/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Copyright (C) 2017-2021 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package device import ( "runtime" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "golang.org/x/net/ipv4" "golang.org/x/net/ipv6" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/conn" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/ratelimiter" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/rwcancel" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/tun" ) type Device struct { isUp AtomicBool // device is (going) up isClosed AtomicBool // device is closed? (acting as guard) log *Logger // synchronized resources (locks acquired in order) state struct { stopping sync.WaitGroup sync.Mutex changing AtomicBool current bool } net struct { stopping sync.WaitGroup sync.RWMutex bind conn.Bind // bind interface netlinkCancel *rwcancel.RWCancel port uint16 // listening port fwmark uint32 // mark value (0 = disabled) } staticIdentity struct { sync.RWMutex privateKey NoisePrivateKey publicKey NoisePublicKey } peers struct { empty AtomicBool // empty reports whether len(keyMap) == 0 sync.RWMutex // protects keyMap keyMap map[NoisePublicKey]*Peer } // unprotected / "self-synchronising resources" allowedips AllowedIPs indexTable IndexTable cookieChecker CookieChecker rate struct { underLoadUntil int64 limiter ratelimiter.Ratelimiter } pool struct { messageBuffers *WaitPool inboundElements *WaitPool outboundElements *WaitPool } queue struct { encryption *outboundQueue decryption *inboundQueue handshake *handshakeQueue } tun struct { device tun.Device mtu int32 } ipcMutex sync.RWMutex closed chan struct{} } // An outboundQueue is a channel of QueueOutboundElements awaiting encryption. // An outboundQueue is ref-counted using its wg field. // An outboundQueue created with newOutboundQueue has one reference. // Every additional writer must call wg.Add(1). // Every completed writer must call wg.Done(). // When no further writers will be added, // call wg.Done to remove the initial reference. // When the refcount hits 0, the queue's channel is closed. type outboundQueue struct { c chan *QueueOutboundElement wg sync.WaitGroup } func newOutboundQueue() *outboundQueue { q := &outboundQueue{ c: make(chan *QueueOutboundElement, QueueOutboundSize), } q.wg.Add(1) go func() { q.wg.Wait() close(q.c) }() return q } // A inboundQueue is similar to an outboundQueue; see those docs. type inboundQueue struct { c chan *QueueInboundElement wg sync.WaitGroup } func newInboundQueue() *inboundQueue { q := &inboundQueue{ c: make(chan *QueueInboundElement, QueueInboundSize), } q.wg.Add(1) go func() { q.wg.Wait() close(q.c) }() return q } // A handshakeQueue is similar to an outboundQueue; see those docs. type handshakeQueue struct { c chan QueueHandshakeElement wg sync.WaitGroup } func newHandshakeQueue() *handshakeQueue { q := &handshakeQueue{ c: make(chan QueueHandshakeElement, QueueHandshakeSize), } q.wg.Add(1) go func() { q.wg.Wait() close(q.c) }() return q } /* Converts the peer into a "zombie", which remains in the peer map, * but processes no packets and does not exists in the routing table. * * Must hold device.peers.Mutex */ func unsafeRemovePeer(device *Device, peer *Peer, key NoisePublicKey) { // stop routing and processing of packets device.allowedips.RemoveByPeer(peer) peer.Stop() // remove from peer map delete(device.peers.keyMap, key) device.peers.empty.Set(len(device.peers.keyMap) == 0) } func deviceUpdateState(device *Device) { // check if state already being updated (guard) if device.state.changing.Swap(true) { return } // compare to current state of device device.state.Lock() newIsUp := device.isUp.Get() if newIsUp == device.state.current { device.state.changing.Set(false) device.state.Unlock() return } // change state of device switch newIsUp { case true: if err := device.BindUpdate(); err != nil { device.log.Errorf("Unable to update bind: %v", err) device.isUp.Set(false) break } device.peers.RLock() for _, peer := range device.peers.keyMap { peer.Start() if atomic.LoadUint32(&peer.persistentKeepaliveInterval) > 0 { peer.SendKeepalive() } } device.peers.RUnlock() case false: device.BindClose() device.peers.RLock() for _, peer := range device.peers.keyMap { peer.Stop() } device.peers.RUnlock() } // update state variables device.state.current = newIsUp device.state.changing.Set(false) device.state.Unlock() // check for state change in the mean time deviceUpdateState(device) } func (device *Device) Up() { // closed device cannot be brought up if device.isClosed.Get() { return } device.isUp.Set(true) deviceUpdateState(device) } func (device *Device) Down() { device.isUp.Set(false) deviceUpdateState(device) } func (device *Device) IsUnderLoad() bool { // check if currently under load now := time.Now() underLoad := len(device.queue.handshake.c) >= UnderLoadQueueSize if underLoad { atomic.StoreInt64(&device.rate.underLoadUntil, now.Add(UnderLoadAfterTime).UnixNano()) return true } // check if recently under load return atomic.LoadInt64(&device.rate.underLoadUntil) > now.UnixNano() } func (device *Device) SetPrivateKey(sk NoisePrivateKey) error { // lock required resources device.staticIdentity.Lock() defer device.staticIdentity.Unlock() if sk.Equals(device.staticIdentity.privateKey) { return nil } device.peers.Lock() defer device.peers.Unlock() lockedPeers := make([]*Peer, 0, len(device.peers.keyMap)) for _, peer := range device.peers.keyMap { peer.handshake.mutex.RLock() lockedPeers = append(lockedPeers, peer) } // remove peers with matching public keys publicKey := sk.publicKey() for key, peer := range device.peers.keyMap { if peer.handshake.remoteStatic.Equals(publicKey) { peer.handshake.mutex.RUnlock() unsafeRemovePeer(device, peer, key) peer.handshake.mutex.RLock() } } // update key material device.staticIdentity.privateKey = sk device.staticIdentity.publicKey = publicKey device.cookieChecker.Init(publicKey) // do static-static DH pre-computations expiredPeers := make([]*Peer, 0, len(device.peers.keyMap)) for _, peer := range device.peers.keyMap { handshake := &peer.handshake handshake.precomputedStaticStatic = device.staticIdentity.privateKey.sharedSecret(handshake.remoteStatic) expiredPeers = append(expiredPeers, peer) } for _, peer := range lockedPeers { peer.handshake.mutex.RUnlock() } for _, peer := range expiredPeers { peer.ExpireCurrentKeypairs() } return nil } func NewDevice(tunDevice tun.Device, logger *Logger) *Device { device := new(Device) device.closed = make(chan struct{}) device.log = logger device.tun.device = tunDevice mtu, err := device.tun.device.MTU() if err != nil { device.log.Errorf("Trouble determining MTU, assuming default: %v", err) mtu = DefaultMTU } device.tun.mtu = int32(mtu) device.peers.keyMap = make(map[NoisePublicKey]*Peer) device.rate.limiter.Init() device.indexTable.Init() device.PopulatePools() // create queues device.queue.handshake = newHandshakeQueue() device.queue.encryption = newOutboundQueue() device.queue.decryption = newInboundQueue() // prepare net device.net.port = 0 device.net.bind = nil // start workers cpus := runtime.NumCPU() device.state.stopping.Wait() for i := 0; i < cpus; i++ { device.state.stopping.Add(2) // decryption and handshake go device.RoutineEncryption() go device.RoutineDecryption() go device.RoutineHandshake() } device.state.stopping.Add(2) go device.RoutineReadFromTUN() go device.RoutineTUNEventReader() return device } func (device *Device) LookupPeer(pk NoisePublicKey) *Peer { device.peers.RLock() defer device.peers.RUnlock() return device.peers.keyMap[pk] } func (device *Device) RemovePeer(key NoisePublicKey) { device.peers.Lock() defer device.peers.Unlock() // stop peer and remove from routing peer, ok := device.peers.keyMap[key] if ok { unsafeRemovePeer(device, peer, key) } } func (device *Device) RemoveAllPeers() { device.peers.Lock() defer device.peers.Unlock() for key, peer := range device.peers.keyMap { unsafeRemovePeer(device, peer, key) } device.peers.keyMap = make(map[NoisePublicKey]*Peer) } func (device *Device) Close() { if device.isClosed.Swap(true) { return } device.log.Verbosef("Device closing") device.state.changing.Set(true) device.state.Lock() defer device.state.Unlock() device.tun.device.Close() device.BindClose() device.isUp.Set(false) // Remove peers before closing queues, // because peers assume that queues are active. device.RemoveAllPeers() // We kept a reference to the encryption and decryption queues, // in case we started any new peers that might write to them. // No new peers are coming; we are done with these queues. device.queue.encryption.wg.Done() device.queue.decryption.wg.Done() device.queue.handshake.wg.Done() device.state.stopping.Wait() device.rate.limiter.Close() device.state.changing.Set(false) device.log.Verbosef("Interface closed") close(device.closed) } func (device *Device) Wait() chan struct{} { return device.closed } func (device *Device) SendKeepalivesToPeersWithCurrentKeypair() { if device.isClosed.Get() { return } device.peers.RLock() for _, peer := range device.peers.keyMap { peer.keypairs.RLock() sendKeepalive := peer.keypairs.current != nil && !peer.keypairs.current.created.Add(RejectAfterTime).Before(time.Now()) peer.keypairs.RUnlock() if sendKeepalive { peer.SendKeepalive() } } device.peers.RUnlock() } func unsafeCloseBind(device *Device) error { var err error netc := &device.net if netc.netlinkCancel != nil { netc.netlinkCancel.Cancel() } if netc.bind != nil { err = netc.bind.Close() netc.bind = nil } netc.stopping.Wait() return err } func (device *Device) Bind() conn.Bind { device.net.Lock() defer device.net.Unlock() return device.net.bind } func (device *Device) BindSetMark(mark uint32) error { device.net.Lock() defer device.net.Unlock() // check if modified if device.net.fwmark == mark { return nil } // update fwmark on existing bind device.net.fwmark = mark if device.isUp.Get() && device.net.bind != nil { if err := device.net.bind.SetMark(mark); err != nil { return err } } // clear cached source addresses device.peers.RLock() for _, peer := range device.peers.keyMap { peer.Lock() defer peer.Unlock() if peer.endpoint != nil { peer.endpoint.ClearSrc() } } device.peers.RUnlock() return nil } func (device *Device) BindUpdate() error { device.net.Lock() defer device.net.Unlock() // close existing sockets if err := unsafeCloseBind(device); err != nil { return err } // open new sockets if device.isUp.Get() { // bind to new port var err error netc := &device.net netc.bind, netc.port, err = conn.CreateBind(netc.port) if err != nil { netc.bind = nil netc.port = 0 return err } netc.netlinkCancel, err = device.startRouteListener(netc.bind) if err != nil { netc.bind.Close() netc.bind = nil netc.port = 0 return err } // set fwmark if netc.fwmark != 0 { err = netc.bind.SetMark(netc.fwmark) if err != nil { return err } } // clear cached source addresses device.peers.RLock() for _, peer := range device.peers.keyMap { peer.Lock() defer peer.Unlock() if peer.endpoint != nil { peer.endpoint.ClearSrc() } } device.peers.RUnlock() // start receiving routines device.net.stopping.Add(2) device.queue.decryption.wg.Add(2) // each RoutineReceiveIncoming goroutine writes to device.queue.decryption device.queue.handshake.wg.Add(2) // each RoutineReceiveIncoming goroutine writes to device.queue.handshake go device.RoutineReceiveIncoming(ipv4.Version, netc.bind) go device.RoutineReceiveIncoming(ipv6.Version, netc.bind) device.log.Verbosef("UDP bind has been updated") } return nil } func (device *Device) BindClose() error { device.net.Lock() err := unsafeCloseBind(device) device.net.Unlock() return err }