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3 files changed, 111 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/doc/lua_api.txt b/doc/lua_api.txt
index 7061a5b8a..1dc5f305d 100644
--- a/doc/lua_api.txt
+++ b/doc/lua_api.txt
@@ -2174,6 +2174,13 @@ Some of the values in the key-value store are handled specially:
* `color`: A `ColorString`, which sets the stack's color.
* `palette_index`: If the item has a palette, this is used to get the
current color from the palette.
+* `count_meta`: Replace the displayed count with any string.
+* `count_alignment`: Set the alignment of the displayed count value. This is an
+ int value. The lowest 2 bits specify the alignment in x-direction, the 3rd and
+ 4th bit specify the alignment in y-direction:
+ 0 = default, 1 = left / up, 2 = middle, 3 = right / down
+ The default currently is the same as right/down.
+ Example: 6 = 2 + 1*4 = middle,up
diff --git a/games/devtest/mods/util_commands/init.lua b/games/devtest/mods/util_commands/init.lua
index 79acaa0d0..9be989e67 100644
--- a/games/devtest/mods/util_commands/init.lua
+++ b/games/devtest/mods/util_commands/init.lua
@@ -246,3 +246,50 @@ function minetest.handle_node_drops(pos, drops, digger)
+minetest.register_chatcommand("set_displayed_itemcount", {
+ params = "(-s \"<string>\" [-c <color>]) | -a <alignment_num>",
+ description = "Set the displayed itemcount of the wielded item",
+ func = function(name, param)
+ local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
+ local item = player:get_wielded_item()
+ local meta = item:get_meta()
+ local flag1 = param:sub(1, 2)
+ if flag1 == "-s" then
+ if param:sub(3, 4) ~= " \"" then
+ return false, "Error: Space and string with \"s expected after -s."
+ end
+ local se = param:find("\"", 5, true)
+ if not se then
+ return false, "Error: String with two \"s expected after -s."
+ end
+ local s = param:sub(5, se - 1)
+ if param:sub(se + 1, se + 4) == " -c " then
+ s = minetest.colorize(param:sub(se + 5), s)
+ end
+ meta:set_string("count_meta", s)
+ elseif flag1 == "-a" then
+ local num = tonumber(param:sub(4))
+ if not num then
+ return false, "Error: Invalid number: "..param:sub(4)
+ end
+ meta:set_int("count_alignment", num)
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ player:set_wielded_item(item)
+ return true, "Displayed itemcount set."
+ end,
+minetest.register_chatcommand("dump_item", {
+ params = "",
+ description = "Prints a dump of the wielded item in table form",
+ func = function(name, param)
+ local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
+ local item = player:get_wielded_item()
+ local str = dump(item:to_table())
+ print(str)
+ return true, str
+ end,
diff --git a/src/client/hud.cpp b/src/client/hud.cpp
index 259a18ab9..01f4d6ff3 100644
--- a/src/client/hud.cpp
+++ b/src/client/hud.cpp
@@ -1013,6 +1013,10 @@ void drawItemStack(
bool has_mesh = false;
ItemMesh *imesh;
+ core::rect<s32> viewrect = rect;
+ if (clip != nullptr)
+ viewrect.clipAgainst(*clip);
// Render as mesh if animated or no inventory image
if ((enable_animations && rotation_kind < IT_ROT_NONE) || def.inventory_image.empty()) {
imesh = client->idef()->getWieldMesh(def.name, client);
@@ -1034,9 +1038,6 @@ void drawItemStack(
core::rect<s32> oldViewPort = driver->getViewPort();
core::matrix4 oldProjMat = driver->getTransform(video::ETS_PROJECTION);
core::matrix4 oldViewMat = driver->getTransform(video::ETS_VIEW);
- core::rect<s32> viewrect = rect;
- if (clip)
- viewrect.clipAgainst(*clip);
core::matrix4 ProjMatrix;
ProjMatrix.buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH(2.0f, 2.0f, -1.0f, 100.0f);
@@ -1180,24 +1181,68 @@ void drawItemStack(
driver->draw2DRectangle(color, progressrect2, clip);
- if (font != NULL && item.count >= 2) {
+ const std::string &count_text = item.metadata.getString("count_meta");
+ if (font != nullptr && (item.count >= 2 || !count_text.empty())) {
// Get the item count as a string
- std::string text = itos(item.count);
- v2u32 dim = font->getDimension(utf8_to_wide(text).c_str());
+ std::string text = count_text.empty() ? itos(item.count) : count_text;
+ v2u32 dim = font->getDimension(utf8_to_wide(unescape_enriched(text)).c_str());
v2s32 sdim(dim.X, dim.Y);
core::rect<s32> rect2(
- /*rect.UpperLeftCorner,
- core::dimension2d<u32>(rect.getWidth(), 15)*/
rect.LowerRightCorner - sdim,
- sdim
+ rect.LowerRightCorner
- video::SColor bgcolor(128, 0, 0, 0);
- driver->draw2DRectangle(bgcolor, rect2, clip);
+ // get the count alignment
+ s32 count_alignment = stoi(item.metadata.getString("count_alignment"));
+ if (count_alignment != 0) {
+ s32 a_x = count_alignment & 3;
+ s32 a_y = (count_alignment >> 2) & 3;
+ s32 x1, x2, y1, y2;
+ switch (a_x) {
+ case 1: // left
+ x1 = rect.UpperLeftCorner.X;
+ x2 = x1 + sdim.X;
+ break;
+ case 2: // middle
+ x1 = (rect.UpperLeftCorner.X + rect.LowerRightCorner.X - sdim.X) / 2;
+ x2 = x1 + sdim.X;
+ break;
+ case 3: // right
+ x2 = rect.LowerRightCorner.X;
+ x1 = x2 - sdim.X;
+ break;
+ default: // 0 = default
+ x1 = rect2.UpperLeftCorner.X;
+ x2 = rect2.LowerRightCorner.X;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (a_y) {
+ case 1: // up
+ y1 = rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y;
+ y2 = y1 + sdim.Y;
+ break;
+ case 2: // middle
+ y1 = (rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + rect.LowerRightCorner.Y - sdim.Y) / 2;
+ y2 = y1 + sdim.Y;
+ break;
+ case 3: // down
+ y2 = rect.LowerRightCorner.Y;
+ y1 = y2 - sdim.Y;
+ break;
+ default: // 0 = default
+ y1 = rect2.UpperLeftCorner.Y;
+ y2 = rect2.LowerRightCorner.Y;
+ break;
+ }
+ rect2 = core::rect<s32>(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ }
video::SColor color(255, 255, 255, 255);
- font->draw(text.c_str(), rect2, color, false, false, clip);
+ font->draw(utf8_to_wide(text).c_str(), rect2, color, false, false, &viewrect);