path: root/src/content_sao.cpp
diff options
authorLoic Blot <loic.blot@unix-experience.fr>2020-04-11 09:59:09 +0200
committerLoïc Blot <nerzhul@users.noreply.github.com>2020-04-11 16:07:17 +0200
commit894a34aef48024a752a1ef151d046955d83858d0 (patch)
treef264d4c1ba7a62fe731255594f592bd78b3e09a5 /src/content_sao.cpp
parentc99e8df07fe88c0b19363beca09e12f151bc13d0 (diff)
Move PlayerSAO to dedicated files
Diffstat (limited to 'src/content_sao.cpp')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 675 deletions
diff --git a/src/content_sao.cpp b/src/content_sao.cpp
index 0d387b53a..7ec17aa82 100644
--- a/src/content_sao.cpp
+++ b/src/content_sao.cpp
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#include "remoteplayer.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "scripting_server.h"
+#include "server/player_sao.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
@@ -678,678 +679,3 @@ bool LuaEntitySAO::collideWithObjects() const
return m_prop.collideWithObjects;
- PlayerSAO
-// No prototype, PlayerSAO does not need to be deserialized
-PlayerSAO::PlayerSAO(ServerEnvironment *env_, RemotePlayer *player_, session_t peer_id_,
- bool is_singleplayer):
- UnitSAO(env_, v3f(0,0,0)),
- m_player(player_),
- m_peer_id(peer_id_),
- m_is_singleplayer(is_singleplayer)
- m_prop.hp_max = PLAYER_MAX_HP_DEFAULT;
- m_prop.breath_max = PLAYER_MAX_BREATH_DEFAULT;
- m_prop.physical = false;
- m_prop.collisionbox = aabb3f(-0.3f, 0.0f, -0.3f, 0.3f, 1.77f, 0.3f);
- m_prop.selectionbox = aabb3f(-0.3f, 0.0f, -0.3f, 0.3f, 1.77f, 0.3f);
- m_prop.pointable = true;
- // Start of default appearance, this should be overwritten by Lua
- m_prop.visual = "upright_sprite";
- m_prop.visual_size = v3f(1, 2, 1);
- m_prop.textures.clear();
- m_prop.textures.emplace_back("player.png");
- m_prop.textures.emplace_back("player_back.png");
- m_prop.colors.clear();
- m_prop.colors.emplace_back(255, 255, 255, 255);
- m_prop.spritediv = v2s16(1,1);
- m_prop.eye_height = 1.625f;
- // End of default appearance
- m_prop.is_visible = true;
- m_prop.backface_culling = false;
- m_prop.makes_footstep_sound = true;
- m_prop.stepheight = PLAYER_DEFAULT_STEPHEIGHT * BS;
- m_hp = m_prop.hp_max;
- m_breath = m_prop.breath_max;
- // Disable zoom in survival mode using a value of 0
- m_prop.zoom_fov = g_settings->getBool("creative_mode") ? 15.0f : 0.0f;
- if (!g_settings->getBool("enable_damage"))
- m_armor_groups["immortal"] = 1;
-void PlayerSAO::finalize(RemotePlayer *player, const std::set<std::string> &privs)
- assert(player);
- m_player = player;
- m_privs = privs;
-v3f PlayerSAO::getEyeOffset() const
- return v3f(0, BS * m_prop.eye_height, 0);
-std::string PlayerSAO::getDescription()
- return std::string("player ") + m_player->getName();
-// Called after id has been set and has been inserted in environment
-void PlayerSAO::addedToEnvironment(u32 dtime_s)
- ServerActiveObject::addedToEnvironment(dtime_s);
- ServerActiveObject::setBasePosition(m_base_position);
- m_player->setPlayerSAO(this);
- m_player->setPeerId(m_peer_id);
- m_last_good_position = m_base_position;
-// Called before removing from environment
-void PlayerSAO::removingFromEnvironment()
- ServerActiveObject::removingFromEnvironment();
- if (m_player->getPlayerSAO() == this) {
- unlinkPlayerSessionAndSave();
- for (u32 attached_particle_spawner : m_attached_particle_spawners) {
- m_env->deleteParticleSpawner(attached_particle_spawner, false);
- }
- }
-std::string PlayerSAO::getClientInitializationData(u16 protocol_version)
- std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary);
- // Protocol >= 15
- writeU8(os, 1); // version
- os << serializeString(m_player->getName()); // name
- writeU8(os, 1); // is_player
- writeS16(os, getId()); // id
- writeV3F32(os, m_base_position);
- writeV3F32(os, m_rotation);
- writeU16(os, getHP());
- std::ostringstream msg_os(std::ios::binary);
- msg_os << serializeLongString(getPropertyPacket()); // message 1
- msg_os << serializeLongString(generateUpdateArmorGroupsCommand()); // 2
- msg_os << serializeLongString(generateUpdateAnimationCommand()); // 3
- for (std::unordered_map<std::string, core::vector2d<v3f>>::const_iterator
- ii = m_bone_position.begin(); ii != m_bone_position.end(); ++ii) {
- msg_os << serializeLongString(generateUpdateBonePositionCommand((*ii).first,
- (*ii).second.X, (*ii).second.Y)); // m_bone_position.size
- }
- msg_os << serializeLongString(generateUpdateAttachmentCommand()); // 4
- msg_os << serializeLongString(generateUpdatePhysicsOverrideCommand()); // 5
- // (AO_CMD_UPDATE_NAMETAG_ATTRIBUTES) : Deprecated, for backwards compatibility only.
- msg_os << serializeLongString(generateUpdateNametagAttributesCommand(m_prop.nametag_color)); // 6
- int message_count = 6 + m_bone_position.size();
- for (std::unordered_set<int>::const_iterator ii = m_attachment_child_ids.begin();
- ii != m_attachment_child_ids.end(); ++ii) {
- if (ServerActiveObject *obj = m_env->getActiveObject(*ii)) {
- message_count++;
- msg_os << serializeLongString(obj->generateUpdateInfantCommand(*ii, protocol_version));
- }
- }
- writeU8(os, message_count);
- os.write(msg_os.str().c_str(), msg_os.str().size());
- // return result
- return os.str();
-void PlayerSAO::getStaticData(std::string * result) const
- FATAL_ERROR("Obsolete function");
-void PlayerSAO::step(float dtime, bool send_recommended)
- if (!isImmortal() && m_drowning_interval.step(dtime, 2.0f)) {
- // Get nose/mouth position, approximate with eye position
- v3s16 p = floatToInt(getEyePosition(), BS);
- MapNode n = m_env->getMap().getNode(p);
- const ContentFeatures &c = m_env->getGameDef()->ndef()->get(n);
- // If node generates drown
- if (c.drowning > 0 && m_hp > 0) {
- if (m_breath > 0)
- setBreath(m_breath - 1);
- // No more breath, damage player
- if (m_breath == 0) {
- PlayerHPChangeReason reason(PlayerHPChangeReason::DROWNING);
- setHP(m_hp - c.drowning, reason);
- m_env->getGameDef()->SendPlayerHPOrDie(this, reason);
- }
- }
- }
- if (m_breathing_interval.step(dtime, 0.5f) && !isImmortal()) {
- // Get nose/mouth position, approximate with eye position
- v3s16 p = floatToInt(getEyePosition(), BS);
- MapNode n = m_env->getMap().getNode(p);
- const ContentFeatures &c = m_env->getGameDef()->ndef()->get(n);
- // If player is alive & not drowning & not in ignore & not immortal, breathe
- if (m_breath < m_prop.breath_max && c.drowning == 0 &&
- n.getContent() != CONTENT_IGNORE && m_hp > 0)
- setBreath(m_breath + 1);
- }
- if (!isImmortal() && m_node_hurt_interval.step(dtime, 1.0f)) {
- u32 damage_per_second = 0;
- std::string nodename;
- // Lowest and highest damage points are 0.1 within collisionbox
- float dam_top = m_prop.collisionbox.MaxEdge.Y - 0.1f;
- // Sequence of damage points, starting 0.1 above feet and progressing
- // upwards in 1 node intervals, stopping below top damage point.
- for (float dam_height = 0.1f; dam_height < dam_top; dam_height++) {
- v3s16 p = floatToInt(m_base_position +
- v3f(0.0f, dam_height * BS, 0.0f), BS);
- MapNode n = m_env->getMap().getNode(p);
- const ContentFeatures &c = m_env->getGameDef()->ndef()->get(n);
- if (c.damage_per_second > damage_per_second) {
- damage_per_second = c.damage_per_second;
- nodename = c.name;
- }
- }
- // Top damage point
- v3s16 ptop = floatToInt(m_base_position +
- v3f(0.0f, dam_top * BS, 0.0f), BS);
- MapNode ntop = m_env->getMap().getNode(ptop);
- const ContentFeatures &c = m_env->getGameDef()->ndef()->get(ntop);
- if (c.damage_per_second > damage_per_second) {
- damage_per_second = c.damage_per_second;
- nodename = c.name;
- }
- if (damage_per_second != 0 && m_hp > 0) {
- s32 newhp = (s32)m_hp - (s32)damage_per_second;
- PlayerHPChangeReason reason(PlayerHPChangeReason::NODE_DAMAGE, nodename);
- setHP(newhp, reason);
- m_env->getGameDef()->SendPlayerHPOrDie(this, reason);
- }
- }
- if (!m_properties_sent) {
- m_properties_sent = true;
- std::string str = getPropertyPacket();
- // create message and add to list
- ActiveObjectMessage aom(getId(), true, str);
- m_messages_out.push(aom);
- m_env->getScriptIface()->player_event(this, "properties_changed");
- }
- // If attached, check that our parent is still there. If it isn't, detach.
- if (m_attachment_parent_id && !isAttached()) {
- m_attachment_parent_id = 0;
- m_attachment_bone = "";
- m_attachment_position = v3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
- m_attachment_rotation = v3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
- setBasePosition(m_last_good_position);
- m_env->getGameDef()->SendMovePlayer(m_peer_id);
- }
- //dstream<<"PlayerSAO::step: dtime: "<<dtime<<std::endl;
- // Set lag pool maximums based on estimated lag
- const float LAG_POOL_MIN = 5.0f;
- float lag_pool_max = m_env->getMaxLagEstimate() * 2.0f;
- if(lag_pool_max < LAG_POOL_MIN)
- lag_pool_max = LAG_POOL_MIN;
- m_dig_pool.setMax(lag_pool_max);
- m_move_pool.setMax(lag_pool_max);
- // Increment cheat prevention timers
- m_dig_pool.add(dtime);
- m_move_pool.add(dtime);
- m_time_from_last_teleport += dtime;
- m_time_from_last_punch += dtime;
- m_nocheat_dig_time += dtime;
- m_max_speed_override_time = MYMAX(m_max_speed_override_time - dtime, 0.0f);
- // Each frame, parent position is copied if the object is attached,
- // otherwise it's calculated normally.
- // If the object gets detached this comes into effect automatically from
- // the last known origin.
- if (isAttached()) {
- v3f pos = m_env->getActiveObject(m_attachment_parent_id)->getBasePosition();
- m_last_good_position = pos;
- setBasePosition(pos);
- }
- if (!send_recommended)
- return;
- if (m_position_not_sent) {
- m_position_not_sent = false;
- float update_interval = m_env->getSendRecommendedInterval();
- v3f pos;
- // When attached, the position is only sent to clients where the
- // parent isn't known
- if (isAttached())
- pos = m_last_good_position;
- else
- pos = m_base_position;
- std::string str = generateUpdatePositionCommand(
- pos,
- v3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
- v3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
- m_rotation,
- true,
- false,
- update_interval
- );
- // create message and add to list
- m_messages_out.emplace(getId(), false, str);
- }
- if (!m_armor_groups_sent) {
- m_armor_groups_sent = true;
- // create message and add to list
- m_messages_out.emplace(getId(), true, generateUpdateArmorGroupsCommand());
- }
- if (!m_physics_override_sent) {
- m_physics_override_sent = true;
- // create message and add to list
- m_messages_out.emplace(getId(), true, generateUpdatePhysicsOverrideCommand());
- }
- if (!m_animation_sent) {
- m_animation_sent = true;
- // create message and add to list
- m_messages_out.emplace(getId(), true, generateUpdateAnimationCommand());
- }
- if (!m_bone_position_sent) {
- m_bone_position_sent = true;
- for (std::unordered_map<std::string, core::vector2d<v3f>>::const_iterator
- ii = m_bone_position.begin(); ii != m_bone_position.end(); ++ii) {
- std::string str = generateUpdateBonePositionCommand((*ii).first,
- (*ii).second.X, (*ii).second.Y);
- // create message and add to list
- m_messages_out.emplace(getId(), true, str);
- }
- }
- if (!m_attachment_sent) {
- m_attachment_sent = true;
- std::string str = generateUpdateAttachmentCommand();
- // create message and add to list
- ActiveObjectMessage aom(getId(), true, str);
- m_messages_out.push(aom);
- }
-std::string PlayerSAO::generateUpdatePhysicsOverrideCommand() const
- std::ostringstream os(std::ios::binary);
- // command
- // parameters
- writeF32(os, m_physics_override_speed);
- writeF32(os, m_physics_override_jump);
- writeF32(os, m_physics_override_gravity);
- // these are sent inverted so we get true when the server sends nothing
- writeU8(os, !m_physics_override_sneak);
- writeU8(os, !m_physics_override_sneak_glitch);
- writeU8(os, !m_physics_override_new_move);
- return os.str();
-void PlayerSAO::setBasePosition(const v3f &position)
- if (m_player && position != m_base_position)
- m_player->setDirty(true);
- // This needs to be ran for attachments too
- ServerActiveObject::setBasePosition(position);
- // Updating is not wanted/required for player migration
- if (m_env) {
- m_position_not_sent = true;
- }
-void PlayerSAO::setPos(const v3f &pos)
- if(isAttached())
- return;
- // Send mapblock of target location
- v3s16 blockpos = v3s16(pos.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE, pos.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE, pos.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE);
- m_env->getGameDef()->SendBlock(m_peer_id, blockpos);
- setBasePosition(pos);
- // Movement caused by this command is always valid
- m_last_good_position = pos;
- m_move_pool.empty();
- m_time_from_last_teleport = 0.0;
- m_env->getGameDef()->SendMovePlayer(m_peer_id);
-void PlayerSAO::moveTo(v3f pos, bool continuous)
- if(isAttached())
- return;
- setBasePosition(pos);
- // Movement caused by this command is always valid
- m_last_good_position = pos;
- m_move_pool.empty();
- m_time_from_last_teleport = 0.0;
- m_env->getGameDef()->SendMovePlayer(m_peer_id);
-void PlayerSAO::setPlayerYaw(const float yaw)
- v3f rotation(0, yaw, 0);
- if (m_player && yaw != m_rotation.Y)
- m_player->setDirty(true);
- // Set player model yaw, not look view
- UnitSAO::setRotation(rotation);
-void PlayerSAO::setFov(const float fov)
- if (m_player && fov != m_fov)
- m_player->setDirty(true);
- m_fov = fov;
-void PlayerSAO::setWantedRange(const s16 range)
- if (m_player && range != m_wanted_range)
- m_player->setDirty(true);
- m_wanted_range = range;
-void PlayerSAO::setPlayerYawAndSend(const float yaw)
- setPlayerYaw(yaw);
- m_env->getGameDef()->SendMovePlayer(m_peer_id);
-void PlayerSAO::setLookPitch(const float pitch)
- if (m_player && pitch != m_pitch)
- m_player->setDirty(true);
- m_pitch = pitch;
-void PlayerSAO::setLookPitchAndSend(const float pitch)
- setLookPitch(pitch);
- m_env->getGameDef()->SendMovePlayer(m_peer_id);
-u16 PlayerSAO::punch(v3f dir,
- const ToolCapabilities *toolcap,
- ServerActiveObject *puncher,
- float time_from_last_punch)
- if (!toolcap)
- return 0;
- FATAL_ERROR_IF(!puncher, "Punch action called without SAO");
- // No effect if PvP disabled or if immortal
- if (isImmortal() || !g_settings->getBool("enable_pvp")) {
- if (puncher->getType() == ACTIVEOBJECT_TYPE_PLAYER) {
- // create message and add to list
- sendPunchCommand();
- return 0;
- }
- }
- s32 old_hp = getHP();
- HitParams hitparams = getHitParams(m_armor_groups, toolcap,
- time_from_last_punch);
- PlayerSAO *playersao = m_player->getPlayerSAO();
- bool damage_handled = m_env->getScriptIface()->on_punchplayer(playersao,
- puncher, time_from_last_punch, toolcap, dir,
- hitparams.hp);
- if (!damage_handled) {
- setHP((s32)getHP() - (s32)hitparams.hp,
- PlayerHPChangeReason(PlayerHPChangeReason::PLAYER_PUNCH, puncher));
- } else { // override client prediction
- if (puncher->getType() == ACTIVEOBJECT_TYPE_PLAYER) {
- // create message and add to list
- sendPunchCommand();
- }
- }
- actionstream << puncher->getDescription() << " (id=" << puncher->getId() <<
- ", hp=" << puncher->getHP() << ") punched " <<
- getDescription() << " (id=" << m_id << ", hp=" << m_hp <<
- "), damage=" << (old_hp - (s32)getHP()) <<
- (damage_handled ? " (handled by Lua)" : "") << std::endl;
- return hitparams.wear;
-void PlayerSAO::setHP(s32 hp, const PlayerHPChangeReason &reason)
- s32 oldhp = m_hp;
- hp = rangelim(hp, 0, m_prop.hp_max);
- if (oldhp != hp) {
- s32 hp_change = m_env->getScriptIface()->on_player_hpchange(this, hp - oldhp, reason);
- if (hp_change == 0)
- return;
- hp = rangelim(oldhp + hp_change, 0, m_prop.hp_max);
- }
- if (hp < oldhp && isImmortal())
- return;
- m_hp = hp;
- // Update properties on death
- if ((hp == 0) != (oldhp == 0))
- m_properties_sent = false;
-void PlayerSAO::setBreath(const u16 breath, bool send)
- if (m_player && breath != m_breath)
- m_player->setDirty(true);
- m_breath = rangelim(breath, 0, m_prop.breath_max);
- if (send)
- m_env->getGameDef()->SendPlayerBreath(this);
-Inventory *PlayerSAO::getInventory() const
- return m_player ? &m_player->inventory : nullptr;
-InventoryLocation PlayerSAO::getInventoryLocation() const
- InventoryLocation loc;
- loc.setPlayer(m_player->getName());
- return loc;
-u16 PlayerSAO::getWieldIndex() const
- return m_player->getWieldIndex();
-ItemStack PlayerSAO::getWieldedItem(ItemStack *selected, ItemStack *hand) const
- return m_player->getWieldedItem(selected, hand);
-bool PlayerSAO::setWieldedItem(const ItemStack &item)
- InventoryList *mlist = m_player->inventory.getList(getWieldList());
- if (mlist) {
- mlist->changeItem(m_player->getWieldIndex(), item);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void PlayerSAO::disconnected()
- m_peer_id = PEER_ID_INEXISTENT;
- m_pending_removal = true;
-void PlayerSAO::unlinkPlayerSessionAndSave()
- assert(m_player->getPlayerSAO() == this);
- m_player->setPeerId(PEER_ID_INEXISTENT);
- m_env->savePlayer(m_player);
- m_player->setPlayerSAO(NULL);
- m_env->removePlayer(m_player);
-std::string PlayerSAO::getPropertyPacket()
- m_prop.is_visible = (true);
- return generateSetPropertiesCommand(m_prop);
-void PlayerSAO::setMaxSpeedOverride(const v3f &vel)
- if (m_max_speed_override_time == 0.0f)
- m_max_speed_override = vel;
- else
- m_max_speed_override += vel;
- if (m_player) {
- float accel = MYMIN(m_player->movement_acceleration_default,
- m_player->movement_acceleration_air);
- m_max_speed_override_time = m_max_speed_override.getLength() / accel / BS;
- }
-bool PlayerSAO::checkMovementCheat()
- if (isAttached() || m_is_singleplayer ||
- g_settings->getBool("disable_anticheat")) {
- m_last_good_position = m_base_position;
- return false;
- }
- bool cheated = false;
- /*
- Check player movements
- NOTE: Actually the server should handle player physics like the
- client does and compare player's position to what is calculated
- on our side. This is required when eg. players fly due to an
- explosion. Altough a node-based alternative might be possible
- too, and much more lightweight.
- */
- float override_max_H, override_max_V;
- if (m_max_speed_override_time > 0.0f) {
- override_max_H = MYMAX(fabs(m_max_speed_override.X), fabs(m_max_speed_override.Z));
- override_max_V = fabs(m_max_speed_override.Y);
- } else {
- override_max_H = override_max_V = 0.0f;
- }
- float player_max_walk = 0; // horizontal movement
- float player_max_jump = 0; // vertical upwards movement
- if (m_privs.count("fast") != 0)
- player_max_walk = m_player->movement_speed_fast; // Fast speed
- else
- player_max_walk = m_player->movement_speed_walk; // Normal speed
- player_max_walk *= m_physics_override_speed;
- player_max_walk = MYMAX(player_max_walk, override_max_H);
- player_max_jump = m_player->movement_speed_jump * m_physics_override_jump;
- // FIXME: Bouncy nodes cause practically unbound increase in Y speed,
- // until this can be verified correctly, tolerate higher jumping speeds
- player_max_jump *= 2.0;
- player_max_jump = MYMAX(player_max_jump, override_max_V);
- // Don't divide by zero!
- if (player_max_walk < 0.0001f)
- player_max_walk = 0.0001f;
- if (player_max_jump < 0.0001f)
- player_max_jump = 0.0001f;
- v3f diff = (m_base_position - m_last_good_position);
- float d_vert = diff.Y;
- diff.Y = 0;
- float d_horiz = diff.getLength();
- float required_time = d_horiz / player_max_walk;
- // FIXME: Checking downwards movement is not easily possible currently,
- // the server could calculate speed differences to examine the gravity
- if (d_vert > 0) {
- // In certain cases (water, ladders) walking speed is applied vertically
- float s = MYMAX(player_max_jump, player_max_walk);
- required_time = MYMAX(required_time, d_vert / s);
- }
- if (m_move_pool.grab(required_time)) {
- m_last_good_position = m_base_position;
- } else {
- const float LAG_POOL_MIN = 5.0;
- float lag_pool_max = m_env->getMaxLagEstimate() * 2.0;
- lag_pool_max = MYMAX(lag_pool_max, LAG_POOL_MIN);
- if (m_time_from_last_teleport > lag_pool_max) {
- actionstream << "Player " << m_player->getName()
- << " moved too fast; resetting position"
- << std::endl;
- cheated = true;
- }
- setBasePosition(m_last_good_position);
- }
- return cheated;
-bool PlayerSAO::getCollisionBox(aabb3f *toset) const
- //update collision box
- toset->MinEdge = m_prop.collisionbox.MinEdge * BS;
- toset->MaxEdge = m_prop.collisionbox.MaxEdge * BS;
- toset->MinEdge += m_base_position;
- toset->MaxEdge += m_base_position;
- return true;
-bool PlayerSAO::getSelectionBox(aabb3f *toset) const
- if (!m_prop.is_visible || !m_prop.pointable) {
- return false;
- }
- toset->MinEdge = m_prop.selectionbox.MinEdge * BS;
- toset->MaxEdge = m_prop.selectionbox.MaxEdge * BS;
- return true;
-float PlayerSAO::getZoomFOV() const
- return m_prop.zoom_fov;