/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Copyright (C) 2017-2023 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package device import ( "container/list" "errors" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/conn" ) type Peer struct { isRunning atomic.Bool sync.RWMutex // Mostly protects endpoint, but is generally taken whenever we modify peer keypairs Keypairs handshake Handshake device *Device endpoint conn.Endpoint stopping sync.WaitGroup // routines pending stop txBytes atomic.Uint64 // bytes send to peer (endpoint) rxBytes atomic.Uint64 // bytes received from peer lastHandshakeNano atomic.Int64 // nano seconds since epoch disableRoaming bool timers struct { retransmitHandshake *Timer sendKeepalive *Timer newHandshake *Timer zeroKeyMaterial *Timer persistentKeepalive *Timer handshakeAttempts atomic.Uint32 needAnotherKeepalive atomic.Bool sentLastMinuteHandshake atomic.Bool } state struct { sync.Mutex // protects against concurrent Start/Stop } queue struct { staged chan *QueueOutboundElement // staged packets before a handshake is available outbound *autodrainingOutboundQueue // sequential ordering of udp transmission inbound *autodrainingInboundQueue // sequential ordering of tun writing } cookieGenerator CookieGenerator trieEntries list.List persistentKeepaliveInterval atomic.Uint32 } func (device *Device) NewPeer(pk NoisePublicKey) (*Peer, error) { if device.isClosed() { return nil, errors.New("device closed") } // lock resources device.staticIdentity.RLock() defer device.staticIdentity.RUnlock() device.peers.Lock() defer device.peers.Unlock() // check if over limit if len(device.peers.keyMap) >= MaxPeers { return nil, errors.New("too many peers") } // create peer peer := new(Peer) peer.Lock() defer peer.Unlock() peer.cookieGenerator.Init(pk) peer.device = device peer.queue.outbound = newAutodrainingOutboundQueue(device) peer.queue.inbound = newAutodrainingInboundQueue(device) peer.queue.staged = make(chan *QueueOutboundElement, QueueStagedSize) // map public key _, ok := device.peers.keyMap[pk] if ok { return nil, errors.New("adding existing peer") } // pre-compute DH handshake := &peer.handshake handshake.mutex.Lock() handshake.precomputedStaticStatic, _ = device.staticIdentity.privateKey.sharedSecret(pk) handshake.remoteStatic = pk handshake.mutex.Unlock() // reset endpoint peer.endpoint = nil // init timers peer.timersInit() // add device.peers.keyMap[pk] = peer return peer, nil } func (peer *Peer) SendBuffer(buffer []byte) error { peer.device.net.RLock() defer peer.device.net.RUnlock() if peer.device.isClosed() { return nil } peer.RLock() defer peer.RUnlock() if peer.endpoint == nil { return errors.New("no known endpoint for peer") } err := peer.device.net.bind.Send(buffer, peer.endpoint) if err == nil { peer.txBytes.Add(uint64(len(buffer))) } return err } func (peer *Peer) String() string { // The awful goo that follows is identical to: // // base64Key := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(peer.handshake.remoteStatic[:]) // abbreviatedKey := base64Key[0:4] + "…" + base64Key[39:43] // return fmt.Sprintf("peer(%s)", abbreviatedKey) // // except that it is considerably more efficient. src := peer.handshake.remoteStatic b64 := func(input byte) byte { return input + 'A' + byte(((25-int(input))>>8)&6) - byte(((51-int(input))>>8)&75) - byte(((61-int(input))>>8)&15) + byte(((62-int(input))>>8)&3) } b := []byte("peer(____…____)") const first = len("peer(") const second = len("peer(____…") b[first+0] = b64((src[0] >> 2) & 63) b[first+1] = b64(((src[0] << 4) | (src[1] >> 4)) & 63) b[first+2] = b64(((src[1] << 2) | (src[2] >> 6)) & 63) b[first+3] = b64(src[2] & 63) b[second+0] = b64(src[29] & 63) b[second+1] = b64((src[30] >> 2) & 63) b[second+2] = b64(((src[30] << 4) | (src[31] >> 4)) & 63) b[second+3] = b64((src[31] << 2) & 63) return string(b) } func (peer *Peer) Start() { // should never start a peer on a closed device if peer.device.isClosed() { return } // prevent simultaneous start/stop operations peer.state.Lock() defer peer.state.Unlock() if peer.isRunning.Load() { return } device := peer.device device.log.Verbosef("%v - Starting", peer) // reset routine state peer.stopping.Wait() peer.stopping.Add(2) peer.handshake.mutex.Lock() peer.handshake.lastSentHandshake = time.Now().Add(-(RekeyTimeout + time.Second)) peer.handshake.mutex.Unlock() peer.device.queue.encryption.wg.Add(1) // keep encryption queue open for our writes peer.timersStart() device.flushInboundQueue(peer.queue.inbound) device.flushOutboundQueue(peer.queue.outbound) go peer.RoutineSequentialSender() go peer.RoutineSequentialReceiver() peer.isRunning.Store(true) } func (peer *Peer) ZeroAndFlushAll() { device := peer.device // clear key pairs keypairs := &peer.keypairs keypairs.Lock() device.DeleteKeypair(keypairs.previous) device.DeleteKeypair(keypairs.current) device.DeleteKeypair(keypairs.next.Load()) keypairs.previous = nil keypairs.current = nil keypairs.next.Store(nil) keypairs.Unlock() // clear handshake state handshake := &peer.handshake handshake.mutex.Lock() device.indexTable.Delete(handshake.localIndex) handshake.Clear() handshake.mutex.Unlock() peer.FlushStagedPackets() } func (peer *Peer) ExpireCurrentKeypairs() { handshake := &peer.handshake handshake.mutex.Lock() peer.device.indexTable.Delete(handshake.localIndex) handshake.Clear() peer.handshake.lastSentHandshake = time.Now().Add(-(RekeyTimeout + time.Second)) handshake.mutex.Unlock() keypairs := &peer.keypairs keypairs.Lock() if keypairs.current != nil { keypairs.current.sendNonce.Store(RejectAfterMessages) } if next := keypairs.next.Load(); next != nil { next.sendNonce.Store(RejectAfterMessages) } keypairs.Unlock() } func (peer *Peer) Stop() { peer.state.Lock() defer peer.state.Unlock() if !peer.isRunning.Swap(false) { return } peer.device.log.Verbosef("%v - Stopping", peer) peer.timersStop() // Signal that RoutineSequentialSender and RoutineSequentialReceiver should exit. peer.queue.inbound.c <- nil peer.queue.outbound.c <- nil peer.stopping.Wait() peer.device.queue.encryption.wg.Done() // no more writes to encryption queue from us peer.ZeroAndFlushAll() } func (peer *Peer) SetEndpointFromPacket(endpoint conn.Endpoint) { if peer.disableRoaming { return } peer.Lock() peer.endpoint = endpoint peer.Unlock() }