--[[ Commands file for HaxServ. Written by: Test_User This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means. In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this software under copyright law. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] juped_list = juped_list or {} commands = { ["SANICK"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) if #args < 2 then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Not enough args.\n") else con:send("SANICK "..args[1].." :"..table.concat(args, " ", 2).."\n") end end, privs = {"Admin"}, args = " ", }, ["RELOAD"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) if #args == 0 then config_file:seek("set", 0) local success, value_or_err = pcall(json.decode, config_file:read("*a")) if success then config = value_or_err con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Successfully reloaded config.json\n") else con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Unable to reload config.json, check /dev/stdout for details.\n") print("config.json") print(value_or_err) end for file, _ in pairs(config.files) do local success, err = pcall(dofile, path..file) if success then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Successfully reloaded "..file.."\n") else con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Unable to reload "..file..", check /dev/stdout for details.\n") print(file) print(err) end end else local file = args[1]..".lua" if config.files[file] then local success, err = pcall(dofile, path..file) if success then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Successfully reloaded "..file.."\n") else con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Unable to reload "..file..", check /dev/stdout for details.\n") print(file) print(err) end elseif args[1] == "config" then config_file:seek("set", 0) local success, value_or_err = pcall(json.decode, config_file:read("*a")) if success then config = value_or_err con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Successfully reloaded config.json\n") else con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Unable to reload config.json, check /dev/stdout for details.\n") print("CoupServConfig.json") print(value_or_err) end else con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Invalid section.\n") end end end, privs = {"Admin"}, args = "[
]", }, ["RECONNECT"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) return true end, privs = {"Admin"}, }, [":"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) con:send(table.concat(args, " ").."\n") end, privs = {"Admin"}, args = "", }, ["HELP"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) for command, tbl in pairs(commands) do if has_permission(userlist[user], tbl.privs) then if tbl.args then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :"..command.." "..tbl.args.."\n") else con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :"..command.."\n") end end end end, }, ["SHUTDOWN"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) local crash_me = nil crash_me() end, privs = {"Owner"}, }, ["SPAM"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) if #args < 3 then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Not enough args.\n") elseif tonumber(args[2]) == nil then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :"..args[2]..": Not a valid positive integer.\n") elseif tonumber(args[2]) < 1 then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :"..args[2]..": Not a valid positive integer.\n") elseif tonumber(args[2]) > 65535 then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :"..args[2]..": Too large of a number, max is 65535.\n") else local msg = ":"..config.sid.."000000 PRIVMSG "..args[1].." :"..table.concat(args, " ", 3).."\n" for i=1, tonumber(args[2]), 1 do con:send(msg) end end end, privs = {"Admin"}, args = " ", }, ["OP"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) if resp:sub(1, 1) ~= "#" then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :This command must be executed within a channel.\n") return end if #args == 0 then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 MODE "..resp.." +o "..user.."\n") else con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 MODE "..resp.." +o "..args[1].."\n") end end, privs = {"Admin"}, args = "[]", }, ["GETUID"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) if #args == 0 then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :"..user.."\n") else local nick = table.concat(args, " ") for uid, tbl in pairs(userlist) do if tbl.nick == nick then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :"..uid.."\n") return end end con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Nick not found.\n") end end, args = "[]", }, ["PRINT"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) if #args == 0 then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Not enough args.\n") else local list if args[1] == "userlist" then list = userlist elseif args[1] == "chanlist" then list = chanlist elseif args[1] == "servlist" then list = servlist else con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Unknown list.\n") return end for k, v in pairs(list) do local msg = {} for key, val in pairs(v) do table.insert(msg, "["..(type(key) == "string" and ("%q"):format(key) or tostring(key)).."] = "..(type(val) == "string" and ("%q"):format(val) or tostring(val))) end print("["..(type(k) == "string" and ("%q"):format(k) or tostring(k)).."] = {"..table.concat(msg, ", ").."}") end end end, privs = {"Admin"}, args = "", }, ["GETUSERINFO"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) if #args == 0 then args[1] = source end if userlist[args[1]] then local msg = {} for key, val in pairs(userlist[args[1]]) do table.insert(msg, "["..(type(key) == "string" and ("%q"):format(key) or tostring(key)).."] = "..(type(val) == "string" and ("%q"):format(val) or tostring(val))) end con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 PRIVMSG "..resp.." :{"..table.concat(msg, ", ").."}\n") else con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 PRIVMSG "..resp.." :Nonexistent UID\n") end end, privs = {"Admin"}, args = "[]", }, ["GETNICK"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) if userlist[args[1]] then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :"..userlist[args[1]].nick.."\n") else con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Nonexistent UID\n") end end, args = "[]", }, ["JUPE"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) if #args == 0 then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Not enough args.\n") else for id, tbl in pairs(servlist) do if tbl.address == args[1] then con:send("RSQUIT "..args[1].." :"..table.concat(args, " ", 2).."\n") juped_list[id] = true return end end con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Server not found.\n") end end, privs = {"Admin"}, args = "", }, ["ALLOW"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) if #args == 0 then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Not enough args.\n") else for id, tbl in pairs(userlist) do if tbl.nick == args[1] then userlist[id].opertype = "Admin" con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :"..args[1].." is now considered an oper.\n") return end end con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Nick not found.\n") end end, privs = {"Admin"}, args = "", }, ["DENY"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) if #args == 0 then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Not enough args.\n") else for id, tbl in pairs(userlist) do if tbl.nick == args[1] then userlist[id].opertype = nil con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 MODE "..id.." -o\n") con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :"..args[1].." is no longer an oper.\n") return end end con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 NOTICE "..resp.." :Nick not found.\n") end end, privs = {"Admin"}, args = "", }, ["SH"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) local command = table.concat(args, " ") if bash_command ~= nil and command == bash_command then local fd = io.popen(command) local message = fd:read("*a") for line in message:gmatch("[^\n]*") do if line == "" then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 PRIVMSG "..resp.." : \n") else con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 PRIVMSG "..resp.." :"..line:gsub("\t", (" "):rep(8)).."\n") end end fd:close() bash_command = nil else if user:sub(1, 1) == "1" and resp:sub(1, 1) == "#" then con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 KICK "..resp.." "..user.." :Thought they could execute arbitrary code on hax's computer.)\n") else con:send(":"..config.sid.."000000 KILL "..user.." :Killed (Thought they could execute arbitrary code on hax's computer.)\n") end end end, args = "", }, ["SUS"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) local lines = { ":"..config.sid.."000000 PRIVMSG "..resp.." :Andrew is very sus.\n", ":"..config.sid.."000000 PRIVMSG "..resp.." :I was the impostor, but you only know because I killed you.\n", ":"..config.sid.."000000 PRIVMSG "..resp.." :\x1b(0\n", ":"..config.sid.."000000 KILL "..user.." :Ejected (1 Impostor remains)\n", ":"..config.sid.."000000 KILL "..user.." :Ejected, and the crewmates have won.\n", } con:send(lines[math.random(#lines)]) end, }, ["CR"] = { func = function(con, user, cmd, args, resp) local lines = { ":"..config.sid.."000000 PRIVMSG "..resp.." :You are now a cruxian toxicpod, kill the sharded crewmates.\n", ":"..config.sid.."000000 PRIVMSG "..resp.." :You are now a cruxian omura, kill the sharded crewmates.\n", ":"..config.sid.."000000 PRIVMSG "..resp.." :You are now a cruxian oct, but you ran out of reactors.\n", ":"..config.sid.."000000 KILL "..user.." :Eliminated (You became a cruxian eclipse, but were drawn to my bait reactor)\n", ":"..config.sid.."000000 PRIVMSG "..resp.." :You attempted to change into a cruxian navanax, but were caught in the act.\n", } con:send(lines[math.random(#lines)]) end, }, }