path: root/font_api/font.lua
diff options
authorPierre-Yves Rollo <dev@pyrollo.com>2019-12-31 17:07:14 +0100
committerPierre-Yves Rollo <dev@pyrollo.com>2019-12-31 17:07:14 +0100
commitebadeb20d9e35343981485db90cb99aa0c8b93c7 (patch)
treeb937db3b00dd941e90de24e7e35db87e5bce6e9c /font_api/font.lua
parentf27b5478b9b67d0867098ef9f30801a7fc0c04ee (diff)
parent4c872e829d716014e601bdf0707edd11a9abbc17 (diff)
Add 'font_api/' from commit '4c872e829d716014e601bdf0707edd11a9abbc17'
git-subtree-dir: font_api git-subtree-mainline: f27b5478b9b67d0867098ef9f30801a7fc0c04ee git-subtree-split: 4c872e829d716014e601bdf0707edd11a9abbc17
Diffstat (limited to 'font_api/font.lua')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/font_api/font.lua b/font_api/font.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5794867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/font_api/font.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+ font_api mod for Minetest - Library creating textures with fonts and text
+ (c) Pierre-Yves Rollo
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+-- Fallback table
+local fallbacks = dofile(font_api.path.."/fallbacks.lua")
+-- Local functions
+-- Returns number of UTF8 bytes of the first char of the string
+local function get_char_bytes(str)
+ local msb = str:byte(1)
+ if msb ~= nil then
+ if msb < 0x80 then return 1 end
+ if msb >= 0xF0 then return 4 end
+ if msb >= 0xE0 then return 3 end
+ if msb >= 0xC2 then return 2 end
+ end
+-- Returns the unicode codepoint of the first char of the string
+local function char_to_codepoint(str)
+ local bytes = get_char_bytes(str)
+ if bytes == 1 then
+ return str:byte(1)
+ elseif bytes == 2 and str:byte(2) ~= nil then
+ return (str:byte(1) - 0xC2) * 0x40
+ + str:byte(2)
+ elseif bytes == 3 and str:byte(2) ~= nil and str:byte(3) ~= nil then
+ return (str:byte(1) - 0xE0) * 0x1000
+ + str:byte(2) % 0x40 * 0x40
+ + str:byte(3) % 0x40
+ elseif bytes == 4 and str:byte(2) ~= nil and str:byte(3) ~= nil
+ and str:byte(4) ~= nil then -- Not tested
+ return (str:byte(1) - 0xF0) * 0x40000
+ + str:byte(2) % 0x40 * 0x1000
+ + str:byte(3) % 0x40 * 0x40
+ + str:byte(4) % 0x40
+ end
+--- Font class
+local Font = {}
+font_api.Font = Font
+function Font:new(def)
+ if type(def) ~= "table" then
+ minetest.log("error",
+ "[font_api] Font definition must be a table.")
+ return nil
+ end
+ if def.height == nil or def.height <= 0 then
+ minetest.log("error",
+ "[font_api] Font definition must have a positive height.")
+ return nil
+ end
+ if type(def.widths) ~= "table" then
+ minetest.log("error",
+ "[font_api] Font definition must have a widths array.")
+ return nil
+ end
+ if def.widths[0] == nil then
+ minetest.log("error",
+ "[font_api] Font must have a char with codepoint 0 (=unknown char).")
+ return nil
+ end
+ local font = table.copy(def)
+ setmetatable(font, self)
+ self.__index = self
+ -- Check if fixedwidth
+ for codepoint, width in pairs(font.widths) do
+ font.fixedwidth = font.fixedwidth or width
+ if width ~= font.fixedwidth then
+ font.fixedwidth = nil
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return font
+--- Gets the next char of a text
+-- @return Codepoint of first char,
+-- @return Remaining string without this first char
+function Font:get_next_char(text)
+ local bytes = get_char_bytes(text)
+ if bytes == nil then
+ minetest.log("warning",
+ "[font_api] Encountered a non UTF char, not displaying text.")
+ return nil, ''
+ end
+ local codepoint = char_to_codepoint(text)
+ if codepoint == nil then
+ minetest.log("warning",
+ "[font_api] Encountered a non UTF char, not displaying text.")
+ return nil, ''
+ end
+ -- Fallback mechanism
+ if self.widths[codepoint] == nil then
+ local char = text:sub(1, bytes)
+ if fallbacks[char] then
+ return self:get_next_char(fallbacks[char]..text:sub(bytes+1))
+ else
+ return 0, text:sub(bytes+1) -- Ultimate fallback
+ end
+ else
+ return codepoint, text:sub(bytes+1)
+ end
+--- Returns the width of a given char
+-- @param char : codepoint of the char
+-- @return Char width
+function Font:get_char_width(codepoint)
+ if self.fixedwidth then
+ return self.fixedwidth
+ elseif self.widths[codepoint] then
+ return self.widths[codepoint]
+ else
+ return self.widths[0]
+ end
+--- Text height for multiline text including margins and line spacing
+-- @param nb_of_lines : number of text lines (default 1)
+-- @return Text height
+function Font:get_height(nb_of_lines)
+ if nb_of_lines == nil then nb_of_lines = 1 end
+ if nb_of_lines > 0 then
+ return
+ (
+ (self.height or 0) +
+ (self.margintop or 0) +
+ (self.marginbottom or 0)
+ ) * nb_of_lines +
+ (self.linespacing or 0) * (nb_of_lines -1)
+ else
+ return nb_of_lines == 0 and 0 or nil
+ end
+--- Computes text width for a given text (ignores new lines)
+-- @param line Line of text which the width will be computed.
+-- @return Text width
+function Font:get_width(line)
+ local codepoint
+ local width = 0
+ line = line or ''
+ while line ~= "" do
+ codepoint, line = self:get_next_char(line)
+ if codepoint == nil then return 0 end -- UTF Error
+ width = width + self:get_char_width(codepoint)
+ end
+ return width
+--- Legacy make_text_texture method (replaced by "render" - Dec 2018)
+function Font:make_text_texture(text, texturew, textureh, maxlines,
+ halign, valign, color)
+ return self:render(text, texturew, textureh, {
+ lines = maxlines,
+ valign = valign,
+ halign = halign,
+ color = color
+ })
+--- Render text with the font in a view
+-- @param text Text to be rendered
+-- @param texturew Width (in pixels) of the texture (extra text will be truncated)
+-- @param textureh Height (in pixels) of the texture (extra text will be truncated)
+-- @param style Style of the rendering:
+-- - lines: maximum number of text lines (if text is limited)
+-- - halign: horizontal align ("left"/"center"/"right")
+-- - valign: vertical align ("top"/"center"/"bottom")
+-- - color: color of the text ("#rrggbb")
+-- @return Texture string
+function Font:render(text, texturew, textureh, style)
+ local style = style or {}
+ -- Split text into lines (and limit to style.lines # of lines)
+ local lines = {}
+ local pos = 1
+ local found, line
+ repeat
+ found = string.find(text, "\n", pos) or (#text + 1)
+ line = string.sub(text, pos, found - 1)
+ lines[#lines + 1] = { text = line, width = self:get_width(line) }
+ pos = found + 1
+ until (style.lines and (#lines >= style.lines)) or (pos > (#text + 1))
+ if not #lines then
+ return ""
+ end
+ local x, y, codepoint
+ local texture = ""
+ local textheight = self:get_height(#lines)
+ if style.valign == "top" then
+ y = 0
+ elseif style.valign == "bottom" then
+ y = textureh - textheight
+ else
+ y = (textureh - textheight) / 2
+ end
+ y = y + (self.margintop or 0)
+ for _, line in pairs(lines) do
+ if style.halign == "left" then
+ x = 0
+ elseif style.halign == "right" then
+ x = texturew - line.width
+ else
+ x = (texturew - line.width) / 2
+ end
+ while line.text ~= '' do
+ codepoint, line.text = self:get_next_char(line.text)
+ if codepoint == nil then return '' end -- UTF Error
+ -- Add image only if it is visible (at least partly)
+ if x + self.widths[codepoint] >= 0 and x <= texturew then
+ texture = texture..
+ string.format(":%d,%d=font_%s_%04x.png", x, y, self.name, codepoint)
+ end
+ x = x + self.widths[codepoint]
+ end
+ y = y + self:get_height() + (self.linespacing or 0)
+ end
+ texture = string.format("[combine:%dx%d", texturew, textureh)..texture
+ if style.color then
+ texture = texture.."^[colorize:"..style.color
+ end
+ return texture