path: root/builtin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'builtin')
5 files changed, 2760 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/builtin/gamemgr.lua b/builtin/gamemgr.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bbff51305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin/gamemgr.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+--Copyright (C) 2013 sapier
+--This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+--it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+--the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+--(at your option) any later version.
+--This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+--but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+--GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+--You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+--with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+--51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+gamemgr = {}
+function gamemgr.dialog_new_game()
+ local retval =
+ "label[2,2;Game Name]"..
+ "field[4.5,2.4;6,0.5;te_game_name;;]" ..
+ "button[5,4.2;2.6,0.5;new_game_confirm;Create]" ..
+ "button[7.5,4.2;2.8,0.5;new_game_cancel;Cancel]"
+ return retval
+function gamemgr.handle_games_buttons(fields)
+ if fields["gamelist"] ~= nil then
+ local event = explode_textlist_event(fields["gamelist"])
+ gamemgr.selected_game = event.index
+ end
+ if fields["btn_game_mgr_edit_game"] ~= nil then
+ return {
+ is_dialog = true,
+ show_buttons = false,
+ current_tab = "dialog_edit_game"
+ }
+ end
+ if fields["btn_game_mgr_new_game"] ~= nil then
+ return {
+ is_dialog = true,
+ show_buttons = false,
+ current_tab = "dialog_new_game"
+ }
+ end
+ return nil
+function gamemgr.handle_new_game_buttons(fields)
+ if fields["new_game_confirm"] and
+ fields["te_game_name"] ~= nil and
+ fields["te_game_name"] ~= "" then
+ local gamepath = engine.get_gamepath()
+ if gamepath ~= nil and
+ gamepath ~= "" then
+ local gamefolder = cleanup_path(fields["te_game_name"])
+ --TODO check for already existing first
+ engine.create_dir(gamepath .. DIR_DELIM .. gamefolder)
+ engine.create_dir(gamepath .. DIR_DELIM .. gamefolder .. DIR_DELIM .. "mods")
+ engine.create_dir(gamepath .. DIR_DELIM .. gamefolder .. DIR_DELIM .. "menu")
+ local gameconf =
+ io.open(gamepath .. DIR_DELIM .. gamefolder .. DIR_DELIM .. "game.conf","w")
+ if gameconf then
+ gameconf:write("name = " .. fields["te_game_name"])
+ gameconf:close()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return {
+ is_dialog = false,
+ show_buttons = true,
+ current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab")
+ }
+function gamemgr.handle_edit_game_buttons(fields)
+ local current_game = gamemgr.get_game(gamemgr.selected_game)
+ if fields["btn_close_edit_game"] ~= nil or
+ current_game == nil then
+ return {
+ is_dialog = false,
+ show_buttons = true,
+ current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab")
+ }
+ end
+ if fields["btn_remove_mod_from_game"] ~= nil then
+ gamemgr.delete_mod(current_game,engine.get_textlist_index("mods_current"))
+ end
+ if fields["btn_add_mod_to_game"] ~= nil then
+ local modindex = engine.get_textlist_index("mods_available")
+ if modindex > 0 and
+ modindex <= #modmgr.global_mods then
+ local sourcepath =
+ engine.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. modmgr.global_mods[modindex]
+ gamemgr.add_mod(current_game,sourcepath)
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function gamemgr.add_mod(gamespec,sourcepath)
+ if gamespec.gamemods_path ~= nil and
+ gamespec.gamemods_path ~= "" then
+ local modname = get_last_folder(sourcepath)
+ engine.copy_dir(sourcepath,gamespec.gamemods_path .. DIR_DELIM .. modname);
+ end
+function gamemgr.delete_mod(gamespec,modindex)
+ if gamespec.gamemods_path ~= nil and
+ gamespec.gamemods_path ~= "" then
+ local game_mods = {}
+ get_mods(gamespec.gamemods_path,game_mods)
+ if modindex > 0 and
+ #game_mods >= modindex then
+ local modname = game_mods[modindex]
+ if modname:find("<MODPACK>") ~= nil then
+ modname = modname:sub(0,modname:find("<") -2)
+ end
+ local modpath = gamespec.gamemods_path .. DIR_DELIM .. modname
+ if modpath:sub(0,gamespec.gamemods_path:len()) == gamespec.gamemods_path then
+ engine.delete_dir(modpath)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function gamemgr.get_game_mods(gamespec)
+ local retval = ""
+ if gamespec.gamemods_path ~= nil and
+ gamespec.gamemods_path ~= "" then
+ local game_mods = {}
+ get_mods(gamespec.gamemods_path,game_mods)
+ for i=1,#game_mods,1 do
+ if retval ~= "" then
+ retval = retval..","
+ end
+ retval = retval .. game_mods[i]
+ end
+ end
+ return retval
+function gamemgr.gettab(name)
+ local retval = ""
+ if name == "dialog_edit_game" then
+ retval = retval .. gamemgr.dialog_edit_game()
+ end
+ if name == "dialog_new_game" then
+ retval = retval .. gamemgr.dialog_new_game()
+ end
+ if name == "game_mgr" then
+ retval = retval .. gamemgr.tab()
+ end
+ return retval
+function gamemgr.tab()
+ if gamemgr.selected_game == nil then
+ gamemgr.selected_game = 1
+ end
+ local retval =
+ "vertlabel[0,-0.25;GAMES]" ..
+ "label[1,-0.25;Games:]" ..
+ "textlist[1,0.25;4.5,4.4;gamelist;" ..
+ gamemgr.gamelist() ..
+ ";" .. gamemgr.selected_game .. "]"
+ local current_game = gamemgr.get_game(gamemgr.selected_game)
+ if current_game ~= nil then
+ if current_game.menuicon_path ~= nil and
+ current_game.menuicon_path ~= "" then
+ retval = retval ..
+ "image[5.8,-0.25;2,2;" .. current_game.menuicon_path .. "]"
+ end
+ retval = retval ..
+ "field[8,-0.25;6,2;;" .. current_game.name .. ";]"..
+ "label[6,1.4;Mods:]" ..
+ "button[9.7,1.5;2,0.2;btn_game_mgr_edit_game;edit game]" ..
+ "textlist[6,2;5.5,3.3;game_mgr_modlist;"
+ .. gamemgr.get_game_mods(current_game) ..";0]" ..
+ "button[1,4.75;3.2,0.5;btn_game_mgr_new_game;new game]"
+ end
+ return retval
+function gamemgr.dialog_edit_game()
+ local current_game = gamemgr.get_game(gamemgr.selected_game)
+ if current_game ~= nil then
+ local retval =
+ "vertlabel[0,-0.25;EDIT GAME]" ..
+ "label[0,-0.25;" .. current_game.name .. "]" ..
+ "button[11.55,-0.2;0.75,0.5;btn_close_edit_game;x]"
+ if current_game.menuicon_path ~= nil and
+ current_game.menuicon_path ~= "" then
+ retval = retval ..
+ "image[5.25,0;2,2;" .. current_game.menuicon_path .. "]"
+ end
+ retval = retval ..
+ "textlist[0.5,0.5;4.5,4.3;mods_current;"
+ .. gamemgr.get_game_mods(current_game) ..";0]"
+ retval = retval ..
+ "textlist[7,0.5;4.5,4.3;mods_available;"
+ .. modmgr.get_mods_list() .. ";0]"
+ retval = retval ..
+ "button[0.55,4.95;4.7,0.5;btn_remove_mod_from_game;Remove selected mod]"
+ retval = retval ..
+ "button[7.05,4.95;4.7,0.5;btn_add_mod_to_game;<<-- Add mod]"
+ return retval
+ end
+function gamemgr.handle_buttons(tab,fields)
+ local retval = nil
+ if tab == "dialog_edit_game" then
+ retval = gamemgr.handle_edit_game_buttons(fields)
+ end
+ if tab == "dialog_new_game" then
+ retval = gamemgr.handle_new_game_buttons(fields)
+ end
+ if tab == "game_mgr" then
+ retval = gamemgr.handle_games_buttons(fields)
+ end
+ return retval
+function gamemgr.get_game(index)
+ if index > 0 and index <= #gamemgr.games then
+ return gamemgr.games[index]
+ end
+ return nil
+function gamemgr.update_gamelist()
+ gamemgr.games = engine.get_games()
+function gamemgr.gamelist()
+ local retval = ""
+ if #gamemgr.games > 0 then
+ retval = retval .. gamemgr.games[1].id
+ for i=2,#gamemgr.games,1 do
+ retval = retval .. "," .. gamemgr.games[i].name
+ end
+ end
+ return retval
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu.lua b/builtin/mainmenu.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef0ba7226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1190 @@
+local scriptpath = engine.get_scriptdir()
+dofile(scriptpath .. DIR_DELIM .. "modmgr.lua")
+dofile(scriptpath .. DIR_DELIM .. "modstore.lua")
+dofile(scriptpath .. DIR_DELIM .. "gamemgr.lua")
+local menu = {}
+local tabbuilder = {}
+local menubar = {}
+function render_favourite(spec)
+ local text = ""
+ if spec.name ~= nil then
+ text = text .. spec.name:trim()
+ if spec.description ~= nil then
+ --TODO make sure there's no invalid chat in spec.description
+ text = text .. " (" .. fs_escape_string(spec.description) .. ")"
+ end
+ else
+ if spec.address ~= nil then
+ text = text .. spec.address:trim()
+ end
+ end
+ local details = ""
+ if spec.password == true then
+ details = " *"
+ else
+ details = " "
+ end
+ if spec.creative then
+ details = details .. "C"
+ else
+ details = details .. " "
+ end
+ if spec.damage then
+ details = details .. "D"
+ else
+ details = details .. " "
+ end
+ if spec.pvp then
+ details = details .. "P"
+ else
+ details = details .. " "
+ end
+ text = text .. ":" .. spec.port:trim()
+ return text
+os.tempfolder = function()
+ local filetocheck = os.tmpname()
+ os.remove(filetocheck)
+ local randname = "MTTempModFolder_" .. math.random(0,10000)
+ if DIR_DELIM == "\\" then
+ local tempfolder = os.getenv("TEMP")
+ return tempfolder .. filetocheck
+ else
+ local backstring = filetocheck:reverse()
+ return filetocheck:sub(0,filetocheck:len()-backstring:find(DIR_DELIM)+1) ..randname
+ end
+function cleanup_path(temppath)
+ local parts = temppath:split("-")
+ temppath = ""
+ for i=1,#parts,1 do
+ if temppath ~= "" then
+ temppath = temppath .. "_"
+ end
+ temppath = temppath .. parts[i]
+ end
+ parts = temppath:split(".")
+ temppath = ""
+ for i=1,#parts,1 do
+ if temppath ~= "" then
+ temppath = temppath .. "_"
+ end
+ temppath = temppath .. parts[i]
+ end
+ parts = temppath:split("'")
+ temppath = ""
+ for i=1,#parts,1 do
+ if temppath ~= "" then
+ temppath = temppath .. ""
+ end
+ temppath = temppath .. parts[i]
+ end
+ parts = temppath:split(" ")
+ temppath = ""
+ for i=1,#parts,1 do
+ if temppath ~= "" then
+ temppath = temppath
+ end
+ temppath = temppath .. parts[i]
+ end
+ return temppath
+function menu.update_gametype()
+ if (menu.game_last_check == nil or
+ menu.game_last_check ~= menu.last_game) and
+ tabbuilder.current_tab == "singleplayer" then
+ local gamedetails = menu.lastgame()
+ engine.set_topleft_text(gamedetails.name)
+ --background
+ local path_background_texture = gamedetails.path .. DIR_DELIM .."menu" ..
+ DIR_DELIM .. "background.png"
+ if engine.set_background("background",path_background_texture) then
+ engine.set_clouds(false)
+ else
+ engine.set_clouds(true)
+ end
+ --overlay
+ local path_overlay_texture = gamedetails.path .. DIR_DELIM .."menu" ..
+ DIR_DELIM .. "overlay.png"
+ engine.set_background("overlay",path_overlay_texture)
+ --header
+ local path_overlay_texture = gamedetails.path .. DIR_DELIM .."menu" ..
+ DIR_DELIM .. "header.png"
+ engine.set_background("header",path_overlay_texture)
+ --footer
+ local path_overlay_texture = gamedetails.path .. DIR_DELIM .."menu" ..
+ DIR_DELIM .. "footer.png"
+ engine.set_background("footer",path_overlay_texture)
+ menu.game_last_check = menu.last_game
+ else
+ if menu.game_last_check ~= menu.last_game then
+ menu.game_last_check = menu.last_game
+ menu.reset_gametype()
+ end
+ end
+function menu.reset_gametype()
+ menu.game_last_check = nil
+ engine.set_clouds(true)
+ engine.set_background("background","")
+ engine.set_background("overlay",menu.basetexturedir .. "menu_overlay.png")
+ engine.set_background("header",menu.basetexturedir .. "menu_header.png")
+ engine.set_background("footer",menu.basetexturedir .. "menu_footer.png")
+ engine.set_topleft_text("")
+function get_last_folder(text,count)
+ local parts = text:split(DIR_DELIM)
+ if count == nil then
+ return parts[#parts]
+ end
+ local retval = ""
+ for i=1,count,1 do
+ retval = retval .. parts[#parts - (count-i)] .. DIR_DELIM
+ end
+ return retval
+function init_globals()
+ --init gamedata
+ gamedata.worldindex = 0
+function identify_filetype(name)
+ if name:sub(-3):lower() == "zip" then
+ return {
+ name = name,
+ type = "zip"
+ }
+ end
+ if name:sub(-6):lower() == "tar.gz" or
+ name:sub(-3):lower() == "tgz"then
+ return {
+ name = name,
+ type = "tgz"
+ }
+ end
+ if name:sub(-6):lower() == "tar.bz2" then
+ return {
+ name = name,
+ type = "tbz"
+ }
+ end
+ if name:sub(-2):lower() == "7z" then
+ return {
+ name = name,
+ type = "7z"
+ }
+ end
+ return {
+ name = name,
+ type = "ukn"
+ }
+function update_menu()
+ local formspec = "size[12,5.2]"
+ -- handle errors
+ if gamedata.errormessage ~= nil then
+ formspec = formspec ..
+ "field[1,2;10,2;;ERROR: " ..
+ gamedata.errormessage ..
+ ";]"..
+ "button[4.5,4.2;3,0.5;btn_error_confirm;Ok]"
+ else
+ formspec = formspec .. tabbuilder.gettab()
+ end
+ engine.update_formspec(formspec)
+function menu.filtered_game_list()
+ local retval = ""
+ local current_game = menu.lastgame()
+ for i=1,#menu.worldlist,1 do
+ if menu.worldlist[i].gameid == current_game.id then
+ if retval ~= "" then
+ retval = retval ..","
+ end
+ retval = retval .. menu.worldlist[i].name ..
+ " [[" .. menu.worldlist[i].gameid .. "]]"
+ end
+ end
+ return retval
+function menu.filtered_game_list_raw()
+ local retval = {}
+ local current_game = menu.lastgame()
+ for i=1,#menu.worldlist,1 do
+ if menu.worldlist[i].gameid == current_game.id then
+ table.insert(retval,menu.worldlist[i])
+ end
+ end
+ return retval
+function menu.filtered_index_to_plain(filtered_index)
+ local current_game = menu.lastgame()
+ local temp_idx = 0
+ for i=1,#menu.worldlist,1 do
+ if menu.worldlist[i].gameid == current_game.id then
+ temp_idx = temp_idx +1
+ end
+ if temp_idx == filtered_index then
+ return i
+ end
+ end
+ return -1
+function menu.init()
+ --init menu data
+ gamemgr.update_gamelist()
+ menu.worldlist = engine.get_worlds()
+ menu.last_world = tonumber(engine.setting_get("main_menu_last_world_idx"))
+ menu.last_game = tonumber(engine.setting_get("main_menu_last_game_idx"))
+ if type(menu.last_world) ~= "number" then
+ menu.last_world = 1
+ end
+ if type(menu.last_game) ~= "number" then
+ menu.last_game = 1
+ end
+ if engine.setting_getbool("public_serverlist") then
+ menu.favorites = engine.get_favorites("online")
+ else
+ menu.favorites = engine.get_favorites("local")
+ end
+ menu.basetexturedir = engine.get_gamepath() .. DIR_DELIM .. ".." ..
+ DIR_DELIM .. "textures" .. DIR_DELIM .. "base" ..
+ DIR_DELIM .. "pack" .. DIR_DELIM
+function menu.lastgame()
+ if menu.last_game > 0 and menu.last_game <= #gamemgr.games then
+ return gamemgr.games[menu.last_game]
+ end
+ if #gamemgr.games >= 1 then
+ menu.last_game = 1
+ return gamemgr.games[menu.last_game]
+ end
+ --error case!!
+ return nil
+function menu.lastworld()
+ if menu.last_world ~= nil and
+ menu.last_world > 0 and
+ menu.last_world <= #menu.worldlist then
+ return menu.worldlist[menu.last_world]
+ end
+ if #menu.worldlist >= 1 then
+ menu.last_world = 1
+ return menu.worldlist[menu.last_world]
+ end
+ --error case!!
+ return nil
+function menu.update_last_game(world_idx)
+ if gamedata.selected_world <= #menu.worldlist then
+ local world = menu.worldlist[gamedata.selected_world]
+ for i=1,#gamemgr.games,1 do
+ if gamemgr.games[i].id == world.gameid then
+ menu.last_game = i
+ engine.setting_set("main_menu_last_game_idx",menu.last_game)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function menubar.handle_buttons(fields)
+ for i=1,#menubar.buttons,1 do
+ if fields[menubar.buttons[i].btn_name] ~= nil then
+ menu.last_game = menubar.buttons[i].index
+ engine.setting_set("main_menu_last_game_idx",menu.last_game)
+ menu.update_gametype()
+ end
+ end
+function menubar.refresh()
+ menubar.formspec = "box[-2,7.625;15.75,1.75;BLK]"
+ menubar.buttons = {}
+ local button_base = -1.8
+ local maxbuttons = #gamemgr.games
+ if maxbuttons > 12 then
+ maxbuttons = 12
+ end
+ for i=1,maxbuttons,1 do
+ local btn_name = "menubar_btn_" .. gamemgr.games[i].id
+ local buttonpos = button_base + (i-1) * 1.3
+ if gamemgr.games[i].menuicon_path ~= nil and
+ gamemgr.games[i].menuicon_path ~= "" then
+ menubar.formspec = menubar.formspec ..
+ "image_button[" .. buttonpos .. ",7.9;1.3,1.3;" ..
+ gamemgr.games[i].menuicon_path .. ";" .. btn_name .. ";;true;false]"
+ else
+ local part1 = gamemgr.games[i].id:sub(1,5)
+ local part2 = gamemgr.games[i].id:sub(6,10)
+ local part3 = gamemgr.games[i].id:sub(11)
+ local text = part1 .. "\n" .. part2
+ if part3 ~= nil and
+ part3 ~= "" then
+ text = text .. "\n" .. part3
+ end
+ menubar.formspec = menubar.formspec ..
+ "image_button[" .. buttonpos .. ",7.9;1.3,1.3;;" ..btn_name ..
+ ";" .. text .. ";true;true]"
+ end
+ local toadd = {
+ btn_name = btn_name,
+ index = i,
+ }
+ table.insert(menubar.buttons,toadd)
+ end
+function tabbuilder.dialog_create_world()
+ local retval =
+ "label[2,0;World name]"..
+ "label[2,1;Mapgen]"..
+ "field[4.5,0.4;6,0.5;te_world_name;;]" ..
+ "label[2,2;Game]"..
+ "button[5,4.5;2.6,0.5;world_create_confirm;Create]" ..
+ "button[7.5,4.5;2.8,0.5;world_create_cancel;Cancel]" ..
+ "dropdown[4.2,1;6.3;dd_mapgen;v6,v7,indev,singlenode,math;1]" .. --TODO read from minetest
+ "textlist[4.2,1.9;5.8,2.3;games;" ..
+ gamemgr.gamelist() ..
+ ";" .. menu.last_game .. ";true]"
+ return retval
+function tabbuilder.dialog_delete_world()
+ return "label[2,2;Delete World \"" .. menu.lastworld().name .. "\"?]"..
+ "button[3.5,4.2;2.6,0.5;world_delete_confirm;Yes]" ..
+ "button[6,4.2;2.8,0.5;world_delete_cancel;No]"
+function tabbuilder.gettab()
+ local retval = ""
+ if tabbuilder.show_buttons then
+ retval = retval .. tabbuilder.tab_header()
+ end
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "singleplayer" then
+ retval = retval .. tabbuilder.tab_singleplayer()
+ end
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "multiplayer" then
+ retval = retval .. tabbuilder.tab_multiplayer()
+ end
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "server" then
+ retval = retval .. tabbuilder.tab_server()
+ end
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "settings" then
+ retval = retval .. tabbuilder.tab_settings()
+ end
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "credits" then
+ retval = retval .. tabbuilder.tab_credits()
+ end
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "dialog_create_world" then
+ retval = retval .. tabbuilder.dialog_create_world()
+ end
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "dialog_delete_world" then
+ retval = retval .. tabbuilder.dialog_delete_world()
+ end
+ retval = retval .. modmgr.gettab(tabbuilder.current_tab)
+ retval = retval .. gamemgr.gettab(tabbuilder.current_tab)
+ retval = retval .. modstore.gettab(tabbuilder.current_tab)
+ return retval
+function tabbuilder.handle_create_world_buttons(fields)
+ if fields["world_create_confirm"] then
+ local worldname = fields["te_world_name"]
+ local gameindex = engine.get_textlist_index("games")
+ if gameindex > 0 and
+ worldname ~= "" then
+ engine.setting_set("mg_name",fields["dd_mapgen"])
+ local message = engine.create_world(worldname,gameindex)
+ menu.last_game = gameindex
+ engine.setting_set("main_menu_last_game_idx",gameindex)
+ if message ~= nil then
+ gamedata.errormessage = message
+ else
+ menu.worldlist = engine.get_worlds()
+ local worldlist = menu.worldlist
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "singleplayer" then
+ worldlist = menu.filtered_game_list_raw()
+ end
+ local index = 0
+ for i=1,#worldlist,1 do
+ if worldlist[i].name == worldname then
+ index = i
+ print("found new world index: " .. index)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "singleplayer" then
+ engine.setting_set("main_menu_singleplayer_world_idx",index)
+ else
+ menu.last_world = index
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ gamedata.errormessage = "No worldname given or no game selected"
+ end
+ end
+ if fields["games"] then
+ tabbuilder.skipformupdate = true
+ return
+ end
+ tabbuilder.is_dialog = false
+ tabbuilder.show_buttons = true
+ tabbuilder.current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab")
+function tabbuilder.handle_delete_world_buttons(fields)
+ if fields["world_delete_confirm"] then
+ if menu.last_world > 0 and
+ menu.last_world < #menu.worldlist then
+ engine.delete_world(menu.last_world)
+ menu.worldlist = engine.get_worlds()
+ menu.last_world = 1
+ end
+ end
+ tabbuilder.is_dialog = false
+ tabbuilder.show_buttons = true
+ tabbuilder.current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab")
+function tabbuilder.handle_multiplayer_buttons(fields)
+ if fields["favourites"] ~= nil then
+ local event = explode_textlist_event(fields["favourites"])
+ if event.typ == "DCL" then
+ gamedata.address = menu.favorites[event.index].name
+ if gamedata.address == nil then
+ gamedata.address = menu.favorites[event.index].address
+ end
+ gamedata.port = menu.favorites[event.index].port
+ gamedata.playername = fields["te_name"]
+ gamedata.password = fields["te_pwd"]
+ gamedata.selected_world = 0
+ if gamedata.address ~= nil and
+ gamedata.port ~= nil then
+ engine.start()
+ end
+ end
+ if event.typ == "CHG" then
+ local address = menu.favorites[event.index].name
+ if address == nil then
+ address = menu.favorites[event.index].address
+ end
+ local port = menu.favorites[event.index].port
+ if address ~= nil and
+ port ~= nil then
+ engine.setting_set("address",address)
+ engine.setting_set("port",port)
+ end
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ if fields["cb_public_serverlist"] ~= nil then
+ engine.setting_setbool("public_serverlist",
+ tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_public_serverlist"]))
+ if engine.setting_getbool("public_serverlist") then
+ menu.favorites = engine.get_favorites("online")
+ else
+ menu.favorites = engine.get_favorites("local")
+ end
+ end
+ if fields["btn_delete_favorite"] ~= nil then
+ local current_favourite = engine.get_textlist_index("favourites")
+ engine.delete_favorite(current_favourite)
+ menu.favorites = engine.get_favorites()
+ engine.setting_set("address","")
+ engine.setting_get("port","")
+ return
+ end
+ if fields["btn_mp_connect"] ~= nil then
+ gamedata.playername = fields["te_name"]
+ gamedata.password = fields["te_pwd"]
+ gamedata.address = fields["te_address"]
+ gamedata.port = fields["te_port"]
+ gamedata.selected_world = 0
+ engine.start()
+ return
+ end
+function tabbuilder.handle_server_buttons(fields)
+ local world_doubleclick = false
+ if fields["worlds"] ~= nil then
+ local event = explode_textlist_event(fields["worlds"])
+ if event.typ == "DBL" then
+ world_doubleclick = true
+ end
+ end
+ if fields["cb_creative_mode"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("creative_mode",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_creative_mode"]))
+ end
+ if fields["cb_enable_damage"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("enable_damage",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_enable_damage"]))
+ end
+ if fields["start_server"] ~= nil or
+ world_doubleclick then
+ local selected = engine.get_textlist_index("srv_worlds")
+ if selected > 0 then
+ gamedata.playername = fields["te_playername"]
+ gamedata.password = fields["te_pwd"]
+ gamedata.address = ""
+ gamedata.port = fields["te_serverport"]
+ gamedata.selected_world = selected
+ engine.setting_set("main_menu_tab",tabbuilder.current_tab)
+ engine.setting_set("main_menu_last_world_idx",gamedata.selected_world)
+ menu.update_last_game(gamedata.selected_world)
+ engine.start()
+ end
+ end
+ if fields["world_create"] ~= nil then
+ tabbuilder.current_tab = "dialog_create_world"
+ tabbuilder.is_dialog = true
+ tabbuilder.show_buttons = false
+ end
+ if fields["world_delete"] ~= nil then
+ local selected = engine.get_textlist_index("srv_worlds")
+ if selected > 0 then
+ menu.last_world = engine.get_textlist_index("worlds")
+ if menu.lastworld() ~= nil and
+ menu.lastworld().name ~= nil and
+ menu.lastworld().name ~= "" then
+ tabbuilder.current_tab = "dialog_delete_world"
+ tabbuilder.is_dialog = true
+ tabbuilder.show_buttons = false
+ else
+ menu.last_world = 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if fields["world_configure"] ~= nil then
+ selected = engine.get_textlist_index("srv_worlds")
+ if selected > 0 then
+ modmgr.world_config_selected_world = selected
+ if modmgr.init_worldconfig() then
+ tabbuilder.current_tab = "dialog_configure_world"
+ tabbuilder.is_dialog = true
+ tabbuilder.show_buttons = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function tabbuilder.tobool(text)
+ if text == "true" then
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function tabbuilder.handle_settings_buttons(fields)
+ if fields["cb_fancy_trees"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("new_style_leaves",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_fancy_trees"]))
+ end
+ if fields["cb_smooth_lighting"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("smooth_lighting",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_smooth_lighting"]))
+ end
+ if fields["cb_3d_clouds"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("enable_3d_clouds",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_3d_clouds"]))
+ end
+ if fields["cb_opaque_water"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("opaque_water",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_opaque_water"]))
+ end
+ if fields["cb_mipmapping"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("mip_map",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_mipmapping"]))
+ end
+ if fields["cb_anisotrophic"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("anisotropic_filter",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_anisotrophic"]))
+ end
+ if fields["cb_bilinear"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("bilinear_filter",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_bilinear"]))
+ end
+ if fields["cb_trilinear"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("trilinear_filter",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_trilinear"]))
+ end
+ if fields["cb_shaders"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("enable_shaders",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_shaders"]))
+ end
+ if fields["cb_pre_ivis"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("preload_item_visuals",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_pre_ivis"]))
+ end
+ if fields["cb_particles"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("enable_particles",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_particles"]))
+ end
+ if fields["cb_finite_liquid"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("liquid_finite",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_finite_liquid"]))
+ end
+ if fields["btn_change_keys"] ~= nil then
+ engine.show_keys_menu()
+ end
+function tabbuilder.handle_singleplayer_buttons(fields)
+ local world_doubleclick = false
+ if fields["sp_worlds"] ~= nil then
+ local event = explode_textlist_event(fields["sp_worlds"])
+ if event.typ == "DCL" then
+ world_doubleclick = true
+ end
+ end
+ if fields["cb_creative_mode"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("creative_mode",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_creative_mode"]))
+ end
+ if fields["cb_enable_damage"] then
+ engine.setting_setbool("enable_damage",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_enable_damage"]))
+ end
+ if fields["play"] ~= nil or
+ world_doubleclick then
+ local selected = engine.get_textlist_index("sp_worlds")
+ if selected > 0 then
+ gamedata.selected_world = menu.filtered_index_to_plain(selected)
+ gamedata.singleplayer = true
+ engine.setting_set("main_menu_tab",tabbuilder.current_tab)
+ engine.setting_set("main_menu_singleplayer_world_idx",selected)
+ menu.update_last_game(gamedata.selected_world)
+ engine.start()
+ end
+ end
+ if fields["world_create"] ~= nil then
+ tabbuilder.current_tab = "dialog_create_world"
+ tabbuilder.is_dialog = true
+ tabbuilder.show_buttons = false
+ end
+ if fields["world_delete"] ~= nil then
+ local selected = engine.get_textlist_index("sp_worlds")
+ if selected > 0 then
+ menu.last_world = menu.filtered_index_to_plain(selected)
+ if menu.lastworld() ~= nil and
+ menu.lastworld().name ~= nil and
+ menu.lastworld().name ~= "" then
+ tabbuilder.current_tab = "dialog_delete_world"
+ tabbuilder.is_dialog = true
+ tabbuilder.show_buttons = false
+ else
+ menu.last_world = 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if fields["world_configure"] ~= nil then
+ selected = engine.get_textlist_index("sp_worlds")
+ if selected > 0 then
+ modmgr.world_config_selected_world = menu.filtered_index_to_plain(selected)
+ if modmgr.init_worldconfig() then
+ tabbuilder.current_tab = "dialog_configure_world"
+ tabbuilder.is_dialog = true
+ tabbuilder.show_buttons = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function tabbuilder.tab_header()
+ if tabbuilder.last_tab_index == nil then
+ tabbuilder.last_tab_index = 1
+ end
+ local toadd = ""
+ for i=1,#tabbuilder.current_buttons,1 do
+ if toadd ~= "" then
+ toadd = toadd .. ","
+ end
+ toadd = toadd .. tabbuilder.current_buttons[i].caption
+ end
+ return "tabheader[-0.3,-0.99;main_tab;" .. toadd ..";" .. tabbuilder.last_tab_index .. ";true;false]"
+function tabbuilder.handle_tab_buttons(fields)
+ if fields["main_tab"] then
+ local index = tonumber(fields["main_tab"])
+ tabbuilder.last_tab_index = index
+ tabbuilder.current_tab = tabbuilder.current_buttons[index].name
+ engine.setting_set("main_menu_tab",tabbuilder.current_tab)
+ end
+ --handle tab changes
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab ~= tabbuilder.old_tab then
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab ~= "singleplayer" then
+ menu.reset_gametype()
+ end
+ end
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "singleplayer" then
+ menu.update_gametype()
+ end
+ tabbuilder.old_tab = tabbuilder.current_tab
+function tabbuilder.init()
+ tabbuilder.current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab")
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == nil or
+ tabbuilder.current_tab == "" then
+ tabbuilder.current_tab = "singleplayer"
+ engine.setting_set("main_menu_tab",tabbuilder.current_tab)
+ end
+ --initialize tab buttons
+ tabbuilder.last_tab = nil
+ tabbuilder.show_buttons = true
+ tabbuilder.current_buttons = {}
+ table.insert(tabbuilder.current_buttons,{name="singleplayer", caption="Singleplayer"})
+ table.insert(tabbuilder.current_buttons,{name="multiplayer", caption="Client"})
+ table.insert(tabbuilder.current_buttons,{name="server", caption="Server"})
+ table.insert(tabbuilder.current_buttons,{name="settings", caption="Settings"})
+ if engine.setting_getbool("main_menu_game_mgr") then
+ table.insert(tabbuilder.current_buttons,{name="game_mgr", caption="Games"})
+ end
+ if engine.setting_getbool("main_menu_mod_mgr") then
+ table.insert(tabbuilder.current_buttons,{name="mod_mgr", caption="Mods"})
+ end
+ table.insert(tabbuilder.current_buttons,{name="credits", caption="Credits"})
+ for i=1,#tabbuilder.current_buttons,1 do
+ if tabbuilder.current_buttons[i].name == tabbuilder.current_tab then
+ tabbuilder.last_tab_index = i
+ end
+ end
+ menu.update_gametype()
+function tabbuilder.tab_multiplayer()
+ local retval =
+ "vertlabel[0,-0.25;CLIENT]" ..
+ "label[1,-0.25;Favorites:]"..
+ "label[1,4.25;Address/Port]"..
+ "label[9,0;Name/Password]" ..
+ "field[1.25,5.25;5.5,0.5;te_address;;" ..engine.setting_get("address") .."]" ..
+ "field[6.75,5.25;2.25,0.5;te_port;;" ..engine.setting_get("port") .."]" ..
+ "button[6.45,3.95;2.25,0.5;btn_delete_favorite;Delete]" ..
+ "button[9,4.95;2.5,0.5;btn_mp_connect;Connect]" ..
+ "field[9.25,1;2.5,0.5;te_name;;" ..engine.setting_get("name") .."]" ..
+ "pwdfield[9.25,1.75;2.5,0.5;te_pwd;]" ..
+ "checkbox[1,3.6;cb_public_serverlist;Public Serverlist;" ..
+ dump(engine.setting_getbool("public_serverlist")) .. "]" ..
+ "textlist[1,0.35;7.5,3.35;favourites;"
+ if #menu.favorites > 0 then
+ retval = retval .. render_favourite(menu.favorites[1])
+ for i=2,#menu.favorites,1 do
+ retval = retval .. "," .. render_favourite(menu.favorites[i])
+ end
+ end
+ retval = retval .. ";1]"
+ return retval
+function tabbuilder.tab_server()
+ local retval =
+ "button[4,4.15;2.6,0.5;world_delete;Delete]" ..
+ "button[6.5,4.15;2.8,0.5;world_create;New]" ..
+ "button[9.2,4.15;2.55,0.5;world_configure;Configure]" ..
+ "button[8.5,4.9;3.25,0.5;start_server;Start Game]" ..
+ "label[4,-0.25;Select World:]"..
+ "vertlabel[0,-0.25;START SERVER]" ..
+ "checkbox[0.5,0.25;cb_creative_mode;Creative Mode;" ..
+ dump(engine.setting_getbool("creative_mode")) .. "]"..
+ "checkbox[0.5,0.7;cb_enable_damage;Enable Damage;" ..
+ dump(engine.setting_getbool("enable_damage")) .. "]"..
+ "field[0.8,2.2;3,0.5;te_playername;Name;" ..
+ engine.setting_get("name") .. "]" ..
+ "pwdfield[0.8,3.2;3,0.5;te_passwd;Password]" ..
+ "field[0.8,5.2;3,0.5;te_serverport;Server Port;30000]" ..
+ "textlist[4,0.25;7.5,3.7;srv_worlds;"
+ if #menu.worldlist > 0 then
+ retval = retval .. menu.worldlist[1].name ..
+ " [[" .. menu.worldlist[1].gameid .. "]]"
+ for i=2,#menu.worldlist,1 do
+ retval = retval .. "," .. menu.worldlist[i].name ..
+ " [[" .. menu.worldlist[i].gameid .. "]]"
+ end
+ end
+ retval = retval .. ";" .. menu.last_world .. "]"
+ return retval
+function tabbuilder.tab_settings()
+ return "vertlabel[0,0;SETTINGS]" ..
+ "checkbox[1,0.75;cb_fancy_trees;Fancy trees;" .. dump(engine.setting_getbool("new_style_leaves")) .. "]"..
+ "checkbox[1,1.25;cb_smooth_lighting;Smooth Lighting;".. dump(engine.setting_getbool("smooth_lighting")) .. "]"..
+ "checkbox[1,1.75;cb_3d_clouds;3D Clouds;" .. dump(engine.setting_getbool("enable_3d_clouds")) .. "]"..
+ "checkbox[1,2.25;cb_opaque_water;Opaque Water;" .. dump(engine.setting_getbool("opaque_water")) .. "]"..
+ "checkbox[4,0.75;cb_mipmapping;Mip-Mapping;" .. dump(engine.setting_getbool("mip_map")) .. "]"..
+ "checkbox[4,1.25;cb_anisotrophic;Anisotropic Filtering;".. dump(engine.setting_getbool("anisotropic_filter")) .. "]"..
+ "checkbox[4,1.75;cb_bilinear;Bi-Linear Filtering;" .. dump(engine.setting_getbool("bilinear_filter")) .. "]"..
+ "checkbox[4,2.25;cb_trilinear;Tri-Linear Filtering;" .. dump(engine.setting_getbool("trilinear_filter")) .. "]"..
+ "checkbox[7.5,0.75;cb_shaders;Shaders;" .. dump(engine.setting_getbool("enable_shaders")) .. "]"..
+ "checkbox[7.5,1.25;cb_pre_ivis;Preload item visuals;".. dump(engine.setting_getbool("preload_item_visuals")) .. "]"..
+ "checkbox[7.5,1.75;cb_particles;Enable Particles;" .. dump(engine.setting_getbool("enable_particles")) .. "]"..
+ "checkbox[7.5,2.25;cb_finite_liquid;Finite Liquid;" .. dump(engine.setting_getbool("liquid_finite")) .. "]"..
+ "button[1,3.75;2.25,0.5;btn_change_keys;Change keys]"
+function tabbuilder.tab_singleplayer()
+ local index = engine.setting_get("main_menu_singleplayer_world_idx")
+ if index == nil then
+ index = 0
+ end
+ return "button[4,4.15;2.6,0.5;world_delete;Delete]" ..
+ "button[6.5,4.15;2.8,0.5;world_create;New]" ..
+ "button[9.2,4.15;2.55,0.5;world_configure;Configure]" ..
+ "button[8.5,4.95;3.25,0.5;play;Play]" ..
+ "label[4,-0.25;Select World:]"..
+ "vertlabel[0,-0.25;SINGLE PLAYER]" ..
+ "checkbox[0.5,0.25;cb_creative_mode;Creative Mode;" ..
+ dump(engine.setting_getbool("creative_mode")) .. "]"..
+ "checkbox[0.5,0.7;cb_enable_damage;Enable Damage;" ..
+ dump(engine.setting_getbool("enable_damage")) .. "]"..
+ "textlist[4,0.25;7.5,3.7;sp_worlds;" ..
+ menu.filtered_game_list() ..
+ ";" .. index .. "]" ..
+ menubar.formspec
+function tabbuilder.tab_credits()
+ return "vertlabel[0,-0.5;CREDITS]" ..
+ "label[0.5,3;Minetest " .. engine.get_version() .. "]" ..
+ "label[0.5,3.3;http://minetest.net]" ..
+ "image[0.5,1;" .. menu.basetexturedir .. "logo.png]" ..
+ "textlist[3.5,-0.25;8.5,5.8;list_credits;" ..
+ "#YLWCore Developers," ..
+ "Perttu Ahola (celeron55) <celeron55@gmail.com>,"..
+ "Ryan Kwolek (kwolekr) <kwolekr@minetest.net>,"..
+ "PilzAdam <pilzadam@minetest.net>," ..
+ "IIya Zhuravlev (thexyz) <xyz@minetest.net>,"..
+ "Lisa Milne (darkrose) <lisa@ltmnet.com>,"..
+ "Maciej Kasatkin (RealBadAngel) <mk@realbadangel.pl>,"..
+ "proller <proler@gmail.com>,"..
+ "sfan5 <sfan5@live.de>,"..
+ "kahrl <kahrl@gmx.net>,"..
+ ","..
+ "#YLWActive Contributors," ..
+ "sapier,"..
+ "Vanessa Ezekowitz (VanessaE) <vanessaezekowitz@gmail.com>,"..
+ "Jurgen Doser (doserj) <jurgen.doser@gmail.com>,"..
+ "Jeija <jeija@mesecons.net>,"..
+ "MirceaKitsune <mirceakitsune@gmail.com>,"..
+ "ShadowNinja"..
+ "dannydark <the_skeleton_of_a_child@yahoo.co.uk>"..
+ "0gb.us <0gb.us@0gb.us>,"..
+ "," ..
+ "#YLWPrevious Contributors," ..
+ "Guiseppe Bilotta (Oblomov) <guiseppe.bilotta@gmail.com>,"..
+ "Jonathan Neuschafer <j.neuschaefer@gmx.net>,"..
+ "Nils Dagsson Moskopp (erlehmann) <nils@dieweltistgarnichtso.net>,"..
+ "Constantin Wenger (SpeedProg) <constantin.wenger@googlemail.com>,"..
+ "matttpt <matttpt@gmail.com>,"..
+ "JacobF <queatz@gmail.com>,"..
+ ";0;true]"
+function tabbuilder.checkretval(retval)
+ if retval ~= nil then
+ if retval.current_tab ~= nil then
+ tabbuilder.current_tab = retval.current_tab
+ end
+ if retval.is_dialog ~= nil then
+ tabbuilder.is_dialog = retval.is_dialog
+ end
+ if retval.show_buttons ~= nil then
+ tabbuilder.show_buttons = retval.show_buttons
+ end
+ if retval.skipformupdate ~= nil then
+ tabbuilder.skipformupdate = retval.skipformupdate
+ end
+ end
+-- initialize callbacks
+engine.button_handler = function(fields)
+ --print("Buttonhandler: tab: " .. tabbuilder.current_tab .. " fields: " .. dump(fields))
+ if fields["btn_error_confirm"] then
+ gamedata.errormessage = nil
+ end
+ local retval = modmgr.handle_buttons(tabbuilder.current_tab,fields)
+ tabbuilder.checkretval(retval)
+ retval = gamemgr.handle_buttons(tabbuilder.current_tab,fields)
+ tabbuilder.checkretval(retval)
+ retval = modstore.handle_buttons(tabbuilder.current_tab,fields)
+ tabbuilder.checkretval(retval)
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "dialog_create_world" then
+ tabbuilder.handle_create_world_buttons(fields)
+ end
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "dialog_delete_world" then
+ tabbuilder.handle_delete_world_buttons(fields)
+ end
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "singleplayer" then
+ tabbuilder.handle_singleplayer_buttons(fields)
+ end
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "multiplayer" then
+ tabbuilder.handle_multiplayer_buttons(fields)
+ end
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "settings" then
+ tabbuilder.handle_settings_buttons(fields)
+ end
+ if tabbuilder.current_tab == "server" then
+ tabbuilder.handle_server_buttons(fields)
+ end
+ --tab buttons
+ tabbuilder.handle_tab_buttons(fields)
+ --menubar buttons
+ menubar.handle_buttons(fields)
+ if not tabbuilder.skipformupdate then
+ --update menu
+ update_menu()
+ else
+ tabbuilder.skipformupdate = false
+ end
+engine.event_handler = function(event)
+ if event == "MenuQuit" then
+ if tabbuilder.is_dialog then
+ tabbuilder.is_dialog = false
+ tabbuilder.show_buttons = true
+ tabbuilder.current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab")
+ update_menu()
+ else
+ engine.close()
+ end
+ end
+-- menu startup
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu_helper.lua b/builtin/mainmenu_helper.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5a470b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu_helper.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+function dump(o, dumped)
+ dumped = dumped or {}
+ if type(o) == "number" then
+ return tostring(o)
+ elseif type(o) == "string" then
+ return string.format("%q", o)
+ elseif type(o) == "table" then
+ if dumped[o] then
+ return "<circular reference>"
+ end
+ dumped[o] = true
+ local t = {}
+ for k,v in pairs(o) do
+ t[#t+1] = "" .. k .. " = " .. dump(v, dumped)
+ end
+ return "{" .. table.concat(t, ", ") .. "}"
+ elseif type(o) == "boolean" then
+ return tostring(o)
+ elseif type(o) == "function" then
+ return "<function>"
+ elseif type(o) == "userdata" then
+ return "<userdata>"
+ elseif type(o) == "nil" then
+ return "nil"
+ else
+ error("cannot dump a " .. type(o))
+ return nil
+ end
+function string:split(sep)
+ local sep, fields = sep or ",", {}
+ local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)
+ self:gsub(pattern, function(c) fields[#fields+1] = c end)
+ return fields
+function string:trim()
+ return (self:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
+engine.get_game = function(index)
+ local games = game.get_games()
+ if index > 0 and index <= #games then
+ return games[index]
+ end
+ return nil
+function fs_escape_string(text)
+ if text ~= nil then
+ while (text:find("\r\n") ~= nil) do
+ local newtext = text:sub(1,text:find("\r\n")-1)
+ newtext = newtext .. " " .. text:sub(text:find("\r\n")+3)
+ text = newtext
+ end
+ while (text:find("\n") ~= nil) do
+ local newtext = text:sub(1,text:find("\n")-1)
+ newtext = newtext .. " " .. text:sub(text:find("\n")+1)
+ text = newtext
+ end
+ while (text:find("\r") ~= nil) do
+ local newtext = text:sub(1,text:find("\r")-1)
+ newtext = newtext .. " " .. text:sub(text:find("\r")+1)
+ text = newtext
+ end
+ text = text:gsub("%[","%[%[")
+ text = text:gsub("]","]]")
+ text = text:gsub(";"," ")
+ end
+ return text
+function explode_textlist_event(text)
+ local retval = {}
+ retval.typ = "INV"
+ local parts = text:split(":")
+ if #parts == 2 then
+ retval.typ = parts[1]:trim()
+ retval.index= tonumber(parts[2]:trim())
+ if type(retval.index) ~= "number" then
+ retval.typ = "INV"
+ end
+ end
+ return retval
diff --git a/builtin/modmgr.lua b/builtin/modmgr.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1cb4b3922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin/modmgr.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,881 @@
+--Copyright (C) 2013 sapier
+--This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+--it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+--the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+--(at your option) any later version.
+--This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+--but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+--GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+--You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+--with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+--51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+function get_mods(path,retval,basefolder)
+ local mods = engine.get_dirlist(path,true)
+ for i=1,#mods,1 do
+ local filename = path .. DIR_DELIM .. mods[i] .. DIR_DELIM .. "modpack.txt"
+ local modpackfile,error = io.open(filename,"r")
+ local name = mods[i]
+ if basefolder ~= nil and
+ basefolder ~= "" then
+ name = basefolder .. DIR_DELIM .. mods[i]
+ end
+ if modpackfile ~= nil then
+ modpackfile:close()
+ table.insert(retval,name .. " <MODPACK>")
+ get_mods(path .. DIR_DELIM .. name,retval,name)
+ else
+ table.insert(retval,name)
+ end
+ end
+--modmanager implementation
+modmgr = {}
+function modmgr.extract(modfile)
+ if modfile.type == "zip" then
+ local tempfolder = os.tempfolder()
+ if tempfolder ~= nil and
+ tempfodler ~= "" then
+ engine.create_dir(tempfolder)
+ engine.extract_zip(modfile.name,tempfolder)
+ return tempfolder
+ end
+ end
+function modmgr.getbasefolder(temppath)
+ if temppath == nil then
+ return {
+ type = "invalid",
+ path = ""
+ }
+ end
+ local testfile = io.open(temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. "init.lua","r")
+ if testfile ~= nil then
+ testfile:close()
+ return {
+ type="mod",
+ path=temppath
+ }
+ end
+ testfile = io.open(temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. "modpack.txt","r")
+ if testfile ~= nil then
+ testfile:close()
+ return {
+ type="modpack",
+ path=temppath
+ }
+ end
+ local subdirs = engine.get_dirlist(temppath,true)
+ --only single mod or modpack allowed
+ if #subdirs ~= 1 then
+ return {
+ type = "invalid",
+ path = ""
+ }
+ end
+ testfile =
+ io.open(temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1] ..DIR_DELIM .."init.lua","r")
+ if testfile ~= nil then
+ testfile:close()
+ return {
+ type="mod",
+ path= temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1]
+ }
+ end
+ testfile =
+ io.open(temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1] ..DIR_DELIM .."modpack.txt","r")
+ if testfile ~= nil then
+ testfile:close()
+ return {
+ type="modpack",
+ path=temppath .. DIR_DELIM .. subdirs[1]
+ }
+ end
+ return {
+ type = "invalid",
+ path = ""
+ }
+function modmgr.isValidModname(modpath)
+ if modpath:find("-") ~= nil then
+ return false
+ end
+ return true
+function modmgr.parse_register_line(line)
+ local pos1 = line:find("\"")
+ local pos2 = nil
+ if pos1 ~= nil then
+ pos2 = line:find("\"",pos1+1)
+ end
+ if pos1 ~= nil and pos2 ~= nil then
+ local item = line:sub(pos1+1,pos2-1)
+ if item ~= nil and
+ item ~= "" then
+ local pos3 = item:find(":")
+ if pos3 ~= nil then
+ return item:sub(1,pos3-1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function modmgr.parse_dofile_line(modpath,line)
+ local pos1 = line:find("\"")
+ local pos2 = nil
+ if pos1 ~= nil then
+ pos2 = line:find("\"",pos1+1)
+ end
+ if pos1 ~= nil and pos2 ~= nil then
+ local filename = line:sub(pos1+1,pos2-1)
+ if filename ~= nil and
+ filename ~= "" and
+ filename:find(".lua") then
+ return modmgr.identify_modname(modpath,filename)
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function modmgr.update_global_mods()
+ local modpath = engine.get_modpath()
+ modmgr.global_mods = {}
+ if modpath ~= nil and
+ modpath ~= "" then
+ get_mods(modpath,modmgr.global_mods)
+ end
+function modmgr.get_mods_list()
+ local toadd = ""
+ modmgr.update_global_mods()
+ if modmgr.global_mods ~= nil then
+ for i=1,#modmgr.global_mods,1 do
+ if toadd ~= "" then
+ toadd = toadd..","
+ end
+ toadd = toadd .. modmgr.global_mods[i]
+ end
+ end
+ return toadd
+function modmgr.mod_exists(basename)
+ modmgr.update_global_mods()
+ if modmgr.global_mods ~= nil then
+ for i=1,#modmgr.global_mods,1 do
+ if modmgr.global_mods[i] == basename then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function modmgr.identify_modname(modpath,filename)
+ local testfile = io.open(modpath .. DIR_DELIM .. filename,"r")
+ if testfile ~= nil then
+ local line = testfile:read()
+ while line~= nil do
+ local modname = nil
+ if line:find("minetest.register_tool") then
+ modname = modmgr.parse_register_line(line)
+ end
+ if line:find("minetest.register_craftitem") then
+ modname = modmgr.parse_register_line(line)
+ end
+ if line:find("minetest.register_node") then
+ modname = modmgr.parse_register_line(line)
+ end
+ if line:find("dofile") then
+ modname = modmgr.parse_dofile_line(modpath,line)
+ end
+ if modname ~= nil then
+ testfile:close()
+ return modname
+ end
+ line = testfile:read()
+ end
+ testfile:close()
+ end
+ return nil
+function modmgr.tab()
+ if modmgr.selected_mod == nil then
+ modmgr.selected_mod = 1
+ end
+ local retval =
+ "vertlabel[0,-0.25;MODS]" ..
+ "label[0.8,-0.25;Installed Mods:]" ..
+ "textlist[0.75,0.25;4.5,4.3;modlist;" ..
+ modmgr.get_mods_list() ..
+ ";" .. modmgr.selected_mod .. "]"
+ retval = retval ..
+ "button[1,4.85;2,0.5;btn_mod_mgr_install_local;Install]" ..
+ "button[3,4.85;2,0.5;btn_mod_mgr_download;Download]"
+ if #modmgr.global_mods >= modmgr.selected_mod and
+ modmgr.global_mods[modmgr.selected_mod]:find("<MODPACK>") then
+ retval = retval .. "button[10,4.85;2,0.5;btn_mod_mgr_rename_modpack;Rename]"
+ end
+ if #modmgr.global_mods >= modmgr.selected_mod then
+ local modpath = engine.get_modpath()
+ --show dependencys
+ if modmgr.global_mods[modmgr.selected_mod]:find("<MODPACK>") == nil then
+ retval = retval ..
+ "label[6,1.9;Depends:]" ..
+ "textlist[6,2.4;5.7,2;deplist;"
+ toadd = modmgr.get_dependencys(modpath .. DIR_DELIM ..
+ modmgr.global_mods[modmgr.selected_mod])
+ retval = retval .. toadd .. ";0;true,false]"
+ --TODO read modinfo
+ end
+ --show delete button
+ retval = retval .. "button[8,4.85;2,0.5;btn_mod_mgr_delete_mod;Delete]"
+ end
+ return retval
+function modmgr.dialog_rename_modpack()
+ local modname = modmgr.global_mods[modmgr.selected_mod]
+ modname = modname:sub(0,modname:find("<") -2)
+ local retval =
+ "label[1.75,1;Rename Modpack:]"..
+ "field[4.5,1.4;6,0.5;te_modpack_name;;" ..
+ modname ..
+ "]" ..
+ "button[5,4.2;2.6,0.5;dlg_rename_modpack_confirm;Accept]" ..
+ "button[7.5,4.2;2.8,0.5;dlg_rename_modpack_cancel;Cancel]"
+ return retval
+function modmgr.precheck()
+ if modmgr.global_mods == nil then
+ modmgr.update_global_mods()
+ end
+ if modmgr.world_config_selected_world == nil then
+ modmgr.world_config_selected_world = 1
+ end
+ if modmgr.world_config_selected_mod == nil then
+ modmgr.world_config_selected_mod = 1
+ end
+ if modmgr.hide_gamemods == nil then
+ modmgr.hide_gamemods = true
+ end
+function modmgr.get_worldmod_idx()
+ if not modmgr.hide_gamemods then
+ return modmgr.world_config_selected_mod - #modmgr.worldconfig.game_mods
+ else
+ return modmgr.world_config_selected_mod
+ end
+function modmgr.is_gamemod()
+ if not modmgr.hide_gamemods then
+ if modmgr.world_config_selected_mod <= #modmgr.worldconfig.game_mods then
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function modmgr.render_worldmodlist()
+ local retval = ""
+ for i=1,#modmgr.global_mods,1 do
+ local parts = modmgr.global_mods[i]:split(DIR_DELIM)
+ local shortname = parts[#parts]
+ if modmgr.worldconfig.global_mods[shortname] then
+ retval = retval .. "#GRN" .. modmgr.global_mods[i] .. ","
+ else
+ retval = retval .. modmgr.global_mods[i] .. ","
+ end
+ end
+ return retval
+function modmgr.render_gamemodlist()
+ local retval = ""
+ for i=1,#modmgr.worldconfig.game_mods,1 do
+ retval = retval ..
+ "#BLU" .. modmgr.worldconfig.game_mods[i] .. ","
+ end
+ return retval
+function modmgr.dialog_configure_world()
+ modmgr.precheck()
+ local modpack_selected = false
+ local gamemod_selected = modmgr.is_gamemod()
+ local modname = ""
+ local modfolder = ""
+ local shortname = ""
+ if not gamemod_selected then
+ local worldmodidx = modmgr.get_worldmod_idx()
+ modname = modmgr.global_mods[worldmodidx]
+ if modname:find("<MODPACK>") ~= nil then
+ modname = modname:sub(0,modname:find("<") -2)
+ modpack_selected = true
+ end
+ local parts = modmgr.global_mods[worldmodidx]:split(DIR_DELIM)
+ shortname = parts[#parts]
+ modfolder = engine.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. modname
+ end
+ local worldspec = engine.get_worlds()[modmgr.world_config_selected_world]
+ local retval =
+ "size[11,6.5]" ..
+ "label[1.5,-0.25;World: " .. worldspec.name .. "]"
+ if modmgr.hide_gamemods then
+ retval = retval .. "checkbox[5.5,6.15;cb_hide_gamemods;Hide Game;true]"
+ else
+ retval = retval .. "checkbox[5.5,6.15;cb_hide_gamemods;Hide Game;false]"
+ end
+ retval = retval ..
+ "button[9.25,6.35;2,0.5;btn_config_world_save;Save]" ..
+ "button[7.4,6.35;2,0.5;btn_config_world_cancel;Cancel]" ..
+ "textlist[5.5,-0.25;5.5,6.5;world_config_modlist;"
+ if not modmgr.hide_gamemods then
+ retval = retval .. modmgr.render_gamemodlist()
+ end
+ retval = retval .. modmgr.render_worldmodlist()
+ retval = retval .. ";" .. modmgr.world_config_selected_mod .."]"
+ if not gamemod_selected then
+ retval = retval ..
+ "label[0,0.45;Mod:]" ..
+ "label[0.75,0.45;" .. modname .. "]" ..
+ "label[0,1.5;depends on:]" ..
+ "textlist[0,2;5,2;world_config_depends;" ..
+ modmgr.get_dependencys(modfolder) .. ";0]" ..
+ "label[0,4;depends on:]" ..
+ "textlist[0,4.5;5,2;world_config_is_required;;0]"
+ if modpack_selected then
+ retval = retval ..
+ "button[-0.05,1.05;2,0.5;btn_cfgw_enable_all;Enable All]" ..
+ "button[3.25,1.05;2,0.5;btn_cfgw_disable_all;Disable All]"
+ else
+ retval = retval ..
+ "checkbox[0,0.8;cb_mod_enabled;enabled;"
+ if modmgr.worldconfig.global_mods[shortname] then
+ print("checkbox " .. shortname .. " enabled")
+ retval = retval .. "true"
+ else
+ print("checkbox " .. shortname .. " disabled")
+ retval = retval .. "false"
+ end
+ retval = retval .. "]"
+ end
+ end
+ return retval
+function modmgr.handle_buttons(tab,fields)
+ local retval = nil
+ if tab == "mod_mgr" then
+ retval = modmgr.handle_modmgr_buttons(fields)
+ end
+ if tab == "dialog_rename_modpack" then
+ retval = modmgr.handle_rename_modpack_buttons(fields)
+ end
+ if tab == "dialog_delete_mod" then
+ retval = modmgr.handle_delete_mod_buttons(fields)
+ end
+ if tab == "dialog_configure_world" then
+ retval = modmgr.handle_configure_world_buttons(fields)
+ end
+ return retval
+function modmgr.get_dependencys(modfolder)
+ local filename = modfolder ..
+ DIR_DELIM .. "depends.txt"
+ local dependencyfile = io.open(filename,"r")
+ local toadd = ""
+ if dependencyfile then
+ local dependency = dependencyfile:read("*l")
+ while dependency do
+ if toadd ~= "" then
+ toadd = toadd .. ","
+ end
+ toadd = toadd .. dependency
+ dependency = dependencyfile:read()
+ end
+ dependencyfile:close()
+ else
+ print(filename .. " not found")
+ end
+ return toadd
+function modmgr.get_worldconfig(worldpath)
+ local filename = worldpath ..
+ DIR_DELIM .. "world.mt"
+ local worldfile = io.open(filename,"r")
+ local worldconfig = {}
+ worldconfig.global_mods = {}
+ worldconfig.game_mods = {}
+ if worldfile then
+ local dependency = worldfile:read("*l")
+ while dependency do
+ local parts = dependency:split("=")
+ local key = parts[1]:trim()
+ if key == "gameid" then
+ worldconfig.id = parts[2]:trim()
+ else
+ local key = parts[1]:trim():sub(10)
+ if parts[2]:trim() == "true" then
+ print("found enabled mod: >" .. key .. "<")
+ worldconfig.global_mods[key] = true
+ else
+ print("found disabled mod: >" .. key .. "<")
+ worldconfig.global_mods[key] = false
+ end
+ end
+ dependency = worldfile:read("*l")
+ end
+ worldfile:close()
+ else
+ print(filename .. " not found")
+ end
+ --read gamemods
+ local gamemodpath = engine.get_gamepath() .. DIR_DELIM .. worldconfig.id .. DIR_DELIM .. "mods"
+ print("reading game mods from: " .. dump(gamemodpath))
+ get_mods(gamemodpath,worldconfig.game_mods)
+ return worldconfig
+function modmgr.handle_modmgr_buttons(fields)
+ local retval = {
+ tab = nil,
+ is_dialog = nil,
+ show_buttons = nil,
+ }
+ if fields["modlist"] ~= nil then
+ local event = explode_textlist_event(fields["modlist"])
+ modmgr.selected_mod = event.index
+ end
+ if fields["btn_mod_mgr_install_local"] ~= nil then
+ engine.show_file_open_dialog("mod_mgt_open_dlg","Select Mod File:")
+ end
+ if fields["btn_mod_mgr_download"] ~= nil then
+ retval.current_tab = "dialog_modstore_unsorted"
+ retval.is_dialog = true
+ retval.show_buttons = false
+ return retval
+ end
+ if fields["btn_mod_mgr_rename_modpack"] ~= nil then
+ retval.current_tab = "dialog_rename_modpack"
+ retval.is_dialog = true
+ retval.show_buttons = false
+ return retval
+ end
+ if fields["btn_mod_mgr_delete_mod"] ~= nil then
+ retval.current_tab = "dialog_delete_mod"
+ retval.is_dialog = true
+ retval.show_buttons = false
+ return retval
+ end
+ if fields["mod_mgt_open_dlg_accepted"] ~= nil and
+ fields["mod_mgt_open_dlg_accepted"] ~= "" then
+ modmgr.installmod(fields["mod_mgt_open_dlg_accepted"],nil)
+ end
+ return nil;
+function modmgr.installmod(modfilename,basename)
+ local modfile = identify_filetype(modfilename)
+ local modpath = modmgr.extract(modfile)
+ if modpath == nil then
+ gamedata.errormessage = "Install Mod: file: " .. modfile.name ..
+ "\nInstall Mod: unsupported filetype \"" .. modfile.type .. "\""
+ return
+ end
+ local basefolder = modmgr.getbasefolder(modpath)
+ if basefolder.type == "modpack" then
+ local clean_path = nil
+ if basename ~= nil then
+ clean_path = "mp_" .. basename
+ end
+ if clean_path == nil then
+ clean_path = get_last_folder(cleanup_path(basefolder.path))
+ end
+ if clean_path ~= nil then
+ local targetpath = engine.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. clean_path
+ engine.copy_dir(basefolder.path,targetpath)
+ else
+ gamedata.errormessage = "Install Mod: unable to find suitable foldername for modpack "
+ .. modfilename
+ end
+ end
+ if basefolder.type == "mod" then
+ local targetfolder = basename
+ if targetfolder == nil then
+ targetfolder = modmgr.identify_modname(basefolder.path,"init.lua")
+ end
+ --if heuristic failed try to use current foldername
+ if targetfolder == nil then
+ targetfolder = get_last_folder(basefolder.path)
+ end
+ if targetfolder ~= nil and modmgr.isValidModname(targetfolder) then
+ local targetpath = engine.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. targetfolder
+ engine.copy_dir(basefolder.path,targetpath)
+ else
+ gamedata.errormessage = "Install Mod: unable to find real modname for: "
+ .. modfilename
+ end
+ end
+ engine.delete_dir(modpath)
+function modmgr.handle_rename_modpack_buttons(fields)
+ local oldname = modmgr.global_mods[modmgr.selected_mod]
+ oldname = oldname:sub(0,oldname:find("<") -2)
+ if fields["dlg_rename_modpack_confirm"] ~= nil then
+ local oldpath = engine.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. oldname
+ local targetpath = engine.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. fields["te_modpack_name"]
+ engine.copy_dir(oldpath,targetpath,false)
+ end
+ return {
+ is_dialog = false,
+ show_buttons = true,
+ current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab")
+ }
+function modmgr.handle_configure_world_buttons(fields)
+ if fields["world_config_modlist"] ~= nil then
+ local event = explode_textlist_event(fields["world_config_modlist"])
+ modmgr.world_config_selected_mod = event.index
+ end
+ if fields["cb_mod_enabled"] ~= nil then
+ local index = modmgr.get_worldmod_idx()
+ local modname = modmgr.global_mods[index]
+ local parts = modmgr.global_mods[index]:split(DIR_DELIM)
+ local shortname = parts[#parts]
+ if fields["cb_mod_enabled"] == "true" then
+ modmgr.worldconfig.global_mods[shortname] = true
+ else
+ modmgr.worldconfig.global_mods[shortname] = false
+ end
+ end
+ if fields["cb_hide_gamemods"] ~= nil then
+ if fields["cb_hide_gamemods"] == "true" then
+ modmgr.hide_gamemods = true
+ else
+ modmgr.hide_gamemods = false
+ end
+ end
+ if fields["btn_config_world_save"] then
+ local worldspec = engine.get_worlds()[modmgr.world_config_selected_world]
+ local filename = worldspec.path ..
+ DIR_DELIM .. "world.mt"
+ local worldfile = io.open(filename,"w")
+ if worldfile then
+ worldfile:write("gameid = " .. modmgr.worldconfig.id .. "\n")
+ for key,value in pairs(modmgr.worldconfig.global_mods) do
+ if value then
+ worldfile:write("load_mod_" .. key .. " = true" .. "\n")
+ else
+ worldfile:write("load_mod_" .. key .. " = false" .. "\n")
+ end
+ end
+ worldfile:close()
+ end
+ modmgr.worldconfig = nil
+ return {
+ is_dialog = false,
+ show_buttons = true,
+ current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab")
+ }
+ end
+ if fields["btn_config_world_cancel"] then
+ modmgr.worldconfig = nil
+ return {
+ is_dialog = false,
+ show_buttons = true,
+ current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab")
+ }
+ end
+ if fields["btn_cfgw_enable_all"] then
+ local worldmodidx = modmgr.get_worldmod_idx()
+ modname = modmgr.global_mods[worldmodidx]
+ modname = modname:sub(0,modname:find("<") -2)
+ for i=1,#modmgr.global_mods,1 do
+ if modmgr.global_mods[i]:find("<MODPACK>") == nil then
+ local modpackpart = modmgr.global_mods[i]:sub(0,modname:len())
+ if modpackpart == modname then
+ local parts = modmgr.global_mods[i]:split(DIR_DELIM)
+ local shortname = parts[#parts]
+ modmgr.worldconfig.global_mods[shortname] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if fields["btn_cfgw_disable_all"] then
+ local worldmodidx = modmgr.get_worldmod_idx()
+ modname = modmgr.global_mods[worldmodidx]
+ modname = modname:sub(0,modname:find("<") -2)
+ for i=1,#modmgr.global_mods,1 do
+ local modpackpart = modmgr.global_mods[i]:sub(0,modname:len())
+ if modpackpart == modname then
+ local parts = modmgr.global_mods[i]:split(DIR_DELIM)
+ local shortname = parts[#parts]
+ modmgr.worldconfig.global_mods[shortname] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function modmgr.handle_delete_mod_buttons(fields)
+ local modname = modmgr.global_mods[modmgr.selected_mod]
+ if modname:find("<MODPACK>") ~= nil then
+ modname = modname:sub(0,modname:find("<") -2)
+ end
+ if fields["dlg_delete_mod_confirm"] ~= nil then
+ local oldpath = engine.get_modpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. modname
+ if oldpath ~= nil and
+ oldpath ~= "" and
+ oldpath ~= engine.get_modpath() then
+ engine.delete_dir(oldpath)
+ end
+ end
+ return {
+ is_dialog = false,
+ show_buttons = true,
+ current_tab = engine.setting_get("main_menu_tab")
+ }
+function modmgr.dialog_delete_mod()
+ local modname = modmgr.global_mods[modmgr.selected_mod]
+ if modname:find("<MODPACK>") ~= nil then
+ modname = modname:sub(0,modname:find("<") -2)
+ end
+ local retval =
+ "field[1.75,1;10,3;;Are you sure you want to delete ".. modname .. "?;]"..
+ "button[4,4.2;1,0.5;dlg_delete_mod_confirm;Yes]" ..
+ "button[6.5,4.2;3,0.5;dlg_delete_mod_cancel;No of course not!]"
+ return retval
+function modmgr.init_worldconfig()
+ local worldspec = engine.get_worlds()[modmgr.world_config_selected_world]
+ if worldspec ~= nil then
+ --read worldconfig
+ modmgr.worldconfig = modmgr.get_worldconfig(worldspec.path)
+ if modmgr.worldconfig.id == nil or
+ modmgr.worldconfig.id == "" then
+ modmgr.worldconfig = nil
+ return false
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function modmgr.gettab(name)
+ local retval = ""
+ if name == "mod_mgr" then
+ retval = retval .. modmgr.tab()
+ end
+ if name == "dialog_rename_modpack" then
+ retval = retval .. modmgr.dialog_rename_modpack()
+ end
+ if name == "dialog_delete_mod" then
+ retval = retval .. modmgr.dialog_delete_mod()
+ end
+ if name == "dialog_configure_world" then
+ retval = retval .. modmgr.dialog_configure_world()
+ end
+ return retval
diff --git a/builtin/modstore.lua b/builtin/modstore.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73afc3899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin/modstore.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+--Copyright (C) 2013 sapier
+--This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+--it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+--the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+--(at your option) any later version.
+--This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+--but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+--GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+--You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+--with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+--51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+--modstore implementation
+modstore = {}
+function modstore.init()
+ modstore.tabnames = {}
+ table.insert(modstore.tabnames,"dialog_modstore_unsorted")
+ table.insert(modstore.tabnames,"dialog_modstore_search")
+ modstore.modsperpage = 5
+ modstore.basetexturedir = engine.get_gamepath() .. DIR_DELIM .. ".." ..
+ DIR_DELIM .. "textures" .. DIR_DELIM .. "base" ..
+ DIR_DELIM .. "pack" .. DIR_DELIM
+ modstore.update_modlist()
+ modstore.current_list = nil
+ modstore.details_cache = {}
+function modstore.nametoindex(name)
+ for i=1,#modstore.tabnames,1 do
+ if modstore.tabnames[i] == name then
+ return i
+ end
+ end
+ return 1
+function modstore.gettab(tabname)
+ local retval = ""
+ local is_modstore_tab = false
+ if tabname == "dialog_modstore_unsorted" then
+ retval = modstore.getmodlist(modstore.modlist_unsorted)
+ is_modstore_tab = true
+ end
+ if tabname == "dialog_modstore_search" then
+ is_modstore_tab = true
+ end
+ if is_modstore_tab then
+ return modstore.tabheader(tabname) .. retval
+ end
+ if tabname == "modstore_mod_installed" then
+ return "size[6,2]label[0.25,0.25;Mod: " .. modstore.lastmodtitle ..
+ " installed successfully]" ..
+ "button[2.5,1.5;1,0.5;btn_confirm_mod_successfull;ok]"
+ end
+ return ""
+function modstore.tabheader(tabname)
+ local retval = "size[12,9.25]"
+ retval = retval .. "tabheader[-0.3,-0.99;modstore_tab;" ..
+ "Unsorted,Search;" ..
+ modstore.nametoindex(tabname) .. ";true;false]"
+ return retval
+function modstore.handle_buttons(current_tab,fields)
+ modstore.lastmodtitle = ""
+ if fields["modstore_tab"] then
+ local index = tonumber(fields["modstore_tab"])
+ if index > 0 and
+ index <= #modstore.tabnames then
+ return {
+ current_tab = modstore.tabnames[index],
+ is_dialog = true,
+ show_buttons = false
+ }
+ end
+ modstore.modlist_page = 0
+ end
+ if fields["btn_modstore_page_up"] then
+ if modstore.current_list ~= nil and modstore.current_list.page > 0 then
+ modstore.current_list.page = modstore.current_list.page - 1
+ end
+ end
+ if fields["btn_modstore_page_down"] then
+ if modstore.current_list ~= nil and
+ modstore.current_list.page <modstore.current_list.pagecount then
+ modstore.current_list.page = modstore.current_list.page +1
+ end
+ end
+ if fields["btn_confirm_mod_successfull"] then
+ return {
+ current_tab = modstore.tabnames[1],
+ is_dialog = true,
+ show_buttons = false
+ }
+ end
+ for i=1, modstore.modsperpage, 1 do
+ local installbtn = "btn_install_mod_" .. i
+ if fields[installbtn] then
+ local modlistentry =
+ modstore.current_list.page * modstore.modsperpage + i
+ local moddetails = modstore.get_details(modstore.current_list.data[modlistentry].id)
+ local fullurl = engine.setting_get("modstore_download_url") ..
+ moddetails.download_url
+ local modfilename = os.tempfolder() .. ".zip"
+ print("Downloading mod from: " .. fullurl .. " to ".. modfilename)
+ if engine.download_file(fullurl,modfilename) then
+ modmgr.installmod(modfilename,moddetails.basename)
+ os.remove(modfilename)
+ modstore.lastmodtitle = modstore.current_list.data[modlistentry].title
+ return {
+ current_tab = "modstore_mod_installed",
+ is_dialog = true,
+ show_buttons = false
+ }
+ else
+ gamedata.errormessage = "Unable to download " ..
+ moddetails.download_url .. " (internet connection?)"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function modstore.update_modlist()
+ modstore.modlist_unsorted = {}
+ modstore.modlist_unsorted.data = engine.get_modstore_list()
+ if modstore.modlist_unsorted.data ~= nil then
+ modstore.modlist_unsorted.pagecount =
+ math.floor((#modstore.modlist_unsorted.data / modstore.modsperpage))
+ else
+ modstore.modlist_unsorted.data = {}
+ modstore.modlist_unsorted.pagecount = 0
+ end
+ modstore.modlist_unsorted.page = 0
+function modstore.getmodlist(list)
+ local retval = ""
+ retval = retval .. "label[10,-0.4;Page " .. (list.page +1) ..
+ " of " .. (list.pagecount +1) .. "]"
+ retval = retval .. "button[11.6,-0.1;0.5,0.5;btn_modstore_page_up;^]"
+ retval = retval .. "box[11.6,0.35;0.28,8.6;BLK]"
+ local scrollbarpos = 0.35 + (8.1/list.pagecount) * list.page
+ retval = retval .. "box[11.6," ..scrollbarpos .. ";0.28,0.5;LIM]"
+ retval = retval .. "button[11.6,9.0;0.5,0.5;btn_modstore_page_down;v]"
+ if #list.data < (list.page * modstore.modsperpage) then
+ return retval
+ end
+ local endmod = (list.page * modstore.modsperpage) + modstore.modsperpage
+ if (endmod > #list.data) then
+ endmod = #list.data
+ end
+ for i=(list.page * modstore.modsperpage) +1, endmod, 1 do
+ --getmoddetails
+ local details = modstore.get_details(list.data[i].id)
+ if details ~= nil then
+ local screenshot_ypos = (i-1 - (list.page * modstore.modsperpage))*1.9 +0.2
+ retval = retval .. "box[0," .. screenshot_ypos .. ";11.4,1.75;WHT]"
+ --screenshot
+ if details.screenshot_url ~= nil and
+ details.screenshot_url ~= "" then
+ if list.data[i].texturename == nil then
+ print("downloading screenshot: " .. details.screenshot_url)
+ local filename = os.tempfolder()
+ if engine.download_file(details.screenshot_url,filename) then
+ list.data[i].texturename = filename
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if list.data[i].texturename == nil then
+ list.data[i].texturename = modstore.basetexturedir .. "no_screenshot.png"
+ end
+ retval = retval .. "image[0,".. screenshot_ypos .. ";3,2;" ..
+ list.data[i].texturename .. "]"
+ --title + author
+ retval = retval .."label[2.75," .. screenshot_ypos .. ";" ..
+ fs_escape_string(details.title) .. " (" .. details.author .. ")]"
+ --description
+ local descriptiony = screenshot_ypos + 0.5
+ retval = retval .. "textarea[3," .. descriptiony .. ";6.5,1.6;;" ..
+ fs_escape_string(details.description) .. ";]"
+ --rating
+ local ratingy = screenshot_ypos + 0.6
+ retval = retval .."label[10.1," .. ratingy .. ";Rating: " .. details.rating .."]"
+ --install button
+ local buttony = screenshot_ypos + 1.2
+ local buttonnumber = (i - (list.page * modstore.modsperpage))
+ retval = retval .."button[9.6," .. buttony .. ";2,0.5;btn_install_mod_" .. buttonnumber .. ";"
+ if modmgr.mod_exists(details.basename) then
+ retval = retval .. "re-Install]"
+ else
+ retval = retval .. "Install]"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ modstore.current_list = list
+ return retval
+function modstore.get_details(modid)
+ if modstore.details_cache[modid] ~= nil then
+ return modstore.details_cache[modid]
+ end
+ local retval = engine.get_modstore_details(tostring(modid))
+ modstore.details_cache[modid] = retval
+ return retval
+end \ No newline at end of file