msg:sub(1, -string.len(lastarg) - 1) -- only offset lastarg = lastarg:sub(3) end local args = {} for arg in msg:gmatch("[^ ]*") do table.insert(args, arg) end local command = args[1] table.remove(args, 1) if lastarg ~= nil then table.insert(args, lastarg) end if message_handler[command] then local success, stop = pcall(message_handler[command], con, source, args, original) if success and stop then proceed = false break elseif not success then print(stop) end else print("Unhandled command:", ("%q"):format(original)) end elseif sock == stdin then msg = io.stdin:read() local args = {} for arg in msg:gmatch("[^ ]*") do table.insert(args, arg) end local command = args[1]:upper() table.remove(args, 1) if stdin_commands[command] then local success, err = pcall(stdin_commands[command], con, msg, args) if not success then print(err) elseif err then proceed = false break end else print("Unknown command.") end end end if err then break end end con:close() end