#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # This is very horrible and quickly written # But it works # # Copyright © 2022 by luk3yx # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # from __future__ import annotations from collections.abc import Iterator, Mapping, Sequence from typing import Optional import datetime, miniirc, re, traceback # type: ignore assert miniirc.ver >= (1,8,1) _LEADING_COLON = '' if miniirc.ver[0] > 2 else ':' _esc_re = re.compile(r'\\(.)') # Backslash must be first _idc_escapes = {'\\': '\\', 'r': '\r', 'n': '\n', 't': '\t'} def _get_idc_args(command: str, kwargs: Mapping[str, Optional[str | float]] ) -> Iterator[str]: yield command for key, value in kwargs.items(): if value is not None: value = str(value) for escape_char, char in _idc_escapes.items(): value = value.replace(char, '\\' + escape_char) yield f'{key.upper()}={value}' def _parse_join(irc: IDC, hostmask: tuple[str, str, str], tags: Mapping[str, str], args: list[str]) -> None: users = tags.get('=idc-join-users') if isinstance(users, str): irc._dispatch('353', '', [irc.current_nick, '=', args[0], users]) irc._dispatch('366', '', [irc.current_nick, args[0], 'End of /NAMES list']) class IDC(miniirc.IRC): if miniirc.ver[0] >= 2: def _dispatch(self, command: str, user: str, args: list[str]) -> None: self.handle_msg(miniirc.IRCMessage( command, (user, '~u', f'idc/{user}') if user else ('', '', ''), {}, args, )) else: def _dispatch(self, command: str, user: str, args: list[str]) -> None: if args: args[-1] = _LEADING_COLON + args[-1] self._handle( command, (user, '~u', f'idc/{user}') if user else ('', '', ''), {}, args, ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.Handler('JOIN', colon=False, ircv3=True)(_parse_join) def _idc_message_parser_no_exc( self, msg: str ) -> Optional[tuple[str, tuple[str, str, str], dict[str, str], list[str]]]: try: return self.idc_message_parser(msg) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return None def idc_message_parser( self, msg: str ) -> Optional[tuple[str, tuple[str, str, str], dict[str, str], list[str]]]: idc_cmd = None idc_args = {} for arg in msg.split('\t'): if '=' in arg: key, value = arg.split('=', 1) idc_args[key] = _esc_re.sub( lambda m: _idc_escapes.get(m.group(1), '\ufffd'), value ) else: idc_cmd = arg # Translate IDC keyword arguments into IRC positional ones tags = {} if idc_cmd == 'PRIVMSG': command = 'PRIVMSG' args = [self.current_nick, idc_args['MESSAGE']] elif idc_cmd == 'CHANMSG': command = 'PRIVMSG' args = ['#' + idc_args['TARGET'], idc_args['MESSAGE']] elif idc_cmd == 'LOGIN_GOOD': command = '001' args = [self.current_nick, f'Welcome to IDC {self.current_nick}'] elif idc_cmd == 'PONG': command = 'PONG' args = [self.ip, idc_args.get('COOKIE', '')] elif idc_cmd == 'JOIN': command = 'JOIN' idc_args['SOURCE'] = self.current_nick args = ['#' + idc_args['CHANNEL']] # HACK: Add a message tag and fire other events later rather than # firing events from the parser function which feels worse. # The tag name starts with = so that it doesn't conflict with any # actual IRC tags. tags['=idc-join-users'] = idc_args['USERS'] else: return None # Add generic parameters if 'SOURCE' in idc_args: user = idc_args['SOURCE'] hostmask = (user, '~u', f'idc/{user}') tags['account'] = user else: hostmask = ('', '', '') if command == 'PRIVMSG': # If echo-message wasn't requested then don't send self messages if (hostmask[0] == self.current_nick and 'echo-message' not in self.active_caps): return None # Parse the message type msg_type = idc_args.get('TYPE', '').upper() if msg_type == 'NOTICE': command = 'NOTICE' elif msg_type == 'ACTION': args[1] = f'\x01ACTION {args[1]}\x01' if 'TS' in idc_args: dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(idc_args['TS'])) tags['time'] = dt.isoformat() + 'Z' if 'LABEL' in idc_args: tags['label'] = idc_args['LABEL'] if miniirc.ver[0] >= 2: return miniirc.IRCMessage(command, hostmask, tags, args) else: if args: args[-1] = _LEADING_COLON + args[-1] return command, hostmask, tags, args # Send raw messages def idc_send(self, command: str, **kwargs: Optional[str | float]): super().quote('\t'.join(_get_idc_args(command, kwargs)), force=True) def quote(self, *msg: str, force: Optional[bool] = None, tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str | bool]] = None) -> None: cmd, _, tags2, args = miniirc.ircv3_message_parser(' '.join(msg)) if miniirc.ver[0] < 2 and args and args[-1].startswith(':'): args[-1] = args[-1][1:] self.send(cmd, *args, force=force, tags=tags or tags2) def _get_idc_account(self) -> Sequence[str]: if isinstance(self.ns_identity, tuple): return self.ns_identity else: return self.ns_identity.split(' ', 1) @property def current_nick(self) -> str: return self._get_idc_account()[0] def send(self, cmd: str, *args: str, force: Optional[bool] = None, tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str | bool]] = None) -> None: cmd = cmd.upper() label = tags.get('label') if tags else None if cmd in ('PRIVMSG', 'NOTICE'): target = args[0] # TODO: Make miniirc think that SASL worked PMs to NickServ don't # have to be blocked. if target == 'NickServ': return msg = args[1] msg_type: Optional[str] if cmd == 'NOTICE': msg_type = 'NOTICE' elif msg.startswith('\x01ACTION'): msg = msg[8:].rstrip('\x01') msg_type = 'ACTION' else: msg_type = None if target.startswith('#'): idc_cmd = 'CHANMSG' target = target[1:] else: idc_cmd = 'PRIVMSG' self.idc_send(idc_cmd, target=target, type=msg_type, message=msg, label=label) elif cmd == 'PING': self.idc_send('PING', cookie=args[0], label=label) elif cmd == 'USER': user, password = self._get_idc_account() self.idc_send('LOGIN', username=user, password=password, label=label) self.active_caps = self.ircv3_caps & { 'account-tag', 'echo-message', 'labeled-response', } # Override the message parser to change the default parser. def change_parser(self, parser=None): super().change_parser(parser or self._idc_message_parser_no_exc)