diff options
authorThomas Rudin <thomas@rudin.io>2019-10-09 20:59:42 +0200
committerThomas Rudin <thomas@rudin.io>2019-10-09 20:59:42 +0200
commitf1ffd844c0ae52823bef0dbbbc51cce35217c898 (patch)
parent3c99500ff8d0e7344d1dcb443428c34a8ef9b2c2 (diff)
radical cleanup
10 files changed, 44 insertions, 470 deletions
diff --git a/.luacheckrc b/.luacheckrc
index 550811a..e3a07c4 100644
--- a/.luacheckrc
+++ b/.luacheckrc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-allow_defined_top = true
globals = {
+ "mesecons_debug",
diff --git a/add_action.lua b/add_action.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 30061a1..0000000
--- a/add_action.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
--- replaces the provided add_action from the mesecons mod
--- If add_action with twice the same overwritecheck and same position are called, the first one is overwritten
--- use overwritecheck nil to never overwrite, but just add the event to the queue
--- priority specifies the order actions are executed within one globalstep, highest first
--- should be between 0 and 1
-function mesecon.queue:add_action(pos, func, params, time, overwritecheck, priority)
- -- Create Action Table:
- time = time or 0 -- time <= 0 --> execute, time > 0 --> wait time until execution
- priority = priority or 1
- local action = { pos=mesecon.tablecopy(pos),
- func=func,
- params=mesecon.tablecopy(params or {}),
- time=time,
- owcheck=(overwritecheck and mesecon.tablecopy(overwritecheck)) or nil,
- priority=priority}
- local toremove = nil
- -- Otherwise, add the action to the queue
- if overwritecheck then -- check if old action has to be overwritten / removed:
- for i, ac in ipairs(mesecon.queue.actions) do
- if vector.equals(pos, ac.pos)
- and action.func == ac.func then
- -- and mesecon.cmpAny(overwritecheck, ac.owcheck)) then
- toremove = i
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if (toremove ~= nil) then
- table.remove(mesecon.queue.actions, toremove)
- end
- table.insert(mesecon.queue.actions, action)
diff --git a/api_action_on.lua b/api_action_on.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6046f90..0000000
--- a/api_action_on.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
--- node.mesecons.effector.action_on() wrapper
--- def = { node = "", suffix = "" }
-mesecons_debug.register_action_on_toggle = function(def)
- local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[def.node]
- local old_action_on = nodedef and
- nodedef.mesecons and
- nodedef.mesecons.effector and
- nodedef.mesecons.effector.action_on
- if not old_action_on then
- minetest.log(
- "action",
- "[mesecons_debug] invalid definition for " .. def.node
- )
- return
- end
- local enabled = true
- nodedef.mesecons.effector.action_on = function(...)
- if enabled then
- old_action_on(...)
- end
- end
- minetest.register_chatcommand("mesecons_debug_disable_" .. def.suffix, {
- description = "disables the mesecon action_on() function for " .. def.node,
- privs = {mesecons_debug=true},
- func = function()
- enabled = false
- return true, "Disabled action_on() for " .. def.node
- end
- })
- minetest.register_chatcommand("mesecons_debug_enable_" .. def.suffix, {
- description = "enables the mesecon action_on() function for " .. def.node,
- privs = {mesecons_debug=true},
- func = function()
- enabled = true
- return true, "Enabled action_on() for " .. def.node
- end
- })
diff --git a/api_nodetimer.lua b/api_nodetimer.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e64277..0000000
--- a/api_nodetimer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
--- node.on_timer wrapper
--- def = { node = "", suffix = "" }
-mesecons_debug.register_nodetimer_toggle = function(def)
- local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[def.node]
- local old_on_timer = nodedef and nodedef.on_timer
- if not old_on_timer then
- minetest.log(
- "action",
- "[mesecons_debug] invalid definition for " .. def.node
- )
- return
- end
- local enabled = true
- nodedef.on_timer = function(...)
- if enabled then
- return old_on_timer(...)
- else
- -- rerun nodetimer again
- return true
- end
- end
- minetest.register_chatcommand("mesecons_debug_disable_" .. def.suffix, {
- description = "disables the nodetimer for " .. def.node,
- privs = {mesecons_debug=true},
- func = function()
- enabled = false
- return true, "Disabled nodetimer for " .. def.node
- end
- })
- minetest.register_chatcommand("mesecons_debug_enable_" .. def.suffix, {
- description = "enables the nodetimer for " .. def.node,
- privs = {mesecons_debug=true},
- func = function()
- enabled = true
- return true, "Enabled nodetimer for " .. def.node
- end
- })
diff --git a/circuit_breaker.lua b/circuit_breaker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ce1452a..0000000
--- a/circuit_breaker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
--- "circuit break" mapblocks in which mesecons took too long to execute
--- TODO: toggleable hud with current cpu usage
--- sample/reset interval
-local sample_interval = 10
--- util
--- minetest.hash_node_position(get_blockpos(pos))
-local function get_blockpos(pos)
- return {x = math.floor(pos.x / 16),
- y = math.floor(pos.y / 16),
- z = math.floor(pos.z / 16)}
--- per block cpu time usage in micros
-local per_block_time_usage = {}
--- max per block cpu time usage in micros
-local max_per_block_time_usage = {}
--- disabled/dark mapblocks
-local dark_mapblocks = {}
--- switch off setting
-local max_time_setting
-local dark_time
-function update_settings()
- max_time_setting = tonumber( minetest.settings:get("mesecons_debug.circuit_breaker") or "75000" )
- dark_time = tonumber( minetest.settings:get("mesecons_debug.dark_time") or "30000000" )
--- periodic timer
-local timer = 0
- timer = timer + dtime
- if timer < sample_interval then return end
- timer=0
- -- reset time usage
- per_block_time_usage = {}
- -- update settings, if changed
- update_settings()
--- mesecon mod overrides
-local old_execute = mesecon.queue.execute
-mesecon.queue.execute = function(self, action)
- local blockpos = get_blockpos(action.pos)
- local hash = minetest.hash_node_position(blockpos)
- local t0 = minetest.get_us_time()
- local dark_timer = dark_mapblocks[hash]
- if dark_timer and dark_timer < t0 then
- -- timeout expired, disable mapblock throttling
- dark_mapblocks[hash] = nil
- dark_timer = nil
- end
- local time_usage = per_block_time_usage[hash] or 0
- old_execute(self, action)
- local t1 = minetest.get_us_time()
- local diff = t1 -t0
- time_usage = time_usage + diff
- -- update max stats
- if (max_per_block_time_usage[hash] or 0) < time_usage then
- max_per_block_time_usage[hash] = time_usage
- end
- if time_usage > max_time_setting and not dark_timer then
- -- time usage exceeded, throttle mapblock
- dark_mapblocks[hash] = t1 + dark_time
- minetest.log("warning", "[mesecons_debug] throttled mapblock at " ..
- minetest.pos_to_string(action.pos))
- end
- -- update time usage
- per_block_time_usage[hash] = time_usage
-local old_add_action = mesecon.queue.add_action
-mesecon.queue.add_action = function(self, pos, func, params, time, overwritecheck, priority)
- time = time or 0
- local blockpos = get_blockpos(pos)
- local hash = minetest.hash_node_position(blockpos)
- local dark_timer = dark_mapblocks[hash]
- if dark_timer then
- -- throttle add actions
- time = time + 1
- end
- old_add_action(self, pos, func, params, time, overwritecheck, priority)
--- chat commands
-minetest.register_chatcommand("mesecons_debug_circuit_breaker_stats", {
- description = "shows the stats for the current mapblock",
- func = function(name)
- local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
- local pos = player:get_pos()
- local blockpos = get_blockpos(pos)
- local hash = minetest.hash_node_position(blockpos)
- local time_usage = max_per_block_time_usage[hash] or 0
- local t0 = minetest.get_us_time()
- local dark_timer = dark_mapblocks[hash]
- local msg = "Max-time usage: " .. time_usage .. " micro-seconds " ..
- "(sampled over " .. sample_interval .. " seconds)"
- if dark_timer and dark_timer > t0 then
- msg = msg .. " [Mapblock throttled!]"
- end
- return true, msg
- end
-minetest.register_chatcommand("mesecons_debug_circuit_breaker_stats_reset", {
- description = "resets the max stats",
- privs = {mesecons_debug=true},
- func = function()
- max_per_block_time_usage = {}
- dark_mapblocks = {}
- return true, "circuit breaker stats cleared!"
- end
diff --git a/dump_queue.lua b/dump_queue.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b3b409f..0000000
--- a/dump_queue.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-mesecons_debug.dump_queue = function()
- minetest.log("warning", "[dump_queue] dumping mesecons action-queue")
- local fname = minetest.get_worldpath().."/mesecons_dump_" .. minetest.get_us_time() .. ".json"
- local f = io.open(fname, "w")
- local data_string, err = minetest.write_json(mesecon.queue.actions)
- if err then
- error(err)
- end
- f:write(data_string)
- io.close(f)
- minetest.log("action", "[dump_queue] dumped " .. #mesecon.queue.actions ..
- " actions to " .. fname ..
- " bytes: " .. string.len(data_string)
- )
diff --git a/globalstep.lua b/globalstep.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e28d79e..0000000
--- a/globalstep.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
--- enable/disable mesecons entirely
-local enabled = true
-local queue_dump_counter = 0
-local step_index = 0
--- globalstep on/off
-for i, globalstep in ipairs(minetest.registered_globalsteps) do
- local info = minetest.callback_origins[globalstep]
- if not info then
- break
- end
- local modname = info.mod
- if modname == "mesecons" then
- step_index = step_index + 1
- if step_index > 1 then
- -- only override first globalstep in mesecons
- break
- end
- local cooldown = 0
- local last_run_time = 0
- local fn = function(dtime)
- if cooldown > 0 then
- cooldown = cooldown - 1
- return
- end
- if enabled then
- local max_globalstep_time = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("mesecons_debug_max_globalstep_time")) or 75000
- local min_delay_time = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("mesecons_debug_min_delay_time")) or 200000
- local cooldown_steps = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("mesecons_debug_cooldown_steps")) or 5
- local autoflush = minetest.settings:get_bool("mesecons_debug_autoflush", false)
- local now = minetest.get_us_time()
- if (now - last_run_time) < min_delay_time then
- -- adhere to min delay
- return
- end
- last_run_time = now
- if queue_dump_counter > 0 then
- -- dump action queue
- mesecons_debug.dump_queue()
- queue_dump_counter = queue_dump_counter - 1
- end
- -- execute with time measurement
- local t0 = minetest.get_us_time()
- globalstep(dtime)
- local t1 = minetest.get_us_time()
- local diff = t1 - t0
- if diff > max_globalstep_time then
- cooldown = cooldown_steps
- minetest.log("warning", "[mesecons_debug] cooldown triggered")
- if autoflush then
- mesecon.queue.actions = {}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- minetest.callback_origins[fn] = info
- minetest.registered_globalsteps[i] = fn
- end
--- execute()
-local old_execute = mesecon.queue.execute
-mesecon.queue.execute = function(...)
- if enabled then
- old_execute(...)
- end
--- add_action()
-local old_add_action = mesecon.queue.add_action
-mesecon.queue.add_action = function(...)
- if enabled then
- old_add_action(...)
- end
--- mesecons commands
-minetest.register_chatcommand("dump_queue", {
- description = "dumps the current actionqueue to a file for later processing",
- privs = { mesecons_debug = true },
- func = function()
- queue_dump_counter = 10
- return true, "processing.."
- end
-minetest.register_chatcommand("mesecons_enable", {
- description = "enables the mesecons globlastep",
- privs = {mesecons_debug=true},
- func = function()
- enabled = true
- return true, "mesecons enabled"
- end
-minetest.register_chatcommand("mesecons_disable", {
- description = "disables the mesecons globlastep",
- privs = {mesecons_debug=true},
- func = function()
- enabled = false
- -- flush actions, while we are on it
- mesecon.queue.actions = {}
- return true, "mesecons disabled"
- end
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
index 5fb16af..9627b85 100644
--- a/init.lua
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ mesecons_debug = {}
---- dofile(MP.."/add_action.lua")
print("[OK] mesecons_debug loaded")
diff --git a/overrides.lua b/overrides.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bf241e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overrides.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+-- enable/disable mesecons entirely
+local enabled = true
+-- execute()
+local old_execute = mesecon.queue.execute
+mesecon.queue.execute = function(...)
+ if enabled then
+ old_execute(...)
+ end
+-- add_action()
+local old_add_action = mesecon.queue.add_action
+mesecon.queue.add_action = function(...)
+ if enabled then
+ old_add_action(...)
+ end
+minetest.register_chatcommand("mesecons_enable", {
+ description = "enables the mesecons globlastep",
+ privs = {mesecons_debug=true},
+ func = function()
+ enabled = true
+ return true, "mesecons enabled"
+ end
+minetest.register_chatcommand("mesecons_disable", {
+ description = "disables the mesecons globlastep",
+ privs = {mesecons_debug=true},
+ func = function()
+ enabled = false
+ -- flush actions, while we are on it
+ mesecon.queue.actions = {}
+ return true, "mesecons disabled"
+ end
diff --git a/register.lua b/register.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ba2ece8..0000000
--- a/register.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
--- mesecons.effector.action_on
- node = "pipeworks:filter",
- suffix = "pipeworks_filter"
- node = "pipeworks:mese_filter",
- suffix = "pipeworks_mese_filter"
- node = "pipeworks:dispenser_off",
- suffix = "pipeworks_dispenser"
- node = "pipeworks:deployer_off",
- suffix = "pipeworks_deployer"
- node = "pipeworks:nodebreaker_off",
- suffix = "pipeworks_nodebreaker"
- node = "technic:constructor_mk1_off",
- suffix = "constructor_mk1"
- node = "technic:constructor_mk2_off",
- suffix = "constructor_mk2"
- node = "technic:constructor_mk3_off",
- suffix = "constructor_mk3"
--- nodetimer
- node = "mesecons_blinkyplant:blinky_plant_off",
- suffix = "blinky_plant"