path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1db5d38..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-- Better ways to check syntax
-- Let user judge whether answer is correct
-- Zero / single / plural in final output
-To be updated:
-- Learn answers
-- Make orders not matter
-- Remove unnecessary spaces or line breaks in input file
-- Better ways to handle each line
-- Answer judged correct if contains keyword
-- Use something better than a dictionary to store incorrect answers
-- Title also printed if answer in the section is incorrect
-- Consider to use json input file
-- Graphic user interface
-- Another program to help create related input file
-- Optimize
- import re
- import difflib
- def check_string(line):
- return bool(re.match("([-~] [\w\d\s\?\.\"\(\)\[\]\{\}!,;'/]*\Z)|(! version: \d+\.?\d*\s?\Z)|(# [\w\d\s\?\.\"\(\)\[\]\{\}!,;'/]*: [\w\d\s\?\.\"\(\)\[\]\{\}!,;'/]*\Z)", line))
- def compare_string(answer, response):
- diff = list(difflib.ndiff(answer, response))
- diff_count = 0
- for line in diff:
- if line[0] != " ":
- diff_count += 1
- return round(1 - (diff_count / len(diff)), 4)*100
- file_name = input("Enter file name (with postfix) >> ")
- if file_name == "":
- file_name = "test_1.2.rvwt"
- with open(file_name) as f:
- data = f.readlines()
- count_prompts = 0
- count_correct = 0
- correct_param = 0.8
- incorrect = []
- if len(data) == 0:
- raise Exception("Error: file empty")
- if data.pop(0).split(".")[0].replace("\n", "") != "! version: 1":
- raise Exception("Error: file version not provided or does not match")
- for line_index in range(len(data)):
- if not check_string(data[line_index]):
- raise Exception(f"Error: invalid syntax at line {line_index+2} of file '{file_name}'")
- for line_index in range(len(data)):
- line = data[line_index]
- if line[0] == "-":
- line = line[2:].replace("\n", "")
- print("\n\n- " + line + " -\n")
- if line[0] == "~":
- line = line[2:].replace("\n", "")
- print("\n" + line + "\n")
- elif line[0] == "#":
- count_prompts += 1
- line = line[2:].split(":")
- prompt = line[0]
- answer = line[1][1:-1]
- response = input(prompt + ">> ")
- if response.lower() == answer.lower():
- print("Correct")
- count_correct += 1
- elif compare_string(response.lower(), answer.lower()) >= correct_param:
- print(f"Probably correct: answer is '{answer}', similarity {round(compare_string(response.lower(), answer.lower()), 4)}%")
- judge = input("Is your answer correct? [y/n] ").lower()
- if judge == 'n':
- incorrect.append((prompt, answer))
- else:
- count_correct += 1
- if judge != "y":
- print("Warning: invalid input, answer judged as correct")
- else:
- print(f"Probably incorrect: answer is '{answer}', similarity {round(compare_string(response.lower(), answer.lower()), 4)}%")
- judge = input("Is your answer correct? [y/n] ").lower()
- if judge == 'y':
- count_correct += 1
- else:
- incorrect.append((prompt, answer))
- if judge != "n":
- print("Warning: invalid input, answer judged as incorrect")
- else:
- continue
- if count_prompts <= 1:
- print(f"\n\nOut of {count_prompts} question, ", end="")
- else:
- print(f"\n\nOut of {count_prompts} questions, ", end="")
- if count_correct <= 1:
- print(f"{count_correct} was answered correctly, ", end="")
- else:
- print(f"{count_correct} were answered correctly, ", end="")
- print(f"which is {round(count_correct / count_prompts, 4)*100}%. ")
- if count_prompts == count_correct:
- print("Congratulations for finishing perfectly! ")
- else:
- if count_prompts - count_correct <= 1:
- print(f"The question with incorrect response is listed below: \n")
- else:
- print(f"The questions with incorrect responses are listed below: \n")
- for line in incorrect:
- (prompt, answer) = line
- print(prompt + "-> " + answer)
-except Exception as e:
- print("\nException: " + str(e))
-except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print("\nProcess quitted")