-- enable/disable mesecons entirely local enabled = true -- globalstep on/off for i, globalstep in ipairs(minetest.registered_globalsteps) do local info = minetest.callback_origins[globalstep] if not info then break end local modname = info.mod if modname == "mesecons" then local cooldown = 0 local fn = function(dtime) if cooldown > 0 then cooldown = cooldown - 1 return end if enabled then local t0 = minetest.get_us_time() globalstep(dtime) local t1 = minetest.get_us_time() local diff = t1 - t0 if diff > 75000 then cooldown = 5 minetest.log("warning", "[mesecons_debug] cooldown triggered") end end end minetest.callback_origins[fn] = info minetest.registered_globalsteps[i] = fn end end -- execute() local old_execute = mesecon.queue.execute mesecon.queue.execute = function(...) if enabled then old_execute(...) end end -- add_action() local old_add_action = mesecon.queue.add_action mesecon.queue.add_action = function(...) if enabled then old_add_action(...) end end -- mesecons commands minetest.register_chatcommand("mesecons_enable", { description = "enables the mesecons globlastep", privs = {mesecons_debug=true}, func = function() enabled = true return true, "mesecons enabled" end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("mesecons_disable", { description = "disables the mesecons globlastep", privs = {mesecons_debug=true}, func = function() enabled = false -- flush actions, while we are on it mesecon.queue.actions = {} return true, "mesecons disabled" end })