package main import ( "net" "runtime" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" ) type Device struct { log *Logger // collection of loggers for levels idCounter uint // for assigning debug ids to peers fwMark uint32 tun struct { device TUNDevice isUp AtomicBool mtu int32 } pool struct { messageBuffers sync.Pool } net struct { mutex sync.RWMutex addr *net.UDPAddr // UDP source address conn *net.UDPConn // UDP "connection" } mutex sync.RWMutex privateKey NoisePrivateKey publicKey NoisePublicKey routingTable RoutingTable indices IndexTable queue struct { encryption chan *QueueOutboundElement decryption chan *QueueInboundElement handshake chan QueueHandshakeElement } signal struct { stop chan struct{} // halts all go routines newUDPConn chan struct{} // a net.conn was set (consumed by the receiver routine) } underLoadUntil atomic.Value ratelimiter Ratelimiter peers map[NoisePublicKey]*Peer mac CookieChecker } /* Warning: * The caller must hold the device mutex (write lock) */ func removePeerUnsafe(device *Device, key NoisePublicKey) { peer, ok := device.peers[key] if !ok { return } peer.mutex.Lock() device.routingTable.RemovePeer(peer) delete(device.peers, key) peer.Close() } func (device *Device) IsUnderLoad() bool { // check if currently under load now := time.Now() underLoad := len(device.queue.handshake) >= UnderLoadQueueSize if underLoad { device.underLoadUntil.Store(now.Add(time.Second)) return true } // check if recently under load until := device.underLoadUntil.Load().(time.Time) return until.After(now) } func (device *Device) SetPrivateKey(sk NoisePrivateKey) error { device.mutex.Lock() defer device.mutex.Unlock() // remove peers with matching public keys publicKey := sk.publicKey() for key, peer := range device.peers { h := &peer.handshake h.mutex.RLock() if h.remoteStatic.Equals(publicKey) { removePeerUnsafe(device, key) } h.mutex.RUnlock() } // update key material device.privateKey = sk device.publicKey = publicKey device.mac.Init(publicKey) // do DH precomputations rmKey := device.privateKey.IsZero() for key, peer := range device.peers { h := &peer.handshake h.mutex.Lock() if rmKey { h.precomputedStaticStatic = [NoisePublicKeySize]byte{} } else { h.precomputedStaticStatic = device.privateKey.sharedSecret(h.remoteStatic) if isZero(h.precomputedStaticStatic[:]) { removePeerUnsafe(device, key) } } h.mutex.Unlock() } return nil } func (device *Device) GetMessageBuffer() *[MaxMessageSize]byte { return device.pool.messageBuffers.Get().(*[MaxMessageSize]byte) } func (device *Device) PutMessageBuffer(msg *[MaxMessageSize]byte) { device.pool.messageBuffers.Put(msg) } func NewDevice(tun TUNDevice, logLevel int) *Device { device := new(Device) device.mutex.Lock() defer device.mutex.Unlock() device.log = NewLogger(logLevel, "("+tun.Name()+") ") device.peers = make(map[NoisePublicKey]*Peer) device.tun.device = tun device.indices.Init() device.ratelimiter.Init() device.routingTable.Reset() device.underLoadUntil.Store(time.Time{}) // setup pools device.pool.messageBuffers = sync.Pool{ New: func() interface{} { return new([MaxMessageSize]byte) }, } // create queues device.queue.handshake = make(chan QueueHandshakeElement, QueueHandshakeSize) device.queue.encryption = make(chan *QueueOutboundElement, QueueOutboundSize) device.queue.decryption = make(chan *QueueInboundElement, QueueInboundSize) // prepare signals device.signal.stop = make(chan struct{}) device.signal.newUDPConn = make(chan struct{}, 1) // start workers for i := 0; i < runtime.NumCPU(); i += 1 { go device.RoutineEncryption() go device.RoutineDecryption() go device.RoutineHandshake() } go device.RoutineTUNEventReader() go device.ratelimiter.RoutineGarbageCollector(device.signal.stop) go device.RoutineReadFromTUN() go device.RoutineReceiveIncomming() return device } func (device *Device) RoutineTUNEventReader() { logInfo := device.log.Info logError := device.log.Error events := device.tun.device.Events() for event := range events { if event&TUNEventMTUUpdate != 0 { mtu, err := device.tun.device.MTU() if err != nil { logError.Println("Failed to load updated MTU of device:", err) } else { if mtu+MessageTransportSize > MaxMessageSize { mtu = MaxMessageSize - MessageTransportSize } atomic.StoreInt32(&device.tun.mtu, int32(mtu)) } } if event&TUNEventUp != 0 { if !device.tun.isUp.Get() { device.tun.isUp.Set(true) updateUDPConn(device) logInfo.Println("Interface set up") } } if event&TUNEventDown != 0 { if device.tun.isUp.Get() { device.tun.isUp.Set(false) closeUDPConn(device) logInfo.Println("Interface set down") } } } } func (device *Device) LookupPeer(pk NoisePublicKey) *Peer { device.mutex.RLock() defer device.mutex.RUnlock() return device.peers[pk] } func (device *Device) RemovePeer(key NoisePublicKey) { device.mutex.Lock() defer device.mutex.Unlock() removePeerUnsafe(device, key) } func (device *Device) RemoveAllPeers() { device.mutex.Lock() defer device.mutex.Unlock() for key, peer := range device.peers { peer.mutex.Lock() delete(device.peers, key) peer.Close() peer.mutex.Unlock() } } func (device *Device) Close() { device.RemoveAllPeers() close(device.signal.stop) closeUDPConn(device) } func (device *Device) WaitChannel() chan struct{} { return device.signal.stop }