path: root/signs/nodes.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'signs/nodes.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 188 deletions
diff --git a/signs/nodes.lua b/signs/nodes.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7500297..0000000
--- a/signs/nodes.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
- signs mod for Minetest - Various signs with text displayed on
- (c) Pierre-Yves Rollo
- This file is part of signs.
- signs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- signs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with signs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-local S = signs.intllib
-local F = function(...) return minetest.formspec_escape(S(...)) end
--- Poster specific formspec
-local function display_poster(pos, node, player)
- local formspec
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].display_entities["signs:display_text"]
- local font = font_api.get_font(meta:get_string("font") or def.font_name)
- -- Title texture
- local titletexture = font:make_text_texture(
- meta:get_string("display_text"), font:get_height()*8.4, font:get_height(), 1, "center")
- formspec =
- "size[7,9]"..
- "background[0,0;7,9;signs_poster_formspec.png]"..
- "image[0,-0.2;8.4,2;"..titletexture.."]"..
- "textarea[0.3,1.5;7,8;;"..minetest.colorize("#111", minetest.formspec_escape(meta:get_string("text")))..";]"..
- "bgcolor[#0000]"
- if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
- formspec = formspec..
- "button_exit[2.5,8;2,1;ok;"..F("Close").."]"
- else
- formspec = formspec..
- "button[1,8;2,1;edit;"..F("Edit").."]"..
- "button_exit[4,8;2,1;ok;"..F("Close").."]"
- end
- minetest.show_formspec(player:get_player_name(),
- node.name.."@"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)..":display",
- formspec)
-local function edit_poster(pos, node, player)
- local formspec
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- if not minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
- formspec =
- "size[6.5,7.5]"..
- default.gui_bg .. default.gui_bg_img .. default.gui_slots ..
- "field[0.5,0.7;6,1;display_text;"..F("Title")..";"..
- minetest.formspec_escape(meta:get_string("display_text")).."]"..
- "textarea[0.5,1.7;6,6;text;"..F("Text")..";"..
- minetest.formspec_escape(meta:get_string("text")).."]"..
- "button_exit[2.25,7;2,1;write;"..F("Write").."]"
- minetest.show_formspec(player:get_player_name(),
- node.name.."@"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)..":edit",
- formspec)
- end
--- Poster specific on_receive_fields callback
-local function on_receive_fields_poster(pos, formname, fields, player)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
- if not minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) and fields then
- if formname == node.name.."@"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)..":display" and
- fields.edit then
- edit_poster(pos, node, player)
- end
- if formname == node.name.."@"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)..":edit" and
- (fields.write or fields.key_enter) then
- meta:set_string("display_text", fields.display_text)
- meta:set_string("text", fields.text)
- meta:set_string("infotext", "\""..fields.display_text
- .."\"\n"..S("(right-click to read more text)"))
- display_api.update_entities(pos)
- display_poster(pos, node, player)
- end
- end
--- Text entity for all signs
--- Sign models and registration
-local models = {
- wooden_sign = {
- depth = 1/16,
- width = 14/16,
- height = 12/16,
- entity_fields = {
- size = { x = 12/16, y = 10/16 },
- maxlines = 3,
- color = "#000",
- },
- node_fields = {
- description = S("Wooden sign"),
- tiles = { "signs_wooden.png" },
- inventory_image = "signs_wooden_inventory.png",
- },
- },
- wooden_right_sign = {
- depth = 1/16,
- width = 14/16,
- height = 7/16,
- entity_fields = {
- right = -3/32,
- size = { x = 12/16, y = 6/16 },
- maxlines = 2,
- color="#000",
- },
- node_fields = {
- description = S("Wooden direction sign"),
- tiles = { "signs_wooden_direction.png" },
- inventory_image = "signs_wooden_direction_inventory.png",
- signs_other_dir = 'signs:wooden_left_sign',
- on_place = signs_api.on_place_direction,
- drawtype = "mesh",
- mesh = "signs_dir_right.obj",
- selection_box = { type="fixed", fixed = {-0.5, -7/32, 0.5, 7/16, 7/32, 7/16}},
- collision_box = { type="fixed", fixed = {-0,5, -7/32, 0.5, 7/16, 7/32, 7/16}},
- },
- },
- wooden_left_sign = {
- depth = 1/16,
- width = 14/16,
- height = 7/16,
- entity_fields = {
- right = 3/32,
- size = { x = 12/16, y = 6/16 },
- maxlines = 2,
- color = "#000",
- },
- node_fields = {
- description = S("Wooden direction sign"),
- tiles = { "signs_wooden_direction.png" },
- inventory_image = "signs_wooden_direction_inventory.png",
- signs_other_dir = 'signs:wooden_right_sign',
- drawtype = "mesh",
- mesh = "signs_dir_left.obj",
- selection_box = { type="fixed", fixed = {-7/16, -7/32, 0.5, 0.5, 7/32, 7/16}},
- collision_box = { type="fixed", fixed = {-7/16, -7/32, 0.5, 0.5, 7/32, 7/16}},
- groups = { not_in_creative_inventory = 1 },
- drop = "signs:wooden_right_sign",
- },
- },
- paper_poster = {
- depth = 1/32,
- width = 26/32,
- height = 30/32,
- entity_fields = {
- top = -11/32,
- size = { x = 26/32, y = 6/32 },
- maxlines = 1,
- color = "#000",
- },
- node_fields = {
- description = S("Poster"),
- tiles = { "signs_poster_sides.png", "signs_poster_sides.png",
- "signs_poster_sides.png", "signs_poster_sides.png",
- "signs_poster_sides.png", "signs_poster.png" },
- inventory_image = "signs_poster_inventory.png",
- on_construct = display_api.on_construct,
- on_rightclick = display_poster,
- on_receive_fields = on_receive_fields_poster,
- },
- },
--- Node registration
-for name, model in pairs(models)
- signs_api.register_sign("signs", name, model)